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Name: kerona christie

Grade: 10⁶
Read the following extract taken from a novel. As you read, try to enter the thoughts
and feelings of the Writer as he enjoys his holiday. After you have read the extract,
answer the questions that follow using BLUE ink. All responses should be written in
complete sentences.
No holiday was more exciting. There were so many rooms in uncle’s house that it was easy to
get lost among them. Not only I got lost, but Mother and Father, too. For our house at
Rambert had only two rooms, and I could not count the number Uncle’s had. The furniture in
the room was rich and elegant and Mother looked at each piece and touched some of them
and looked at Father unbelievingly. There was a new piano in the corner and Uncle dusted
it. Then he sat down to it, but he talked all the time and never played a note. And with joy, my
eyes wandered from Uncle to the many beautiful things around. And it suddenly struck me as
very strange that Uncle flourish like this though he was at home all day. At Rambert, Father
worked from early morning to late evening picking the grapefruits of the estate and coming
home very tired, but he never bought new things to our house. And every year when the
picking slackened, he had to send a letter to Uncle and Uncle always wrote back telling us to
Perhaps we were lucky that Uncle lived like this because we could come here and stay with
him. Uncle was always good. While we stayed here, we ate and drank more than we did at
Rambert, and all this because of Uncle’s kindness. Mother was unusually happy.
Sometimes she walked me down to the wharf among the crowds of sailors and merchants and
vendors with peanuts and cakes and fruit, and often she bought cakes and we would stood on
the wharf in the sunlight eating them and watching the ships come and go. We saw how the
lighters skimmed away with the breeze, and how the big boats eased up alongside. We also
noticed the painted funnels which told where the ships came from. And when we got back
home Uncle would be there talking to lighter- men or playing cards with them.
1. Select one sentence which tells us that the writer enjoyed his holiday? And with joy,
my eyes wandered from uncle to the many beautiful things around.
2. Why do you think he found the holiday most exciting? Because he could eat and drink
all he wanted and also get to stay in an beautiful house.
3. Why do you think that the writer’s mother looked at his father unbelievingly?
Because the father’s brother does not work, so how did he afford this.
4. What thought suddenly struck the writer about his Uncle?
a. that he was unemployed yet rich
b. that his father was not so fortunate
c. that he had plenty to eat and drink
d. that he could entertain them during the holidays
5. Which phrase best describes the character of the writer’s uncle:
a. hardworking and boastful
b. rich and mean
c. prosperous and generous
d. selfish and boastful
6. Suggest a suitable title for the passage? My unemployed uncle who’s rich.
[Total 8 marks]

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