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Sport promotes the idea that, no matter what, one can always overcome a challenge

by having a positive attitude toward it. Sports are a terrific opportunity to demonstrate
to society that a person's socioeconomic level does not define them; instead, their
compassion does. We all know that sports are an essential part of every country.
Sports play a crucial role in the country's development, now if I talk about my opinion
on sports inequalities, then yes sometimes sports show inequalities in different ways.
if I talk about the past times at that time, women were not allowed to play like men
always their wishes towards sports were ruined by men`s because they use to think
that women can only do household work and if they come outside of the house and
play in the ground it will be against their so-called reputation. another example of
inequality is here. for example, nowadays it does not matter if you are a good player
or not some people will not look at your skills, they will look at your pocket if anybody
is richer than you then that guy will get the opportunity by paying for that.

Physical fitness and educating people about the need for perseverance, teamwork
(cooperation), and competition are two of sport's most obvious social benefits. Latent
benefits from sports engagement include the development of character and emotional
release. well, there are many values that people or players gain from sports like
fairness, team building, equality, discipline, inclusion, perseverance, and respect. and
these values are not harmful instead they are helping these values make people good
people and apart from it also teach many important things. people with such kinds of
values are always treated respectfully in society by others and help in building a good

As I earlier mention that sports are an unbreakable part of our society and we cannot
imagine our society without games it is fact that we need sports in our society to
develop it but there are some things which are needed to remove which are attached
to sports like gender inequality women should be given equal opportunity to
participate in games another thing is that poor person as well given equal opportunity
in games based on their skills.

In my opinion, sports are about both profit and character development if players play
well then, they get both benefits sometimes they get hired by big authorities to play
for them and these companies pay these players a good amount of money. on the
other hand, it is true that games help us in improving our character because
Everyone learns the following through sports: Teamwork is the act of working
together as a group without regard to individual interests to achieve a common goal.
Leadership abilities: Guide various individuals from all backgrounds toward a shared
purpose or objective. 

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