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The Chemical Basis of Life

1. What do you think is the importance of Chemistry in studying Anatomy and Physiology?

Chemistry is a branch of science that studies the compositions, properties, and structures of a substance
which includes organisms like Human Body while Anatomy and Physiology on the other hand, are
biological sciences that are interconnected with each other and it tackles the structure and functions of
the internal and external structure of the body. When discussing about Anatomy and Physiology, we
can't help not to mention Chemistry since our body is composed of billions of atoms such elements like
Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and others. Hence, it’s better to understand our body structure from its
simple and basic structure in order to have a full knowledge of our body and for this, we'll get know
how it works and how it processes such things. Having a knowledge, it would be a great help in making
our body safe and be in a state of well-being also, we can able to prevent our body in such danger
inside and outside of our body.

2. How can you utilize your learnings and knowledge in Chemistry as a nursing professional in
the future?

Chemistry is also important and necessary in Nursing profession because we will also get to interact with
patients who have health problems. It's important for us to have knowledge about the human body
composition since we have to understand what happened to their body, the reason why they experience
health problems and also, we can give some simple advice on how to take care of themselves and how to
avoid hazards and risks. When working as a nurse in a hospital, it is our duty to give medications to our
patients for them to feel better and cure their illness. Moreover, we have to provide correct medicine and
being able to know the properties as well as compositions that the medicine contains, nurses can explain
how these medicine works to the patients.

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