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SUMMARY (seven [7] sentences MAX)

It’s about scholarly writing in the Philippines and how it’s

Marc Adrian G. Agrade influenced by more than just the country’s history and
BSIT A305 culture. However, Hispanic characteristics arose during the
American and Spanish colonization periods. In addition,
when John Phelan’s book The Hispanization of the
Philippines discusses how the repercussions of Spanish
control influence Filipinos, they choose to accept
indifference or rejection as citizens. Three reformist priests
were executed in 1862, fueling the people’s desire to revolt
against Spain. Because of Spain, many Filipinos have
forgotten the local alphabet and other aspects of our
beloved country, according to Jose Rizal, the foremost
Filipino thinker and patriot, hailed as a Tagalog king. The
ilustrados were also explored in this reading. Because of
Spain, many Filipinos have forgotten the local alphabet and
other aspects of our beloved country, according to Jose
Rizal, the foremost Filipino thinker and patriot, hailed as a
Tagalog king. The ilustrados, often known as the liberal
educated elite, were educated in Spanish and were exposed
to liberal Spanish. Finally, the Indios were converted to
RIZAL AND UNDERSIDE Christianity, paving the path for a more civilized life,
OF PHILIPPINE HISTORY salvation, and national unification.
How does this develop and/or promote nationalism to you?

He emphasized the importance of the Tagalog language and

made it clear that socioeconomic status would not be
determined by the language. However, Dr. Rizal's ultimate
goal is for our nation to be united and for us to be proud of our
heritage because then we will be proud to be Filipinos.

Did Rizal demonstrate popular nationalism through his works?

Justify your answer.

He did so because he advocated for significant reforms that

showed his love for our nation, the Philippines, throughout the
Spanish occupation. He is the author of a book that serves as
evidence for his beliefs and continues to be studied today. His
desire for national unity without resorting to violence or
revolution against those who seek to surpass Filipinos and
instead using his knowledge and principles to create novels
shows his love for our nation.

How will the study of our national history affect your actions in
the present?

We think, communicate, and interact with one another in

relation to history; if we don't study the past, we'll keep making
the same mistakes and missing the point. Because of time and
the fact that we will never be in the same place at the same
time, we may not be able to recreate exactly what happened,
but there will undoubtedly be some events that resemble those
that took place then. I believe that being aware of our past can
enable us to make wiser decisions both now and in the future..

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