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Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect.
1. Social institutions do not necessarily influence the shaping of an individual’s
character and personality.
2. Socialist view the liberal and capitalist approach to the economy as ineffective
and exploitative.
3. Some challenges to the traditional notion of a family include those whose
members are separated from one another and spouses of the same sex.
4. Karl Marx had a positive perspective on religion as he argued that it
emancipated the lower class from feelings of alienation.
5. Schools are institutions that transmit culture.
6. Kinship refers to a social structure that is based on the relations of individuals
based on blood, marriage, or both.
7. The family is an institution that ensures the survival of humanity or of a nation.
8. Health institutions in the Philippine context largely remain traditional rather
than Western.
9. One can utilize both the institutional and relational approaches in analyzing
social institutions.
10. A society can survive even without the presence of social institutions.
1.True 8 False
2.True 9 True
3.False 10. True
Answer the following questions
1. what is social institutions
A social institution is an interconnected set of social roles and conventions that are organized
and create behavioral patterns that help society's fundamental requirements are met. Laws,
education, and an economic structure, for instance, are necessary for societies.

Since social institutions are interrelated and frequently work together, changes to one social
institution may have an impact on the other social institutions as well. For instance, a social
institution like the family has a tight relationship with another one like schooling. The family
social institution will be harmed if schools are closed because of a pandemic.

2. give two examples of social institutions. provide a brief explanation for each how do you
think these social institutions affect an individual in terms of character and personality
The Family
The family is the smallest unit in sociology, second only to the person. It establishes kinship,
which is the link of blood or marriage between family members. The family institution also acts
as a child's initial introduction to society. They will apply the knowledge and abilities acquired in
the family to the wider community.
Organizations of Religion
Even if not everyone belongs to a religious group, religion as an institution exists in every
human culture. Learn about some examples of secondary religious institutions. Although
societies may have several religious institutions, each of these social institutions serves the
same objective. Religion supports societal norms and values, and its adherents often make
good contributions to society.
Women who are more agreeable sometimes end up being quieter and less outspoken than they
would be in communities where women are valued more highly and when a particular set of
behaviors, such as being soft and subservient, are expected of them.

People remain to themselves and become more introverted in communities where the
regulations do not let for open thoughts, and the urge for communication typically surfaces
elsewhere. They also feel less comfortable disclosing private information.

A good example would be the Japanese society.

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