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44. in care dintre cnunturi exislll un pronume nehotllrllt: 58.

Existll o propozi1ie simplll in enuntul :

11) Dumncovo11Strll suntctij1111dorm. a} Nu le cred.
b) Nimcni nu c 1T111i presus de lcge. b) Am doull surori.
c) Cincva 111A strigA. e) Copiii au plecnt in excursie.
d) Accia sunt colegii mci. d) Ana cAntll..
45. in care dintrc unnatoarele enunturi exista un adverb predicativ : S9. Propozitia subordonntll din fraza Nu-mi vine so le cred este:
a) Desigur cl va finallza a) subiectivll.
proieclul. b} Elva veni b) prcdicativA
c) completivll direclA
c) Se cxprimll binc.
d) completivA indirectA
d) Lucn:aza m11i bine decal colc:gii sai.
60. in enuntul Am ajuns acasd ctind s-a inseral cxislll o subordona UI:
46. Recuno tcti cnuntul in care cuvantul de este pn:pozitie:
a) subiectivll
a) De mil vei striga. voi vcni.
b} clrcumstantiall de limp
b) A cumpllrat o carte de pove ti.
c) circumstantialll de cauz!I
c) Fat11 de mil cuno!ijtc e MiOlll'II.
d) predicativA
d) De! Ce Sil moi zic1

47. Verbul aji este euxilinr in enun1ul:

o) El cstc eful clasci. LIMBA ENGl,E7.A
b) De doull ore nu mai este apll In robinet.
c) Ea va 11 promovatll de cltre superlori. Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct for each question.
d) E bine sa c11c ti 61. These flowers are ... than those ones.
a) more beautiful
49 Alege scri11 care contine doar verhe la moduri nepredicutivc:
b) most beautiful
a) citc ti, SI\ plcci. auzind
c) beautifulest
b) merge, voi cdnta, de sp!llal
d) beautifuler
c) am nuzit, vencam, spus
d) iubind, de invAfat, 11 icrta 62. She sometimes ... her friend in the evenings.
a) have called
50 in care dintre urmlltoarcle serii existll doar verbe copulative:
b) is call
a) 11 ajungc, a rAminc, a devcni
c) has callen
b) 11 fi, a dn. a spera
d) calls
c) a avea, a vrca, a rllmilne
d) a iC$i, a vrea. a sosi
63. Yesterday I ... so ill that I fainted.
a) feeled
51. Recuno e\i seria in care toate prepozitiile sunt in cazul dativ:
b) feelt
a) in, pe, dcsprc
c) felt
b) grafle, aldoma, asemenu
d) felted
c) IISupra, contrar, clltre
d) imprejurul, de, pcnlru
64. Mary ... for three hours and hasn’t finished the book
a) read
52. lden1ifica1i scria care continc doar locutiuni b) reading
adverbiale: a} la dreapta, cu toate ell, fllrll lloar i
c) has been reading
d) has reading
b) de-11 lungul, in dreptul, mllcar ell
c) cu sigurantll, din cilnd In cllnd, pc nepusl m11sll
65. The poet ... few variants before he published the poem.
d) chiar dacll, din cauza. din loc in loe
a) wrote
b) writed
53. ldcntificnti enuntul in care exislll un pronumc personal fllrll
c) had writed
functie sintllClicil
a) Am vllzut-o lo film d) had written
b) o admira toti 66. Jeanne ... to school by bus yesterday because her car had broken.
c) 0 s!I gllsim solutia optima.
a) goed
d) A rupl-o la fugil.
b) goes
c) went
54. in enuntul Tramlafir,i, garoafele # crmii imi plac existA subiect:
a) multiplu d) has gone
b) inclus
67. The workers go ... foot to the factory.
c) subimelcs
a) by
d} m:determinat
b) on
c) near
55. in enuntul ii flle toata lumea, substantivul lmnea are functic
d) without
de: 68. This actress is .. than Jane Fonda.
a) complement circumst11n11a1 de limp a) best
b) complement direct b) the most good
c) subiect c) more good
d) complement indirect d) better
56. ldentificali propozitia intcrogativA· 69. My brother is ... than yours.
a) Mergimnircpedc! a) more tall
b) A$ mancn o prlljitu ra. b) tallest
c) Maine va Ii cald. c) taller
d) Cine a spart gcamul'! d) most tall
57. Exista un atribut adverbial in enun1ul: 70. The cat chased two ... at the same time
a) Discu1ia de leri a fost lntertsantll. a) mouse
b) lcri am fost la teatru. b) mice
c) Tc cunosc de icri. c) mouses
d) leri a plouat. d) mices
84. There aren't ... dictionaries in our school library
71, Presently, she ... to be the best. a) none
a) was known b) much
b) been known c) little
c) has been known d) many
d) is known
85. Nick is afraid ... spide rs,
72 Mother ... the great news yesterday. a) in
a) was told b) of
b) was telled c) at
c) have been told by
d) have been telled
86. Her ... are famous for their work.
73 He was ... drive a car. a) childs
a) two young too b) childrens
b) too young too c) children
c) too young to d) child
d) two young two
87. These books belong to me, which means they are....
74. The thief was accused ... stealing the money. a) mine
a) in b) my
b) of c) myself
c) about d) mine’s
d) to
88. lf he came, what ... you. .?
75. This teacher has been in our school ... three a) will do
years. b) would do
a) for c) won't do
b) since d) do
c) already
d) so far 89. Had he told the truth, he ....
a) would have been rewarded
76. She has arrived in time..? b) will have been rewarded
has she c) will be rewarded
hasn't she d) would be rewarded
C) have she
d) haven' t she 90. She.....with her project by her sister now
a) is being helping
77. This was the...accident I' ve ever seen! b) is being helped
a) worst c) is been helped
b) most bad d) was helped
c) baddest
d) worse

78 Bill usually...TV in the evening. NOTA:

a) has watched
b) watch I - TIMP DE LUCRU. 180 minute.
c) is watching 2 - Fiecare rAspuns corect esle opreciat cu I punct. Punc1ojul mo.'(im ol
d) watches lucrarii scrisc: 90 de puncte.
J - Admilcrea sc face in limiln numarului de locuri scoasc la concurs
79 I ... never...a car by myself. in ordinca strict descrcsciltoan: 11 punctajului ol,\inut. Punctajul de
a) have buyed admilere nu poate Ii inferior um:i valori cumulate de 40 de punctc.
b) has buyed 4 - Aprcciereo probei se face prin calificativ: .,ADMIS" / .,NEADM IS'' ,
c) have bought 5 - in cnzul existentei mei multor candidali cu punctajc egale pe
d) has bought uhimul loc care asigurA edmiterea (in limila numarului de locuri
scos la concurs), depnrtajarce lor se reelizeazll folosind in ordinc,
80. You....TV when the guests arrived. unnlltoareh: crilcri i
a) were watching a media gcncralll obtinutA la cxamenul de bacalaureat;
b) have been watching b. media genenil!I a anilor de coleritete din pcrioada studiilor liceale:
c) has been watching c. punctajul ob{inut la proba de vcrificnre a CUll0$lin1elor pcntru
d) was watching itcmii slabiliJi le limba romnnil..
Duell i dupll aplicarca crileriilor men1ionalc, candidn\ii de pc
81. You....if you don’t pay attention! ultimul loc care asigurll odmiterea nu pot Ii departajo\i, 10\i acc lia
a) was fall vor Ii dcclarati
b) would fall .,ADMIS".
C) will fall
d) won't fall

82 When she was going... school, her

phone rang.
a) at
b) to
c) against
d) above

83. The child brushes his .. every morning.

a) tooth
b) tooths
c) teeths
d) teeth

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