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DUM 3022



9th NOVEMBER 2022

1. Bearing
I’m a leader, I was somewhat reserved in manner, and this led to the charge in classmate
circles that I'm was cold and unsympathetic; but no one gathered around me more
devoted and loyal friends, and my dignified bearing in and out of class commanded the
hearty respect of my classmates.

2. Confidence
As a leader, I always remove shyness and need confidence and enthusiasm in every
group work because that symbolizes the identity of an excellent leader

3. Courage
Give yourself permission to encourage imperfect people. Don’t use someone’s weakness
in one area as an excuse to withhold encouragement in another.

4. Integrity
Integrity may not make you a popular leader, but it does make you a credible leader that
has influence. Because you have a track record of integrity, people may not like you, but
they will trust and respect you and your strength.

5. Decisiveness
Leaders are decisive. And this is not an easy thing for many people. And here’s the great
thing, you can learn to be more decisive. You’re not stuck with your current ability to
make a decision and take action. It comes down to something you’ve probably heard
from me time and time again, confidence. Confidence is the key to being decisive.

6. Justice
Justice enables a leader to carry out their role effectively. In most of my jobs, a leader like
me needs to use fair judgment. without a strong sense of justice, I will definitely fail in
exercising fair judgment and thus fail to be a leader.
7. Endurance
As a leader, I'm always endurance combines the conviction of my values, commitment to
do the work, and making the right choices along the way as a leader.

8. Tact
We know now why it’s important and why tact is a key leadership skill. But, how does tact
showcase your leadership traits? Developing my ability to be tactful can help me keep
disagreements between my employees to the least amount possible. It also helps them
see other points of view during arguments. It’s an important tool to have in my
management kit during many situations at work, from negotiations to conflict resolution.

9. Initiative
I'm always realistic and think smart about how you take initiative. It may not be
appropriate in certain situations but it is useful as a leader

10. Coolness
As a leader, I am always cool in making actions. I never make decisions in haste because
that haste will bring negative results.

11. Maturity
Mature gut leaders are inspirational achievers. Their confidence inspires others to adopt
can-do attitudes. They are excellent mentors, driving their mentees to achieve much more
than they could ever achieve on their own.

12. Determination
Determination is a key trait to becoming a successful leader. If you give up, so will
everyone around you. To be a successful leader, you must be willing to keep going when
others are tempted to throw in the towel. To become a successful leader, the
characteristics of a person must include initiative, persistence, dominance and drive.
These characteristics help shape and mold an effective leader.

13. Assertiveness
As a leader, I'm always assertiveness when talk. Assertive leaders understand the
necessity to change themselves and adjust themselves to changing needs. Leadership is
an important trait to motivate and drive the human resources of any organization.
14. Candor
As a leader, i'm always candorr in every situation and talk. Radical candor is ‘a
management philosophy based on caring personally while challenging directly’. In other
words, assertive empathy. This doesn’t mean being aggressive; nor does it mean being
too ‘soft’.

15. Sense of humor

A sense of humour is unlikely to appear in this shortlist of skills, but it’s increasingly
important in the leadership world.Humour makes it easier to get on with people,
communicate more effectively, enjoy work more and understand people better. Humour is
also a powerful springboard for innovation and creating a good atmosphere at work.

16. Competence
Leadership competencies are the behaviors, knowledge, skills, and abilities that a leader
possesses or has developed that aid in contributing to better performance. Possessing
leadership competencies elevates a team’s trust, confidence and commitment to the

17. Commitment
I am a student, a soccer player for UPNM FC and a businessman. I need to give 100
percent commitment to all three aspects. I need to focus on studying to get excellent
results, I also need to train hard to be in the main eleven of the UPNM FC team, I also
need to do business and work hard at night to make a profit. as a leader, commitment in a
task is very important to succeed. don't complain and give up.

18. Creativity
Leaders employ various skills to motivate team members so they can achieve group
goals. One such skill is creativity, which can help create opportunities for success in the
workplace, at an individual and group level. Understanding how to implement creative and
innovative strategies in the workplace can help you develop new processes and find
solutions to common problems.
19. Self – discipline
For your information, self-disciplined businessman as me are particularly good at helping
colleagues understand their goals and showing them what success looks like. My ability to
see errors and mistakes, to sift through clutter and chaos, and to bring structure to
business processes enables teams to achieve exactly what is expected of them. Please
self-discipline to be a good leader.

20. Humility
My father once said “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself
less.” In leadership, it can be tempting to become enamored with status. However, it is
crucial that leaders focus on their staff more than they focus on themselves.
I have learned that the best leaders are selfless and more concerned with the well-being
of their team than with their personal titles. You cannot be an effective leader if you feel
that you are better than your subordinates. Furthermore, teams under said type of
leadership become hostile and experience low productivity and high turnover.

21. Flexibility
A creative leader knows when to lead from the front, when to work shoulder to shoulder
with the team and when to act as a supportive coach. Each style of leadership has its
place in the creative process. this is flexibility as leaders

22. Empathy / Compassion

Intuition is a powerful thing. We typically know when those around us can be trusted.
Compassion is something we undeniably appreciate in a leader, and it will allow your
team to feel good about trusting you. People will trust you more if you have compassion in

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