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108, ii. 27, iv. 56, 57.

For the criticism of Herodotus's

the middle of the 19th century (see EGYPT and AFRICA,

rapidity of the contact may be modified or even eventually

diameter. At first it lies in the lower part of the neck,

leading up to it (a device to evade the pre-Deutero- nomic

(7) Amahai (the southern part of Mid-Ceram); (8) the Banda

und Firn (1901); E. Rambert, Ascensions et flaneries (2

for many years they had been accustomed to receive. They

build up a Social-Democratic political party. This soon led

But both identifications are conjectural. Nevertheless the

objectives for groups more with regard to the field of

remarkable analogy between the Albanian and the neighbouring

sacristan of the church of Beverley in the first half of the

Ogoki and Kenogami rivers are the principal tributaries.

temperament. Napoleon thought him a ``shifty Byzantine,''

quartered in the naval barracks and drafted from them to the

been founded in 1494 by Ahmad Nizam Shah, on the site of a

the Samoa settlement, this neutral zone was partitioned between

(1670), which is said to be an imitation of the temple of

grandfather, Ferdinand of Toledo, educated him in military

Italy. Its date cannot be later than the 5th and is possibly

Rovigo, 15 m. F. by rail from the town of Rovigo. It is

experimentalen Asthetik) a series of experiments carried out

of the Southern Nigeria protectorate. It contains luxuriant

prize. The same statute of Anne and acts of 1739 and 1744 give

as Willmans and Schulten, and especially of a great number

the palmy days of Ghazni miding was the road by which the
pluralist. He regularly spent a large income in charity,

and took a prominent part in the management of the affairs of the

ALEXANDRETTA, or ISKANDERUN (med. Scanderoon), a town

made the infamous boast that during the course of six years,

the issues between the parties are adjusted; the trial, at

on the east of St George's Channel. Table XXV. shows the

and the accounts reaching its author, at second or even third

are made and exported. Total population (1905) 1,814,626.

the city occasionally suffers from the sirocco or desert

the Central Asian khanates. The district of Herat produces

of the practice is that of the Chilean civil war of 1891,

Rome. During the war of the Spanish succession Alberoni laid

grain, that of meal and flour was in the proportion of about

land is left uncultivated. The hillsides are laid out in

tradition arose from confused remembrance of the use by a

to a famous victory gained over the Russians, on the 20th

Van Rensselaer manor-house, built in 1765, was pulled down in

Kriegs Sanitats Ordnung of 1878 and the KriegsEtappen

nothing of the impossibility for the individual to attain a

grant of which in the autumn of 1895 was the signal for a

The discovery of a large number of very archaic inscriptions

1800, 3 C. Rob. 34), a matter now more effectively provided

Rudolf during 1899-1901. Meantime in south Central Africa the

and afterwards the Mahommedan Anglo-Oriental College, under

There were rumours of German activity in Matabeleland, and

and (?) 3000 wounded. The British subsequently advanced upon

(Fr. 860) that ``the battle is not fair, because my own

in association with rocksalt at Stassfurt in Prussia.

democracy. Superficial and opportunist to the last, he

Life, is strongly confirmed by two passages in Aristophanes:

Champollion's system was insufficient to explain the hieroglyphics.

the surface of certain stones. From the name schistos, and

Anecdota, vol. iv. 4. De Sacrificio Missae; given in the

ward. Here the barns, granaries, stables, shambles, workshops

In order to supply the ammunition sufficiently rapidly for

fact that unilocular sporangia are for asexual reproduction,

result of the initiative taken by this society, ambulance

Espana Sagrada, by H. Florez and others (Madrid, 1754-1879).

Johnstones, a family which has been intimately connected

scholars of his time in all matters pertaining to the Arabic

by Marcus Antonius, the triumvir (Cicero, De Lege Agraria,

intestine when the ordinary gateway between these parts of

II., were published in 1728. This was continued until

who, as appeareth by his treatise, then taught Arithmetike,

throws the succeeding part of the intestine into a duodenal

as 1650 (cf. Carl Brockelmann's Geschichte der Arabischen

Carpathians, but a glance at a geological map of the region

for poetry on sculpture and architecture would rob these of

Oxus river, on the N.W. and W. by Russia and the Hari Rud

him to visit Paris and Rome. In the former city he executed

to London in 1758 and at once began a career which, if not

an important place in the development of the Spanish method

others. A purer product is obtained by heating aluminium

lot), the act of allotting; a share or portion assigned.

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