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Marc Adrian G.

Agrade A305
Platform Technology
1. Which partitioning setup could possibly reduce internal fragmentation and how?
- In the case of fixed partitioning, the partitions are wasted and would stay unused if the process
size is less than the partition size. When memory is wasted in this manner, it is referred to as
internal fragmentation. Internal fragmentation happens when a process demands more space
than the size of its given memory block or utilizes less space than the size of its allotted memory
block space.
2. Based on the two partitioning setup above, would you recommend the implementation
of the fixed partitioning technique in developing automated machines? Why or why not?
- My personal advice is that it be a fixed partition since one of the benefits of permanent
partitions is that data loss may be avoided during power outages or when software fails.
Equalsized partitions have facilitated faster data recovery in crucial scenarios, which would be
critical for any organization.
3. In your perspective, what are the possible downside of utilizing an equally sized
memory partitions? Rationalize your answer.
- A disadvantage of fixed partitions is the significant restriction that comes with the fixed or
allotted area in the specific partition. It is possible to have a big number of partitions while
providing one or two very large partitions. Huge partitions allow for the complete loading of large
applications. To lock a process's memory, it must be less than the partition's maximum size.
4. What do you think is the possible reason why Process 2 was pulled/swapped out € of
the memory?
- A process may be shifted from main memory for one of two reasons: it may be idle or it may
have been interrupted. In the above example, process 2 is most likely switched since it is idle.
5. When Process 1 finishes the execution (g) and Process 2 is swapped back in the
memory (h), what possible condition or phenomenon can occur within the memory?
Rationalize your answer.
- The processes are not completely eliminated until they are successfully implemented. In the
scheduling method, the CPU has been assigned to generate a certain process. This process is
what keeps the CPU busy and will eventually be terminated to relive the CPU.
6. If you are to develop a file management system, would you suggest the
implementation of the dynamic partitioning technique in memory management? Why or
why not?
- Yes, I would say. It would be ideal for me to utilize the dynamic partitioning strategy since it
attempts to solve the difficulties presented by fixed partitioning. Overall, because dynamic
partitioning partitions are produced based on the demands of the process, it is apparent that
there will be no internal fragmentation because there will be no unnecessary residual space in
the partition.

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