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KIỂM TRA MỘT SỐ KIẾN THỨC CẦN THIẾT ( 90 câu có gợi ý- 2/3 kiến thức cơ bản, 1/3 kiến

thức nâng cao)

1. These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost. ( adj + N)
A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability
2. John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot. ( mạo từ trước only)
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
3. Where is Jimmy? - He is __ work. He is busy__ his monthly report. (cụm từ với prep+work, busy+ prep)
A. on / for B. in / about C. to / through D. at / with
4. We are not allowed _______ jeans at school. ( bị động/ xét sau allow)
A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. worn
5. Sometimes I do not feel like _______ to my sibling about my troubles. ( feel like + Ving/toV/V?)
A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked
6. The worker was _______ his boss expected, so he was offered a raise. ( so sánh)
A. more hard-working B. as hard-working than C. more hard-working than D. more hard-working as
7. In the past the trip____ very rough and often dangerous, but things ___ a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years.
( thì?--> xét adv)
A. was / have changed B. is / change C. had been / will change D. has been / changed
8. When Carol _____ last night, I ______ my favorite show on television. ( thì?--> xét hòa hợp thì)
A. was calling / watched B. called / have watched C. called / was watching D. had called/ watched
9. By this time next summer, you _______ your studies. ( thì?--> xét adv)
A. completes B. will complete C. are completing D. will have completed
10. I'm very tired now because __________ more than 800 kilometers today. (thì ?--> xét câu ngữ cảnh)
A. I'm driving B. I've driven C. I drive D. I've been driving
11. Your car is quite old. It's the same as__________. ( đại từ tương ứng)
A. us B. our C. ours D. we're
12. My father didn't go to college; __________did my mother. ( câu phủ định, dùng từ nào để đảo ngữ?)
A. none B. either C. so D. neither
13. Our English teacher would like __________. ( nhớ lại cấu trúc woud like )
A. that we practicing our pronunciation B. us practicing our pronunciation
C. us to practice our pronunciation D. we to practice our pronunciation
14. He __________for that company for five months when it went bankrupt. ( thì?--> xét hòa hợp thì)
A. has been worked B. has worked C. had been working D. was working
15. At this time next week, all of the students__________for their examinations. ( thì?--> xét adv)
A. will be sat B. have been sitting C. have sat D. will be sitting
16. She prefers carnations __________roses. In fact, she dislikes roses. ( nhớ cấu trúc prefer)
A. to B. from C. over D. than
17. Our neighbours are normally very noisy, but they're_______this evening. ( trật tự : adv + adj)
A. unusual quiet B. unusual quietly C. unusually quiet D. unusually quietly
18. I saw him hiding something in a __________bag. ( trật tự adj : OpSASCOMP)
A. plastic small black B. small plastic black C. black small plastic D. small black plastic
19. If Tan Son Nhat Airport __________clear of fog, we'll land there.( câu điều kiện)
A. is B. was C. will be D. could be
20. Did he tell you __________? ( câu tường thuật)
A. where could we meet him B. we would be able to meet him where
C. where would be able to meet him D. where we would meet him
21. If she had known how awful this job was going to be, she__________it. ( câu điều kiện)
A. would accept B. wouldn't accept C. wouldn't have accepted D. would have accepted
22. You__________write to her for she'll be here tomorrow. ( modal + V)
A. don't B. mustn't C. needn't D. haven't
23. You__________to spend more time in the library. ( modal gì ? --> xét to spend)
A. must B. should C. had better D. ought
24. Carol is excited__________her new job. ( cụm từ : excited + prep?)
A. for starting B. to starting C. about starting D. for start
25. The jeans are too long; you should have them______. ( nhớ lại cấu trúc thể nhờ bảo với HAVE)
A. shorten B. to shorten C. shortened D. being shortened
26. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains. ( cụm từ :V + attention to )
A. make B. get C. set D. pay
27. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and __.( liệt kê--> cấu trúc đồng dạng)
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator
28. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always ____ in response to questions.( be + adj)
A. attention B. attentively C. attentive D. attentiveness
29. In ____ most social situations, _____ informality is appreciated. ( xem các kiến thức về mạo từ)
A. Ø / Ø B. the / an C. a / the D. the / a
30. - What____ beautiful dress you are wearing! - Thank you. That is ___ nice compliment. ( xem các k.thức về mạo từ)
A. Ø / Ø B. the / Ø C. a / a D. the / the
31. John asked me _______ in English. ( câu tường thuật – lùi thì)
A. what does this word mean B. what that word means C. what did this word mean D. what that word meant
32. The mother told her son _______ so impolitely. ( cấu trúc của tell)
A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave
33. She said she _______ collect it for me after work. ( câu tường thuật – lùi thì)
A. would B. did C. must D. had
34. She said I _______ an angel. ( câu tường thuật – lùi thì)
A. am B. was C. were D. have been
35. I have ever told you he _______ unreliable. ( câu tường thuật- lùi thì hay không? Tại sao?)
A. is B. were C. had been D. would be
36. I told him__ the word to Jane somehow that I___ to reach her during the early hours. ( cấu trúc của tell/câu tường thuật)
A. passing / will try B. he will pass / tried C. to pass / would be trying D. he passed / have tried
37. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______.( adv được đổi trong câu tường thuật)
A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the next day
38. John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports. (tường thuật câu hỏi)
A. if I were B. if were I C. if was I D. if I was
39. With black hair and eyes, she is_________of the people from her country. ( Adj+ prep : adj + of ?)
A. the same B. typical C. similar D. identical
40. The strange disease_________to have originated in Africa. ( Bị động đặc biệt)
A. thinks B. is thinking C. is thought D. thought
41. _________these plants regularly or they will die. ( cấu trúc tương đương câu điều kiện)
A. Water B. If you water C. Unless you water D. Because you water
42. I took off my shoes before entering the room ____. ( xét mệnh đề kết quả : in order to/ so as to/ so that/ in orderthat???)
A. in order to not dirty the floor B. so that I not dirty the floor
C. in order not dirtying the floor D. so as not to dirty the floor
43. What _________if you saw a pickpocket steal money from someone in the street? ( câu điều kiện)
A. do you do B. did you do C. will you do D. would you do
44. His father used the money he won to set_________his own company. ( cụm động từ)
A. on B. about C. up D. forward
45. Although I was very tired, _________.
A. but I helped to clear up the mess after the party B. I helped to clear up the mess after the party
C. and I tried to clear up the mess after the party D. I didn't help to clear up the mess after the party
46. I_________like that dress. It's really nice. ( thể nhấn mạnh động từ)
A. do B. very C. am D. have
47. Don't you know what happened_________the people who went on holiday with us? ( happen + prep)
A. to B. with C. for D. at
48. ______we were lost, he offered to show us the way home. ( rút gọn MĐ cùng S)
A. Thought B. Thinking C. To think D. Think
49. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I _________it. ( đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện gì)
A. would never have believed B. don't believe C. hadn't believed D. can't believe
50. _______anyone call, would you please ask them to call back later? (câu điều kiện/ đảo ngữ câu đk?)
A. If B. Should C. When D. Unless
51. I wish I _________Bob the money; he spent it all gambling. ( thức giả định với wish)
A. didn't lend B. wouldn't lend C. hadn't lent D. weren't lending
52. The plane would have landed easily _________the thick fog. ( từ nối )
A. unless B. but for C. because of D. due to
53. ______you known he was a liar, would you have agreed to support him? (câu ĐK/ đảo ngữ câu đk?)
A. If B. Since C. Had D. Did
54. Without the traffic jam on the high way this morning, I ___late for the meeting. (câu điều kiện gì -> xét cụm từ without )
A. would be B. would have been C. hadn't been D. wouldn't have been
55. -"I have a headache." -" _________you take an aspirin?" ( giao tiếp: câu đề nghị)
A. Why don't B. Why should C. What should D. What must
56. Without _______it, he hindered us instead of _______us. ( without/of là prep)
A. realize - help B. realizing - helping C. to realize - to help D. realizing - to help
57. Having read the passage three times, _______. ( rút gọn MĐ cùng S)
A. it was difficult for me to understand B. I still couldn't understand its main idea
C. the main idea of it was not clear to me D. it made me confused about its main idea
58. There was no one else at the post office. I_____in a queue. ( xét nghĩa modal V , modal + have p2 )
A. didn't need to wait B. mustn't wait C. needn't have waited D. needn't wait
59. This shopping center get____crowded with shoppers at the weekend. (so sánh kép :càng ngày càng)
A. always more B. more and more C. from more to more D. crowded and more
60. He would still be alive today if he_________that drug. ( câu điều kiện gì)
A. wouldn't take B. didn't take C. weren't taking D. hadn't taken
61. Not only did he win the first prize, _________. (liên từ song song)
A. and he was given a place at the university B. so he was given a place at the university
C. but he was also given a place at the university D. for he was offered a holiday abroad
62. The questions on the test were too long and difficult. I found it____to finish them on time.
( cấu trúc find + O + adj + to V)
A. possible B. impossible C. possibility D. possibly
63. Most of the people____to the wedding banquet arrived late. ( MĐQH/ rút gọn MĐQH?)
A. invited B. who inviting C. whom were invited D. invite
64. There was a _________table in the middle of the room. ( trật tự adj : OpSASCOMP)
A. Japanese round beautiful wooden B. beautiful wooden round Japanese
C. beautiful wooden Japanese round D. beautiful round Japanese wooden
65. It was very kind _________us to your party. ( CT it+ be + adj ( tính cách/thái độ + of + sb + to V)
A. of you to invite B. of you invited C. for you to invite D. to you that invited
66. It is essential that Peter _________care good care of his son when his wife goes away. (thức giả định)
A. takes B. take C. will take D. would take
67. I’ve read _____________my brother has. ( so sánh bội số)
A. half books as many as B. half as many books as C. as half as many books D. many books as half as
68. Away _____________________as we came. ( đảo ngữ)
A. did the minibus go B. had the minibus gone C. went the minibus D. does the minibus go
69. This year our income in this company has been far better than _________in that one. ( đại từ thay thế/ CT //)
A. those B. that C. one D. the other
70. Most of our income ___________from doing overtime at weekends. (sự hòa hợp S-V)
A. came B. comes C.come D.coming
71. The excellent movie _________all the time by the young was awarded the best prizes for its actors, actresses and OSTs so
the fans always ________forward to the new ones so admired the director. ( rút gọn MĐQH)
A. to watch/ to look B. watched/looking C. watching/looked D. watching/looking
72. My sister confessed ________ mistakes in planning the work (V + prep)
A. about making B. to making C. to make D. about make
73. _________________who she was, he would be shocked ( đảo ngữ)
A. did he know B. were he to know C. if he knows D. were he know
74. When you ask somebody to do something for you, don’t forget to thank______advance ( prep + N )
A. on B. of C. for
75. All of the students studied hard with a view to______in the final exam. ( từ nối/cụm từ)
A. succeeding B. succeed C. be succeeded D. succeeded
76. I was with him at the bank at nine yesterday morning so he___in your house at that time. (modal V+ have P2)
A. shouldn’t have stayed B. musn’t have stayed C. might have stayed D. can’t have stayed
77. My director has _____a lot of strategies that we could create a successful year. (kết hợp với từ số lượng )
A. so B. such C. so as D. such as
78. Don’t ever be terrified ___________the coming things in the future ( adj + prep)
A. in B. at C. of D. about
79. If the company does not promote to make new products, it cannot _________with others.( cụm động từ)
A. keep on B. keep in C. keep away D. keep up
80. The twins are quarelling. Neither of them wants to make concession to ___ ( other (s)/another/ the other(s))
A. another B. other C. the other D. the others
81. It was ______________that I bought the pair which was too colorful.( câu nhấn mạnh it + be....)
A. the shoe shop B. in the shoe shop C. where sells shoe D. anywhere
82. Terrific ___________the story became, he never wanted to hear. ( mệnh đề/ từ nối)
A. of B. so C. as D. in
83. The She would rather I ________ harder now. ( thức giả định với would rather)
A. study B. studying C. am studying D. studied
84. He delayed _______her the news, _______ for the right moment. ( danh ĐT/ ĐT nguyên mẫu/ phân từ)
A. telling/ waiting B. to tell/ to wait C. telling/ to wait D. to tell/ waiting
85. Prisoners’ families face ____________harassment and attack. ( cấu tạo từ)
A. continuous B. continual C. continuing D. continue
86. Little __________about the incidence that made everyone surprised yesterday evening ( đảo ngữ)
A. does she know B. she did know C. did she know D. she knew
87. Mary ____________nervously to his questions about environmental issues. ( câu nhấn mạnh V)
A. react B. does reacts C. did react D. reacting
88. ________ that he was innocent after all ( bị động đặc biệt 1)
A. they were reported B. it is reported C. he was reported D. it reported
89. Stop ____________a fuss. I’m perfectly all right. ( do hay make)
A. doing B. making C. taking D. having
90. My brother had the valuable picture he bought last year ______ by a skillful person.( bị động đặc biệt 2)
A. frame B. being framed C. to be framed D. framed

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