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3 ideal guidelines using social Media.

As an ICT Teacher, these are the rules I sum up about being safe in posting something in any social
media. Based on data as of today out population are about 7.4 Billion. Almost all people now has
Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Gmail and others. And still the number of users are increasing day by day
there are a number of new accounts created. Enormous twits, shout out and uploading of videos in
YouTube every minute, it is increasing. Some of the information posted are interesting, some are having
fun, some are work related and others.

In this article, I introduce five simple guidelines or rules for the users of this different social platforms
will be acquainted and always bear in mind.

1. Do not fuel users who are trolls. Just be calm and respond appropriately

trolls are hiding their own identity and join discussions to irritate other people for particular kind of it
could be fun for them. There are a lot of trolls you can see on forums, chats, and any other platforms of
social media. In web 3.0 there is a high number of users online can participate like in comment sections
some of them are trolls who give undesirable comments to fuel certain issues

If some users comment undesirable on your post. Check that user if you know them, if you don’t know
them, do not be irritated on the comment because maybe he is just one of the trolls that fuel the hot
topics. Just be calm and respond appropriately.

2. Think of readers’ reactions, put your shoe to other people who can read your post

One you post on social media, there is a 100% possibility that your colleagues, close friends, enemies,
superiors and others can read or views your shout out. Because if you are applying for a certain
company as means of back ground check they will view your social media accounts. And maybe they
miss understood your posts. There are so many cases now a day that they loss their job due to posting
something on the social media. You may think that your post is good for you but make it sure it may not
hurt other people who can see your post.

3. Familiarize the platforms user settings. Don’t make your private data public

There are a lot of scammers and online criminals now a day they steal your photo and they make it as
you. Some of the important information you don’t share publicly is your location, your status, personal
pictures that may use for scammers.

It’s also a good practice check first the account before you accept friend requests. Some of them are
computer bots, trolls, criminals, scammers and others. Even if you have mutual friends on his friend list
be sure that you know that person.

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