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Communication channels by stage in the

innovation – decision process

• Communication is the process by which
message are transferred from a source to a
• Elements in the communication process are
the source, message, channels and receivers
• A communication channel is the means by
which a message gets from a source to a
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Heterophily and Homophily
• Heterophilny is the degree to which pairs of
individuals who interact are different in certain
attributes such as beliefs, values, education,
social status etc
• Homophily is the degree to which pairs of
individuals who interact are similar in certain
• Homophily communication is more effective
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Categorizing of communication channels
• According to the nature
1. Interpersonal channels
2. Mass media
• According to the origin
1. Localite channels
2. Cosmopolite
These channels play different roles in creating
knowledge in persuading individuals to change
their attitude toward an innovation
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Interpersonal channels
• Involve a face to face exchange of information between two or
more individuals.
• Provide a two way exchange of information. One individual can
secure clarification or additional information about the
innovation from another individual.
• This characteristic of interpersonal networks some times allows
them to overcome the social-psychological barriers of selective
exposure, perception and retention.
• Persuade an individual to form or to change strongly held
attitudes. This role of interpersonal channels is especially
important in persuading an individual to adopt on innovation.

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Mass media channels

• Transmitting message that involve a mass

medium such as radio, television and
• It helps to
- reach a large number of audience rapidly
- create knowledge and spread information
- lead to changes in weakly held attitudes

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Localite channels

• The new ideas reach to individuals from

sources of inside their social system

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
Cosmopolite channels
• The new ideas reach to individuals from
sources of outside to social system

Interpersonal channels may be either local or

cosmopolite, while mass media channels are
almost entirely cosmopolite

Diffusion of Agric Innovations

AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics
• Mass media channels are relatively more
important at the knowledge stage and
interpersonal channels are relatively more
important at the persuasion stage in the
innovation decision process.
• Cosmopolite channels are relatively more
important at the knowledge stage and localite
channels are relatively more important at the
persuasion stage
Diffusion of Agric Innovations
AL Sandika
Dept of AgriEconomics

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