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Title of the Book and Type of Materials Full Name of the Author/ What is the Main Problem Studied
a little

Journal of Educational Science Bani Hamad, Ali The Effect of Blended Learning on the
Studies/ Journal Ahmed. Achievement of the Third Graders
inthe Arabic Language and
theirMotivation to Learn Arabic

Psychologicaland Hasan,IdrisKamat TheEffectivenessofUsingtheBlendedLe

EducationalResearchJournal/ ur arningontheAcademicAchievement in
Journal the Biology Course among the Second
Graders in the Private Secondary
Schools in Um Al-durmanand their

Published Article, E-Learning Hasan, Ismail Blended Learning

Magazine Mohammad

JournalofOpen,Flexible,andDistance T.Aytac Open,Flexible,andDistanceLearning


TheJournalofEducatorsOnline C.C.Chen,K.T.Jones Online Education

House of Culturefor Al- BlendedLearning,theEducationalDesig

Publicationand Distribution Faqi,AbdAlilahIbra n-MultiMedia-InnovativeThinking

Blended Learning the Natural flSalameh, Hasan Blended Learning and its Contribution
Development of E- Ali
Learning/Research Paper

.E- Learning from Application to Ismail, Al-Gharib E-learning and its Impact
Professionalism Zaher

The Effect of Blended Learning on Shahin, Suad The Effect of Blended Learning on
Achievement and the Ahmed Achievement and the Development
Development/ Journal

TeachersandStudents'Trendstowa Al- Teacher-students Relationship while

rdsUsingE- Shunnaq,Qasiman Taking Blended learning
LearningintheJordanianSecondar dBaniDumi,Hasan
ySchools/School Journal

BlendingLearning(Online)/Article Harriman,G Online Blended learning


Educational psychology : P.Eggen, Mental State of Children inside a

windows on classrooms D.Kauchak Classroom

InternationalReviewofResearchinOp A.P.Rovai,H.M.Jorda Reviews about the Blended learning

enandDistanceLearning/Handbook n

EducationalTechnologyProducts/ Khamis,Mohamma Teaching Products about Blended

Online Article dAttia learning

Blendedlearninginhighereducation/ D.R.Garrison,N.Vaug Blended learning on higher education

Article han

Theblendedlearningbook/ Book J. Bersin Blended learning and its effects

JournalofOpen,Flexible,andDistance P.Zaka Blended and Distance Learning

Learning/ Journal

TheJournalofEducatorsOnline/ C.C.Chen,K.T.Jones Educators in today's modern world


BlendedLearning,TrainingandTec Freihat,EssamAhm Training on Blended learning

hnicalityJournal, ad

Husamah Studies on Blended Husamah Blended and Distance Learning


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