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Lesson 5: Continuity of a Function

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

1. Illustrate continuity of a function at a number and on an interval.

2. Determine whether a function is continuous at a number and on an interval.
3. Determine the two types of discontinuity.


lim f ( x )
x→ c
The previous section pointed out that if exists, then its value is not
necessarily equal to f(c), the value of the function at x = c. On the other note, it is
possible for the value of f(c) to exist and not
lim f ( x )
x→ c
. Nevertheless, when both of them exist and are equal then we say that the
function f is continuous at c. Continuous function is stated formally in the following

A. Continuity at a Point: A function f is said to be continuous at the number c if the
following three conditions are satisfied:
lim f ( x ) lim f ( x )
x→ c x→ c
(i) f(c) is defined (ii) exists (iii)
= f(c)
4−3 x
EXAMPLE A: Determine whether f ( x )= is continuous or not at a=2.
x 2−1
B. Continuity on an Open Interval: A function f is said to be continuous on an open
( a,b )
interval if it is continuous at each point in the interval. A function that is continuous
(−∞,+∞ )
on the entire real number line is continuous everywhere, i.e., any function is said
to be continuous at every number in its domain.

g ( x ) =√ x−2
EXAMPLE B: Discuss the continuity of the function defined by on the open
( 4,9 )
interval .
The domain of g is all real numbers greater than or equal to 2. Thus, the function g is
( 4,9 )
continuous at every x-value in its domain. Since all values in the interval are elements
g ( x ) =√ x−2
of the domain of g, then the function defined by is continuous on the open
( 4,9 )
interval .

If one of the three conditions in Definition A fails to hold, then we say that the
function f is said to have a discontinuity at x = c. Geometrically, a function f has a
discontinuity at the number c if there is a break, a cut, a gap, a hole, or a jump in the graph
y=f ( x)
of the at the point where x = c. The possible graphs of functions that have
discontinuity at c are shown below:
lim f ( x )
f (c ) x→ c
is not defined does not exist
lim f ( x )≠f ( c )
x→ c

lim f ( x ) lim f ( x )≠f (c )

x→ c x→ c

If function f is not continuous at c but exists, then either

or f(c) is not defined. If this situation occurs then we say that the discontinuity is
lim f ( x )
x→ c

removable. This type of discontinuity can actually be redefined so that = f(c)

and hence, the resulting function f is turned into a continuous function at c. This is the
reason for the term “removable”. If the discontinuity at c is not removable, then it is called
a(n) nonremovable/essential discontinuity.


[ a,b ]
A function f is continuous on the closed interval if it is continuous on the open
lim f ( x )=f ( a ) lim f ( x )=f ( b )
( a,b ) x → a+ x → b−
interval and and .
The function f is continuous from the right at a and continuous from the left at b.
f ( x )=x +1
EXAMPLE C: Discuss the continuity of the function defined by on the closed
[ −4,3 ]
interval .
The domain of f is all real numbers. Thus, the function f is continuous at every x-
[ −4,3 ]
value in its domain. Since all values in the interval are elements of the domain of f,
f ( x )=x +1 (−4,3 )
then the function defined by is continuous on the open interval .
Moreover, because

lim ( x +1 ) = (−4 ) + 1 = 5 = f (−4 )

2 2

x → −4 + Continuous from the right


lim ( x +1 ) = ( 3 ) + 1 = 10 = f ( 3 )
2 2

x → 3−
Continuous from the left
[ −4,3 ]
we can conclude that f is continuous on the closed interval .

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