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Elements in the diffusion of innovation

Crucial elements in the diffusion of new ideas

are as the innovation which is communicated
through certain channels over time among
the members of social system

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
social system

communicated through channels


Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
1. Communication channels
Communication is the process by which messages are
transmitted from source to a receiver.
2. Over time
Time is an important consideration in the process of
The time dimension is involved in the innovation
decision process by which an individual passes from
first knowledge of the innovation through its adoption
or rejection.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Elements in the diffusion of innovation and
SMCR communication model

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
in the Source Massage Channel Receiver Effects

Inventors Communicati es over time
on channel 1.Knowledge
Correspondin Scientists
(Mass media 2 Attitude
g elements in Change
the diffusion or 3 Behavioural
of innovation agents interpersonal) change
leaders Innovation Members of a
(Attributes) social system
Hypodermic needle model

Communication Receiver v
Changes in
Message Receiver attitude
Two step flow model


Word Changes in
Message attitude
leaders Of Receiver
Mouth behaviour

Multiple step flow model

Other sources

Word Changes in
Message leaders Of Receiver attitude
Mouth behaviour

What are the different examples for these
three models?

• The diffusion of an innovation within a social

system takes place through its adoption by
• ‘Adoption’ may be defined as the continued use
by individuals or groups of a recommended
idea or practice over a reasonably long period
of time.
• Adoption, however, is not a permanent
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Adoption of innovation

• A process which involves a particular farmer

• Farmer is exposed to an innovation consider

it and finally practice it / or reject

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Adoption of innovation

Practice or reject

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Adopting unit

• The adopting unit of an innovation may be

individual, family, groups or community.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
family groups
individual individual
family family

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Rate of Adoption
Rate of Adoption is the relative speed with
which an innovation is adopted by the
members of a social system.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
• Diffusion is a special type of communication.


• Diffusion is the process by which these new

innovations are communicated to the members
of a social system.
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Diffusion of innovation

• Total process by which an innovation spreads

out among farmers untill a large number of
farmers have adopted it

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
• Diffusion of innovations has been studied by
many disciplines (e.g. anthropology, sociology
of various brands, education, medicine,
communication studies, marketing, business
administration, etc.).

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
• Adoption is micro process that focuses on the
stage through which an individual person passes
when deciding to accept of reject a new

• Diffusion is macro process concern with the

spread of a new innovation to the community

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Why adoption / diffusion is needed?

For Social change

• Social change is the process by which alteration

occurs in the structure and function of a social
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Social system

• A social system is defined as a collective of

units which are functionally differentiated and
engaged in joint problem solving with respect
to a common goal.
• The members or units of a social system may
be individual, informal group, formal group,
complex organization or subsystems.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Categories of Social Change
Origin of the new idea

Internal to social External to social

the system the system
Internal Immanent
Recognition of the

Recognition is by Selective
need for change

change contact
members of the
social system change

External Induced
Recognition may Directed
be by out sider contact
(change agent) change

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
• Immanent occurs when members of a social
system with little or no external influence create
and develop a new idea, which then spreads
within the system.
• Contact change occurs when sources external to
the social system introduce a new idea
• Selective contact - when members of a social system are exposed
to external influences and adopt it
• Direct contact – it is planned change induce by outsider who
introduce new idea in order to achieve goals they have defined.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Individual and Social system change
• Many change occur at the individual level,
that is the individual is the adopter or rejecter
of the innovation
• Change occurs at the social system level
where it has been diversely termed

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
1. Social structure and Diffusion

2. System norms and Diffusion

3. Traditional norms and Modern norms

4. Opinion Leaders and Change Agent

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Characteristics of traditional social system

• Lack of favourable orientation to change

• A less developed or ‘simper’ technology
• A relatively low level of literacy, education and understanding of the
scientific methods
• A social enforcement of the status quo in the social system, facilitated
by affective personal relationships such as friendliness and hospitality
which are highly valued as ends in themselves.
• Little communication by members of the social system with outsiders.
• Lack of transportation facilities and communication with the larger
society reinforces the tendency of individuals in a traditional system
to remain relatively isolated.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
• Lack of ability to empathize or to see oneself in others’ roles,
particularly the roles of outsiders to the system. An individual
member in a system with traditional norms is not likely to
recognize new social relationship involving himself, he usually
plays only one role and never learns others.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Characteristics of modern social system

• A generally positive attitude toward change.

• A well developed technology with a complex division of labour
• A high value on education and science
• Rational and business like social relationships rather than
emotional and affective.
• Cosmopolite perspectives, in that member of the system often
interact with outsiders, facilitating the entrance of new ideas
into the social system.
• Empathic ability on the part of the system’s members, who are
able to see themselves in roles quite different from their own.
A social system with the modern norms is
more change oriented, technologically
developed, scientific, rational, cosmopolite
and empathic.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
• Opinion Leaders is the degree to which an
individual is able to informally influence other
individual’s attitudes or overt behaviour in a
desired way with relative frequency.
• Change Agent is a professional who influences
innovation decision in a direction deemed
desirable by a change agency.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Characteristics of Innovation
1. Relative advantage
2. Compatibility
3. Complexity
4. Trialability
5. Observability

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
1. Relative advantage
Relative advantage is the degree to which an
innovation is perceived as better than the idea
it supersedes.
The degree of relative advantage may be
measured in economic terms, social factors,
convenience and satisfaction.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
2. Compatibility
Compatibility is the degree to which an
innovation is perceived as being consistent
with the existing values, past experiences and
needs of the community.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
3. Complexity
Complexity is the degree to which an
innovation is perceived as difficult to
understand and use.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
4. Trialability
Trialability is the degree to which an
innovation may be experimented with on a
limited basis.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
5. Observability
Observability is the degree to which the
results of an innovation are visible to others.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Model of the innovation decision
• The traditional view of the innovation decision
process called the adoption process

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
The innovation decision process
The innovation decision process is the process
through which an individual or other decision
making unit passes from
- first knowledge of an innovation
- to forming an attitude toward the innovation
- to a decision to adopt or reject
- to implantation of the new idea
- to confirmation of this decision
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics

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