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Volume 19, Number 00, 2018 Original Article

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/sur.2018.135

Evaluation of Bacteriophage Anti-Biofilm Activity

for Potential Control of Orthopedic Implant-Related
Infections Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus

Jodie Morris,1,2 Natasha Kelly,3 Lisa Elliott,4 Andrea Grant,1 Matthew Wilkinson,1
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Kaushik Hazratwala,1 and Peter McEwen1


Background: Despite significant advancements in surgical protocols and biomaterials for orthopedics, peri-
prosthetic joint infection (PJI) remains a leading cause of implant failure. Staphylococcus aureus nasal colo-
nization is an established risk factor for PJI, with methicillin-sensitive S. aureus a leading cause of orthopedic
implant-related infections. The purpose of these in vitro studies was to investigate the antibacterial activity of a
tailored bacteriophage cocktail against planktonic and biofilm-associated S. aureus.
Methods: The S. aureus strains (n = 30) were screened for their susceptibility to a library of S. aureus-specific
bacteriophage (n = 31). Five bacteriophage preparations that demonstrated bactericidal activity against >90% of
S. aureus strains tested were combined as a StaPhage cocktail and assessed for their antibacterial activity toward
planktonic and biofilm-associated S. aureus, with biofilms established on three-dimensional-printed porous
titanium scaffolds.
Results: StaPhage treatment immediately after bacterial inoculation inhibited growth of S. aureus by >98% in
eight hour cultures when multiplicity of infection of phages to bacteria was greater than 1:1 (p < 0.01). Viable
bacterial numbers within biofilms on titanium surfaces were significantly reduced (6.8 log10 to 6.2 log10 colony
forming units [CFU]; p < 0.01) after exposure to the StaPhage cocktail, in vitro. No significant reduction was
observed in biofilms exposed to 100 times the minimal inhibitory concentration of cefazolin (log10 6.81 CFU).
Conclusions: Combined, these data demonstrate the in vitro efficacy of S. aureus-specific bacteriophage cock-
tails against S. aureus growing on porous titanium and warrant further in vivo studies in a clinically relevant
animal model to evaluate the potential application of bacteriophage in the management of PJI caused by S. aureus.

Keywords: bacteriophage; biofilm; implant; prosthetic joint infection; Staphylococcus aureus

P rosthetic joint infections (PJI) are a devastating

problem in orthopedic surgical procedures resulting in
significant morbidity and major healthcare costs [1,2]. Al-
S. aureus to form biofilms on orthopedic implants makes
diagnosis and treatment of PJI extremely challenging [3,7].
Biofilms are complex microbial communities encased in a
most a quarter of revision operations for implant failure are self-produced polysaccharide matrix that serves to protect
because of infection [3,4]. Improvements to pre-operative bacteria from the host immune response and antibiotic
and surgical protocols have reduced the incidence of PJI to agents, thus facilitating persistent infection and increased
below 1%; however, the costs for management of this com- likelihood for the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial
plication can be 10-fold higher than uncomplicated ar- strains [5]. The alarming global rise in antibiotic-resistant
throplasty [3,4]. bacterial strains is driving an urgent need for the development
The formation of bacterial biofilms is intrinsic to the of innovative strategies to combat bacterial infections [8].
pathogenesis of PJI [5–7]. The ability of bacteria such as Bacteriophage therapy offers an alternate strategy for the

Orthopaedic Research Institute of Queensland, Townsville, Australia.
College of Medicine and 3College of Public Health Medical and Veterinary Sciences, Division of Tropical Health and Medicine, James
Cook University, Townsville, Australia.
AusPhage Pty Ltd, Townsville, Australia.


management of PJI, particularly where there are limited ef- arthroplasty was used in the current study after approval from
fective antibiotic agents available. the Institutional Ethics Committee. The S. aureus strains
Bacteriophages, or phages, are naturally occurring viruses were isolated from pre-operative nasal swabs and identified
that infect only bacteria without harming eukaryotic cells [9]. using standard microbiologic and biochemical techniques.
Lytic phages infect and replicate within a specific host bac- Methicillin resistance was confirmed using a rapid im-
terium causing lysis and death of the bacterial cell and release munochromatographic PBP2a culture colony test (Alere,
of large numbers of newly assembled virions that can attack Australia). Glycerol stocks of S. aureus isolates were stored
more target bacteria, perpetuating the cycle for as long as at -80C until further analysis.
there are live bacterial target cells present. Therefore, unlike The S. aureus-specific phages (StaPhage) (n = 31) prepa-
antibiotic agents that decrease in concentration below the rations used in the current study were a kind gift by Dr. L.
surface of bacterial biofilms, phages can penetrate into bio- Elliot (AusPhage Pty Ltd). Lytic StaPhage were isolated from
films making them particularly useful for managing chronic, sewage water, triple plaque purified, and characterized using
persistent bacterial infections [10]. methods described previously [16]. Host sensitivity range
Phage cocktails, mixtures of individual phage types, have was determined for each preparation using spot testing of
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been used to broaden the spectrum of activity against path- serially diluted lysates against a panel of veterinary and
ogenic bacteria such as S. aureus [11]. Phage therapy has clinical isolates of S. aureus as part of the routine isolation
been standard clinical practice for management of bacterial procedure [17]. Phage classification was confirmed by mor-
endocarditis, periodontitis, gastrointestinal, respiratory, bone phology using transmission electron microscopy (TEM,
and joint, and urinary tract infections in Eastern Europe for Tecnai 12, FEI, The Netherlands). The StaPhage preparations
almost a century [12]. Although the clinical application of provided were from the family Myoviridae (Fig. 1a, b) and
phages declined in Western countries with the advent of contained 1 · 107–9 plaque-forming units (PFU) per mL.
antibiotic agents, phage therapy is becoming increasingly
considered globally as an attractive adjunct or alternative S. aureus sensitivity screening
treatment to antibiotic agents in response to the increase in
antimicrobial resistance [9,12]. Akin to antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacterial
Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization is an established isolates, phage sensitivity screening was performed using
risk factor for PJI after arthroplasty [13]. Molecular studies standard spot tests [17]. The S. aureus strains (n = 29 MSSA,
have demonstrated the genetic relatedness of S. aureus strains n = 1 MRSA) were screened against a panel of individual
from surgical infections with those colonizing skin in the pre- StaPhage preparations (n = 31) to identify phage preparations
operative period [13,14]. Methicillin-sensitive S. aureus with a broad spectrum of lytic activity for subsequent in-
(MSSA) causes approximately 45% of PJI cases, with MSSA clusion in a StaPhage cocktail. Propagating strains of S. au-
infections 2.5 times more common than PJI caused by reus were used in parallel to test strains to confirm viability,
methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) [3,15]. Despite an- activity, and concentration of StaPhage preparations. Bac-
tibiotic sensitivity, the ability of MSSA strains to establish terial sensitivity was considered where confluent, semi-
biofilms on the surface of orthopedic materials makes erad- confluent, opaque lysis, or individual plaques were observed
ication extremely challenging. Therefore, the purpose of the in the bacterial lawn. Data are presented as the percentage of
current study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of S. aureus strains tested that demonstrated sensitivity to each
S. aureus-specific phages against planktonic and biofilm- individual StaPhage preparation.
associated MSSA strains recovered from the skin of patients
undergoing total joint replacement, as proof-of-concept Phage efficacy against planktonic S. aureus
in vitro studies for future potential therapeutic application of Based on in vitro sensitivity screening assays, five lytic
phage for management of PJI caused by S. aureus. StaPhage preparations (StaPh_1, StaPh_3, StaPh_4,
StaPh_11, and StaPh_16) were selected for further analysis.
Methods To compare the inhibitory effect of individual StaPhage
preparations with a pooled cocktail of the individual prepa-
Bacteria and bacteriophages
rations on bacterial growth, two MSSA strains (OR-
A panel of S. aureus strains (n = 30) recovered from an- I16_C02N and ORI16_025) were cultured in the presence of
terior nares of patients (n = 94) undergoing total knee or hip StaPhage at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10 (phage):1

FIG. 1. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Tecnai 12, FEI, The Netherlands) image of representative phage
preparations, (a) StaPh_1 and (b) StaPh_4. Anti-Staphylococcus aureus phage preparations were from the Myoviridae
family, with icosahedral heads and contractile tails. Magnification is 100,000. Scale bar is 200 nm. (c) Custom three-
dimensional–printed, porous titanium cylinders were used to assess anti-S. aureus biofilm activity of StaPhage, in vitro.

(bacteria). To compare the effect of MOI on inhibition of Biofilms were established by placing sterile implants into
planktonic growth of S. aureus, the StaPhage cocktail was log phase suspensions of S. aureus (104 CFU) for 48 hours,
added to cultures of two additional MSSA strains with a media change performed after four and 24 hours. Ce-
(ORI16_002 and ORI16_096) at MOI 0, 0.01:1, 0.1:1, 1:1, or fazolin is frequently used as a first-line antibiotic agent for
1:10. Individual StaPhage preparations or a cocktail con- management of post-surgical infections caused by MSSA in
taining an equal concentration of the five pooled StaPhage orthopedics [3]. To compare in vitro efficacy of cefazolin and
preparations were added to log-phase S. aureus cultures (105 StaPhage cocktail, biofilm-coated implants were left untreated
CFU), at the indicated MOI. or treated with cefazolin (50 mg/mL, 100X minimum inhibi-
Growth kinetics (37C, 50 rpm) were monitored over an tory concentration [MIC]) or StaPhage cocktail (2 · 106 PFU)
eight hour period with hourly measurement of optical density for 48 hours, with media changed after 24 hours of culture.
(OD, 600 nm). Data are expressed as mean OD or, where After 48 hours of treatment, implants were sonicated
indicated, as percentage reduction in bacterial growth com- (5 · 5 min rounds, 100% power, XUB12 Grant Ultrasonic
pared with untreated cultures according to the formula: bath) in recovery media (phosphate buffered saline [PBS],
(ODuntreated - ODtreated)/ODuntreated *100. To enumerate via- pH 7.2 with 0.1% Triton-X-100 and 0.15% ethylenediami-
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ble bacteria, parallel culture plates were prepared, and at four netetraacetic acid [EDTA]). Recovery media were centri-
hours, aliquots were removed from untreated and treated fuged (3000g, 10 min, 4C), bacteria re-suspended in sterile
cultures, serially diluted, and plated onto tripticase soy agar PBS, and serial 10-fold dilutions plated in duplicate onto
(TSA) with colonies enumerated after overnight incubation. TSA to enumerate colonies after 24 hours. Data are expressed
as log10 CFU per implant.
Biofilm-forming capacity of S. aureus
The S. aureus strains (n = 10) were screened for their Scanning electron microscopy
ability to form biofilms, where each isolate was categorized StaPhage-treated, cefazolin-treated, and untreated biofilm-
on strength of biofilm formation in comparison with a ref- coated titanium implants were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde
erence S. aureus strain of known biofilm-forming capacity in 0.1M sodium cacodylate buffer, sputter-coated with gold,
(ATCC 25923) [18]. Biofilms were established in microtiter and visualized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM,
plates using log phase suspensions of S. aureus strains JSM5410LV, Jeol Ltd).
(5 · 104 CFU/mL, tryptic soy broth (TSB) with 0.5% glu-
cose). After incubation (48 h, 37C), biofilm formation was Statistical analysis
assessed using a colorimetric crystal violet technique and
measurement of OD, 590 nm [19]. The cutoff optical density Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism
(ODc) for each plate was defined as three standard deviations for Mac software (version 7). All experiments were con-
above the mean OD of the blank wells. Thresholds to dis- ducted in triplicate or quadruplicate. Results are expressed as
tinguish weak, moderate, and strong biofilm formation were mean – standard error (SE). Two-way analysis of variance
set at 2 · ODc or 4 · ODc, respectively. (ANOVA) with Holm-Sidak multiple comparison test was
used to compare in vitro antibacterial activity of StaPhage
Phage efficacy against biofilm-coated titanium preparations between S. aureus strains. Comparison between
surfaces treatment groups was performed using one-way ANOVA
with the Levene test for equality of variances and Tukey post-
Titanium is commonly used in prosthetic joint compo- hoc analysis for pairwise comparison. Differences corre-
nents, with three-dimensional (3D)-printed titanium in- sponding to p < 0.05 were considered significant.
creasingly being used in orthopedic implants [20]. To assess
the efficacy of phages against biofilms growing on a clini- Results
cally relevant orthopedic material, two MSSA strains (OR-
I16_C02N and ORI16_C02J) that demonstrated strong Sensitivity of S. aureus nasal isolates to phage
biofilm-forming capacity on polystyrene surfaces were se- Phage sensitivity screening was performed to identify
lected for further analysis of their ability to colonize the StaPhage preparations with broad activity against S. aureus
surface of customized 3D-printed, porous titanium cylindri- strains for use in subsequent in vitro efficacy assays. Ap-
cal scaffolds (Fig. 1c, 70% porosity, 5 mm · 1.6 mm) de- proximately half of the StaPhage preparations tested (17 of
signed for use in our rat model of knee implant surgery (a 31) demonstrated lytic activity against >90% of S. aureus
kind gift from R. Wood, Stryker Orthopaedics). strains tested (Fig. 2). Of the 30 S. aureus strains isolated
ORI16_C02N was isolated from the anterior nares of a from the anterior nares of TKA patients, one strain was
patient who had undergone total knee arthroplasty (TKA) identified as MRSA positive (ORI16_041). Twenty-five of
with uncomplicated recovery; however, the patient presented the 31 (80.6%) StaPhage preparations demonstrated lytic
with acute-onset septic arthritis in the operated knee three activity against this MRSA strain. Given that MSSA is more
years post-TKA. The ORI16_C02J was recovered from sy- commonly associated with PJI [3,15], however, further in-
novial fluid of the implanted knee of this patient before de- vestigations of the effectiveness of StaPhage preparations
bridement with implant retention and intravenous were based on the MSSA strains recovered.
flucloxacillin therapy. Staphylococcal single neucleotide
polymorphism based-typing [21] confirmed MSSA status,
Inhibition of S. aureus growth
with both strains found to be of the same clonal complex,
CC78, with identical binary profiles for pvl, cna, sdrE, To compare the inhibitory effect of individual StaPhage
pUB110, and pT181. preparations and a pooled cocktail on bacterial growth, two
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FIG. 2. Phage sensitivity screening was performed against a panel of Staphylococcus aureus strains (n = 30) isolated from
pre-operative nasal swabs of patients undergoing joint replacement surgical procedures. More than 90% of the S. aureus
strains screened showed sensitivity toward 17 of the 31 phage preparations tested.

MSSA strains (ORI16_C02N and ORI16_25) were cultured and 6.2 log10 CFU, respectively. Although both S. aureus
in the presence of StaPhage at an MOI of 10:1. Differences strains were shown to be sensitive to cefazolin, viable bac-
were observed in the antibacterial activity of individual terial numbers recovered from untreated and cefazolin-
StaPhage preparations against the two S. aureus strains treated (50 mg/mL, 100X MIC) biofilm-coated titanium
(Fig. 3a). In vitro bacterial growth of ORI16_C02N and implants were comparable for ORI16_C02N (6.81 log10 CFU,
ORI16_025 was inhibited by up to 98.3% and 88.3% in the p = 0.52) and ORI16_C02J (6.44 log10 CFU, p = 0.49)
presence of at least one StaPhage preparation, respectively. (Fig. 5b). Despite demonstrating effectiveness of the StaPh-
There was no additive effect observed, however, on the re- age cocktail in inhibition of planktonic growth of OR-
duction in bacterial growth of ORI16_C02N or ORI16_025 I16_C02J and ORI16_C02N, differences were observed in
under these in vitro conditions when individual StaPhage the anti-biofilm activity of StaPhage toward the two S. aureus
preparations were pooled as a cocktail. strains. Bacterial numbers in ORI16_C02J biofilms exposed
A dose-response inhibition effect was observed on in vitro to the StaPhage cocktail in vitro or untreated were similar
growth of two additional MSSA skin-associated strains, (p = 0.86). In contrast, a significant decrease (3.3-fold,
ORI16_002 and ORI16_096, after addition of the StaPhage p = 0.004) was observed in bacterial numbers remaining on
cocktail at increasing MOI (Fig. 3b,c). Bacterial growth was ORI16_C02N-coated implants after exposure to the StaPh-
reduced by 98.9% and 98.5% for ORI16_002 (p < 0.01) and age cocktail compared with untreated implants. Micro-
ORI16_096 (p < 0.01), respectively, where the StaPhage cock- biological data were confirmed with SEM images of
tail was added at MOI 1:1. Enumeration of viable bacterial untreated, cefazolin-treated, and StaPhage treated biofilms of
numbers confirmed a significant decrease in ORI16_002 ORI16_C02N on titanium implants (Fig. 5c–e), demonstrat-
(p < 0.01) and ORI16_096 (p < 0.01) in the presence of ing reduction in the thickness and area covered by S. aureus
StaPhage cocktail at an MOI 10:1 (Fig. 3c). Combined, data biofilm after 48 hours for implants exposed to the StaPhage
demonstrate that StaPhage is effective at inhibiting in vitro cocktail.
growth of S. aureus when cultured in the presence of MOIs
greater than 1:1. Discussion
Despite significant improvements in surgical techniques
Anti-biofilm activity of StaPhage cocktail
and advancements in biomaterials for orthopedics, infection
Having demonstrated the efficacy of StaPhage in inhibiting remains a leading cause of revision of total knee and hip
planktonic growth of S. aureus in vitro, we subsequently arthroplasty [4]. Methicillin-sensitive S. aureus is the or-
sought to investigate the antibacterial activity of StaPhage ganism most commonly associated with PJI, with skin col-
toward S. aureus biofilms. Five of 10 (50%) of the S. aureus onization an established risk factor for infection after
strains screened demonstrated strong in vitro biofilm-forming arthroplasty [3,13,15]. The global threat of antibiotic resis-
capacity on polystyrene surfaces (Fig. 4). Two MSSA strains tance has ignited interest in the use of bacteriophages as an
derived from a TKA patient in whom PJI had developed alternate management option for biofilm-related infections,
(ORI16_C02N, ORI16_C02J) were selected for further ana- including PJI. We have conducted proof-of-principle in vitro
lyses based on previous demonstration of their in vitro sus- studies demonstrating potential application of lytic bacte-
ceptibility to the StaPhage cocktail in planktonic form, the riophages in the management of S. aureus biofilms growing
strength of in vitro biofilm formation, and in vitro suscepti- on porous titanium, a material commonly used in the man-
bility to cefazolin in planktonic form (Fig. 5a). ufacture of orthopedic implants.
After 48 hours in culture with titanium implants, levels of Phages are highly abundant in the environment and are
ORI16_C02N and ORI16_C02J within biofilms reached 6.3 relatively inexpensive to isolate and purify [9]. Despite the

use of phages for medical, veterinary, agricultural, and

aquaculture application for almost a century, there have been
no reported adverse safety concerns for mammalian cells
[9,12,22]. Their specificity, safety for mammalian cells, and
self-propagating characteristics are key characteristics for
which phages are being increasingly being considered for the
management of biofilm-related infections outside of Eastern
Europe, where phage therapy has been used since 1921 [9].
The first report of clinical application of staphylococcal
phages was for the successful management of skin infections
[9]. Since then, staphylococcal phages have also been in-
vestigated for the management of bacteremia, eye, respira-
tory, gastrointestinal, urinary tract, and bone infections [23].
More than half of the individual phage preparations screened
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in the current study possessed lytic activity against the S.

aureus strains recovered from arthroplasty patients. Five
representative phages preparations were shown to prevent the
planktonic, in vitro growth of MSSA and an MRSA strain.
The wide host spectrum of many of the individual phage
preparations screened suggests their polyvalent nature and
potential use in anti-staphylococcal cocktails. Notably, dif-
ferences were observed in the spot test screening and the lytic
activity of the phage preparations in broth cultures, high-
lighting the importance of the screening technique selected
for determining the phage host range. These differences may
reflect distinct mechanisms of action contributing to bacterial
cell lysis. Plasticity in phage host range has also been dem-
onstrated and may evolve over time or under different se-
lective pressures, rather than being a fixed characteristic [24].
Often phage cocktails containing three or more individual
phage preparations are used to widen the spectrum of anti-
bacterial activity and the success rate of phage therapy for
chronic bacterial infections [9,10,12]. In the current in vitro
studies, we did not observe an additive effect on inhibition of
planktonic S. aureus growth when individual phage prepa-
rations were combined as a cocktail. Although the most ef-
fective phage preparation differed for each S. aureus strain
investigated, typically one of the five individual preparations
tested exerted >90% reduction in bacterial growth when ad-
ded alone at the time of bacterial seeding, suggesting an in-
creased adsorption efficiency for the given strain of S. aureus.
Inclusion of a ‘‘high-performing’’ preparation within a
cocktail format would eliminate target bacterial cells rapidly,
thus masking less obvious effects of additional phages on
inhibition of planktonic S. aureus growth, in vitro. Never-
theless, the highly lytic impact of phages against planktonic
growth of S. aureus strains was demonstrated with a 6 log
FIG. 3. (a) Percentage reduction in the eight hour growth
of Staphylococcus aureus strains, ORI16_C02N and decline of CFU within 4 hours of phage delivered at an MOI
ORI16_025 when exposed to StaPh_1, StaPh_3, StaPh_4, of 10:1. The reported optimal MOI for in vivo effectiveness
StaPh_11 and StaPh_16 alone or combined as a StaPhage of phages is between 1 and 10 [22], which is in accordance
cocktail compared with untreated bacterial cultures. with our observations in the current study.
(b) Percentage reduction in the eight hour growth of S. While the pathogenesis of PJI remains poorly understood,
aureus strains, ORI16_002 and ORI16_096 when exposed biofilm formation is considered pivotal [6,7]. Biofilm-
to StaPhage cocktail at increasing multiplicity of infection forming capacity of S. aureus is thought to be influenced by
(MOI), compared with untreated bacterial cultures. (c) clonal variation, rather than gene regulation, and is not
Bacterial numbers expressed as log10 colony forming units influenced by antibiotic resistance [25,26]. Consistent with
(CFU) in four hour cultures of ORI16_002 and ORI16_096 the literature [25], we observed differences in the capacity of
exposed to StaPhage at an MOI of 0.1:1 or 10:1. Data
shown are representative of three or more independent S. aureus associated with skin carriage to form biofilms
experiments and displayed as mean – standard error. in vitro using a polystyrene microtiter assay. Porous titanium
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. A and v indicate p < 0.05, for is used widely in orthopedic implants, and 3D-printing is
within-group comparison with MOIs 0.01:1 and 0.1:1, being increasingly used for manufacture of patient-specific
respectively. orthopedic implants [20]. To investigate the anti-biofilm
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FIG. 4. Biofilm formation of S.taphylococcus aureus strains on polystyrene surfaces after 48 hour growth at 37C,
in vitro. Biofilm formation was quantified by measuring the optical density at 590 nm (OD590) of dissolved crystal violet.
Means and standard error of the mean values of OD590 values of five replicate wells for each bacterial strain are shown. A S.
aureus reference strain (ATCC25923) with known biofilm-forming ability was included as a positive control. The cutoff OD
(ODc) was defined as three standard deviations above the mean OD of the negative control. Biofilm production was
classified as follows: ODc < OD <2 · ODc = weak biofilm production; (2 · ODc) < OD <4 · ODc = moderate biofilm pro-
duction; and 4 · ODc < OD = strong biofilm production.

activity of StaPhage against biofilms growing on clinically higher required for effectiveness against bacteria growing in
relevant orthopedic materials, we utilized 3D-printed porous biofilms than against bacteria in planktonic form [27], in-
titanium implants designed for a rat model of knee implant creasing the risk for collateral tissue damage. Data demon-
surgery. strated that StaPhage more efficiently killed bacteria on the
Eradication of biofilms with conventional antibiotic ther- surface of implants than cefazolin, despite use of 100X MIC
apy is extremely difficult, with MICs of 100 to 1000 times and despite demonstrating cefazolin sensitivity of these

FIG. 5. Anti-biofilm activity of StaPhage cocktail. (a) Percentage reduction in the eight hour growth of Staphylococcus
aureus strains, ORI16_C02J and ORI16_C02N, when exposed to increasing concentrations of cefazolin (0.02 to 2 mcg/mL)
compared with untreated bacterial cultures. (b) 48 hour biofilms of ORI16_C02J and ORI16_C02N on titanium implants
were exposed to cefazolin (50 mcg/mL) or StaPhage cocktail (106 plaque-forming units, PFU) for 48 hours and bacterial
numbers enumerated. Data show mean log10 colony forming units (CFU) – standard error of four independent samples
conducted for each treatment condition. * p < 0.01. Representative scanning electron microscopy images of (c) untreated,
(d) cefazolin-treated and (e) StaPhage-treated ORI16_C02N biofilms on titanium implants. Disruption to the S. aureus
biofilm structure was evident in StaPhage-treated implants. The magnification level is X1000. The scale bar is 10 mm.

strains in planktonic form. The tolerance of MSSA biofilms deliver patient-tailored therapy within a controlled environ-
to cefazolin is consistent with findings of Urish et al. [28], ment, use customized phage cocktails containing three or
who demonstrated persister bacterial cells at supra- more individual preparations to broaden target specificity,
therapeutic levels of cefazolin, irrespective of biofilm depth. and adopt short-term dosing regimes to avoid extended phage
Cefazolin is used widely for pre- and peri-operative pro- exposure and thus selective pressure for phage-tolerant bac-
phylaxis in orthopedic surgical procedures and is the antibi- terial strains [11]. Regulatory framework for the therapeutic
otic agent of choice for management of post-operative application of phages in countries outside of Eastern Europe
infections caused by MSSA. Clinical failure of cefazolin has is yet to be established [11].
been described for high inoculum (>107 CFU) endocarditis Discordance in the classification of phages underpins con-
and osteomyelitis infections, is associated with type-A and C tinued debate as to whether their use in medicine should adhere
beta-lactamase-producing MSSA strains, and is independent to current stringent legislative frameworks in place for phar-
of clonal type [29,30]. A significant proportion of MSSA maceuticals or whether frameworks should be adapted to en-
strains recovered from patients with osteomyelitis possesses able inclusion of customized, patient-specific phage
the type A beta-lactamase variant, although cefazolin pro- preparations that are not marketed, but are distributed in a
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phylaxis itself does not appear to exert a selective pressure for controlled way through approved national treatment centers
persistence of these MSSA strains in vivo [31,32]. [11]. Currently, application for administration of phages can
While beta-lactamase typing of these strains was not per- be sought for compassionate use for patients with life-
formed, it is possible that the dramatic contrast in cefazolin threatening bacterial infections. There is growing impetus,
sensitivity of planktonic and biofilm-associated OR- however, for the approval of phages for wider medical appli-
I16_C02N and ORI16_C02J observed in the current study is cation with clinical trials currently under way to evaluate S.
a reflection of this high inoculum effect. Nevertheless, these aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa phages to manage burn,
data highlight the challenges of eradicating MSSA biofilms rhinosinusitis, and cystic fibrosis-associated infections [12].
on orthopedic materials with cefazolin and warrant explora- Given the well-documented disparity between antimicro-
tion of novel strategies to manage PJI. bial efficacy using in vitro and in vivo systems [34], an ex-
Importantly, the StaPhage cocktail significantly lowered the tensive comparison of StaPhage with additional antibiotic
bacterial biomass on titanium implants and the viability of agents and antibiotic combinations was not conducted in the
biofilm-embedded bacteria, suggesting it also exerts lytic ac- current study. Substantive in vivo work using a clinically
tivity against slow-growing, persister cells. Reduced activity relevant animal model of PJI will be essential to characterize
of the StaPhage cocktail was observed against ORI16_C02J efficacy, the potential for development of bacterial and host
compared with ORI16_C02N biofilms, highlighting S. aureus resistance, and safety before consideration of clinical appli-
strain differences in susceptibility to StaPhage. This may re- cation. These complexities cannot be understood using
flect differences in phage infectivity rates, dependent on the in vitro studies.
mode of bacterial growth and presence and accessibility of Each phage preparation used in the current study was
phage adsorption receptors. The complexity of these interac- distinct as determined by a unique host range susceptibility
tions and the implications they have on therapeutic dosing of pattern using spot testing of serially diluted lysates. While
phages in terms of the tailoring of MSSA strain-specific phage sequencing of each lysate has not been performed, formal
cocktails, concentration administered, frequency of dosing, genetic characterization of the phage preparations would
and route of administration highlight the importance of clini- form an essential component of the safety evaluation before
cally relevant in vivo studies to more accurately evaluate progression to clinical application. An additional limitation
efficacy of this approach [33]. of the current in vitro study was the small number of S. aureus
Emergence of bacterial resistance and host immunoge- strains screened for sensitivity to the StaPhage cocktail. The
nicity has been suggested as potential limitations for phage purpose of the current study, however, was to demonstrate
therapy. Importantly, phage efficacy is independent of the feasibility of customizing phage cocktails to a given strain,
antibiotic resistance phenotype of the target bacterial strain rather than create a one-size-fits-all therapy.
[12]. While there is potential for bacteria to develop resis-
tance to phage through modification or shielding of cell Conclusion
surface receptors, these responses are often detrimental to
The current proof-of-principle studies demonstrated anti-
bacterial virulence and survival in vivo [12].
bacterial activity of phages against planktonic and biofilm-
Administration of phages has been shown to stimulate host
associated S. aureus strains growing on porous titanium
immune responses, with the strength and type of response
scaffolds. Compared with cefazolin treatment, bacterial
influenced by the route of administration and the dosing
numbers were significantly reduced within S. aureus biofilms
protocol used [9]. Oral and topical administration may induce
growing on titanium surfaces after exposure to a phage
the production of anti-phage neutralizing antibodies, while
cocktail, in vitro. These preliminary data provide support for
intravenous administration of phages has potential to stimu-
in vivo studies to further investigate the potential use of
late innate and adaptive immune responses [9]. Nevertheless,
custom phage cocktails for management of orthopedic
safety has been demonstrated in patients with immunosup-
implant-related infections caused by S. aureus.
pression and autoimmune disorders [22] and indeed, indirect
stimulation of cell-mediated immune responses after ad-
ministration of phage may further facilitate bacterial clear-
ance in vivo [9]. This research was supported by internal funds of the Or-
To minimize the potential for phage resistance and host thopaedic Research Institute of Queensland and James Cook
immunogenicity, phage therapy centers in Eastern Europe University.

Author Disclosure Statement Veterans Affairs hospital. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control
Titanium implants used in this study were provided in-kind
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Address correspondence to:
pedic infection are not selected by the use of cefazolin in
Dr. Jodie Morris
prophylaxis. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2016;84:266–
267. Orthopaedic Research Institute of Queensland
33. Ryan EM, Gorman SP, Donnelly RF, Gilmore BF. Recent 7 Turner Street, Pimlico
advances in bacteriophage therapy: How delivery routes, Queensland 4812
formulation, concentration and timing influence the suc- Australia
cess of phage therapy. J Pharm Pharmacol 2011;63:1253–
1264. E-mail:
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