Tree Planting3

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Avocado refers to the fruit of the
tree, which is characterized by an
oval or pear shape, with rough or
leathery skin, and a large seed, it is
sometimes known as the avocado pear
or alligator pear.

Rich in an assortment of vitamins,

high in
monounsaturated fat and potassium, and containing a
unique fatty alcohol

Mango trees grow to 30–40 meters (98–131
feet) tall, with a crown radius of 10–15 m (33–
49 ft). The trees are long-lived, as some
specimens still fruit after 300 years.
In deep soil, the taproot descends to a depth of
6 m (20 ft), with profuse wide-spreading feeder
roots and anchor roots penetrating deeply into
the soil.
Mango is an edible stone fruit produced by
the tropical tree (Mangifera indica). It is
believed to have originated in the region
between northwestern Myanmar, Bangladesh,
and northeastern India.
Reversing deforestation is complicated; planting a
tree is simple

As our Activity in our subject Environmental Science we need
to do tree planting and I was so happy of it because planting is
my passion I love planting especially planting of vegetable in
our backyard because I realize when the time of pandemic I can
help my neighbor by giving them vege, we all know that time
buying food outside is very difficult also the price of it is high
that’s why I realized in this subject that tree planting is more
interesting and have more fun of it because over time you see
your plant growing and it will leave a mark on people as to
remember me because when the time comes it will become
rewarding for by bearing a fruit from it , I looked for a suitable
location to plant (Mango and Avocado) trees in our backyard
also I was realized Tree planting is widely regarded as one of the
most engaging, environmentally friendly activities in which
people can participate to help the planet. Trees provide A
numerous benefits, including the removal and storage of carbon
from the atmosphere, the slowing of heavy rain and reduction of
the risk of flooding, the improvement of air quality, and the
reduction of the heat effect by reflecting sunlight and providing
shade. I realize also that we need to take small steps encourage
other for planting this small steps will to ill our mother earth.

by Navarro, Rowena BSN4C

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