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When talking about problems in Malaysia, there will always be a lots of it coming.

Some were too

sarcasm and some too complicated to be spoken. We must not let this troublesome to put a boulder
of rock into our future.

We are living in a cosmopolitan country. In this kind of country , if we want to live in happier and
prosperous situation there should be no feeling of racism .Racism has always be the problem among
Malaysian people . It has always been the main issue that has bridge the gap among the main race in
Malaysia which is Malay , Chinese and Indian .Where most of the time there is some Malay who
insulted those Chinese or Indian for any reason they could;so are the Indian and Chinese . Neither any
sides could have tolerate and it seems like sense of humanity are no longer considered. There was a
time where a small war broke out between the Malay and Chinese for a Malay man who act foolishly
threatened a Chinese guy inside a public building . It last for a week where hatred spread all-over the
country between Malay and Chinese . Also few weeks back , one of the Indian temple in Subang Jaya
was attacked by a small group consist of Malay and Chinese people . It consequences the Indian
community to gang up and randomly destroy anything in their path related to Malay including cars ,
building and so on . It has been rumour about Malay youth poisoned at the Mamak restaurant . In my
opinion , we should no longer having these kind of problem since we have been living alltogether ever
since Malaysia became independent . Some of the government solutions seems to be one sided which
provokes more hatred on Malay . Simply to say , it is neither unacceptable or obsolete . Supposesly
Malaysian ! We need to change our way of thinking and improve our mentality . We are needed to be
more flexible and open minded , don’t ever limit our way of thinking .With that being said , we can all
be Malaysian and no longer have to tick the race column in form given by the government .

For more , when talking about education in Malaysia, we have always confronted with many kind of
issues. Such as the lack of acceptance by students, and parents of their responsibilities, and the
subsequent undermining of discipline. Nowadays, parents are being too passive in order to educate
their children about discipline. Eventually, they slowly blur the line between good manners and bad
manners. Making the youngster more often to be rebellious to adult, and slowly killing the society.
Secondly, it has always be education loan, also the most famous issue comes when studying in College
and University. Some of students may not be aware about this issue, because some may come from
rich family. But not for the poor family. For them education is important, but money is everything. At
times, government programs also assist students in study loan, but still it is not enough. Most of the
banks and financial organizations offer student loans in Malaysia,for helping them in studies. But
almost 80% of Malaysian student become burden with dept after graduating, or become much like a
stray cat picking food from others pets pot. Making the gap between the poor and the rich even
bigger and bigger as time pass by .

In hopes , as a Malaysian we could one day be all-together living harmoniliy despites our differences
in many ways . Keeping the nation safe and sound is our priority not to bother the small things and
make it bigger .

p.s pls love hakim and arep more muah kit .

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