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Atif/Sustainable Architecture(2022)


Muhammad Atif (2022). Sustainable Architecture

University of the Punjab, College Arts and Design.

Atif/Sustainable Architecture(2022)


The aim of this report is to assess and reflect the energy crisis occurring due to swift urban
sprawl and suggest different approaches for planning and maintaining sustainability.
Sustainability emerged as a solution for 1970’s energy crisis, when architects became
cynical about the buildings those were just glass and metal boxes that require enormous
heating and cooling systems. This report is based on qualitative research methodology to
reflect and access the problems effecting our environment due to irresponsible attitude and
Incognizance of people towards sustainability.

Keywords: sustainability, green buildings, architecture, environment, eco-friendly


Sustainable architecture refers to a structure and its processes that are environmentally
friendly and resource efficient throughout the building's life cycle, from planning to
construction, operation, maintenance, refurbishment, and demolition (Kamath, 2019). A
project of sustainable building requires a joint effort between architects, client and
engineers throughout the construction phase. A sustainable building lay its ground base on
the phenomenon concerning economy, comfort and utility that is base of classical

Cities are dealing with a wide range of problems as a consequence of the rapid increase in
urban population and the ensuing increase in resource consumption. The quality of life for
individuals who live in cities is significantly influenced by how people utilize and organize
the resources that are available to them. Urban sprawl is being accompanied by mounting
environmental strains and rising demand for land, affordable housing, infrastructure,
employment, and basic rights, particularly among the 1 billion urban slum-dwelling
communities. Due to the growth of urban infrastructure, housing, and economic activity,
cities are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and natural disasters. for
the protection of the environment, reducing disaster risk, and mitigating climate change,
building urban resilience is significant. it also affects human, social, and economic costs. In
cost-effective cities, increased productivity and innovation are complemented by lower
costs and reduced carbon emissions leading to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Atif/Sustainable Architecture(2022)

People did not understand the importance of energy and the environment in the beginning.
Underestimating environmental damage and excessive energy use was a major issue back
then. As a response to these problems, the concept of green buildings gained traction, and
people started to consider the construction of green buildings which focuses on energy
efficiency and waste reduction. Sustainable architecture approaches aim to minimize a
building's environmental impact.

The first thing to consider is that since construction almost always destroys a site, it is best
to not build at all. The healthiest construction is one that is never erected. The second
approach asserts that every design should be as minimal as possible. The third criterion is
to refrain from expanding, even if the most eco-friendly and energy-efficient building
techniques have been used. Urban infill sites are favored above greenfield suburban plots .
The sustainable construction movement was motivated by the necessity and urge for more
environmentally responsible and energy-efficient designs. Building sustainably has several
benefits, including those for the environment, the economy, and society. On the other hand,
modern sustainable approaches demand for an holistic and harmonious design approach to
both new construction and renovation of existing structures. (Demery, 2010)

Construction of sustainable building requires a vast set of skills, techniques and practices, in
order to minimize and eventually eliminate the negative impact of a building on its
surrounding (Al Tuma, 2021). Sustainable buildings usually highlight passive heating and
cooling techniques, rain water harvesting and use of solar panels as the energy generating
source for the building. Different approaches and technology evolve though the time
passage but some key points must be considered such as: Efficiency in Site Selection and
Structure Design Efficiency in terms of energy and water, Efficiency of Materials
Enhancement of indoor environmental quality, optimization of operations and
maintenance, and reduction of waste and toxins. (ü ksek, 2017) .

The idea of developing a building that is in harmony with the nature and also being context-
responsive is part of sustainable design. In order to create sustainable structures, it is
essential to choose environmentally friendly building materials from regional suppliers,
reduce loads, enhance systems, and produce renewable energy on-site.

Atif/Sustainable Architecture(2022)


A smart sustainable city uses ICTs (information and communications technology) and other
means to enhance the quality of life, enhances the effectiveness of urban activities and
services, and competitiveness while also satisfying the economic, social, environmental, and
cultural necessities for today and for upcoming generations is referred to as a smart
sustainable city (Yigitcanlar, 2014). It focuses on efficient urban activities and services
considering the triple bottom line (social, economic, and environmental impacts). A smart
city provides a durable and resourceful lifestyle for the current population without
jeopardizing the ability to come coming generations to experience the same. Maintaining a
sustainable rate of economic growth yet also promoting opportunities for everyone is key to
achieving this goal. There is great emphasis on reducing energy input by smart cities, also
water, and food in addition to drastically reducing waste, heat output, air pollution (CO2,
methane), and water pollution. The aim of a sustainable city includes self-sufficiently fuel
itself with renewable energy sources and to have long life span by also avoiding causing any
harm to its surroundings and nature (Lazaroiu, 2012)


The word "sustainability" has evolved to represent eco- friendly behaviour.   Green building
covers all aspects of using eco-friendly and resource-conserving techniques, including
construction, operation, maintenance, restoration, and demolition. Sustainable building
enhances indoor air quality and fosters a healthier environment while reducing pollutants
and deconstruction waste. 50 percent of the electricity consumption in Pakistan for
domestic tasks like lighting, heating, and ventilation is utilized by homes, and yet this
electricity is still obtained from non-renewable means. Sustainable structures use solar
technologies for electricity generation. The quantity of energy used for lighting and comfort
can be decreased by using roof ponds, rainwater collection systems, and cool roofs. Homes
that are energy-efficient are also beneficial to consumers since they reduce costs by having
lower utility bills.

Atif/Sustainable Architecture(2022)


In Pakistan the route to this environmentally friendly structure began in 2005, Following a
7.8-magnitude earthquake in Northern Pakistan, the government has been active in the
rapid development of these towns without exhausting the country's key resources.

Pakistan has a tremendous amount of potential for production of renewable energy due to

its abundance of wind energy along the Makran Coastline and its over 300 days of annual
sunshine. Being an agricultural nation, it can effectively generate electricity from cow
manure. These renewable energy sources can be used in tandem with other
environmentally friendly building methods. It would drastically cut down on energy usage.
Costs of sustainable building construction are comparable to those of conventional building
techniques, but the government must educate the citizens and promote energy saving
through incentives and reimbursements for those who use these techniques. The Pakistan
Green Building Council has been lately very active about informing and educating people
about the benefits of sustainable construction to save our economy. (TOQEER AHMED,

Atif/Sustainable Architecture(2022)


Al Tuma, M. a. (2021). Effects of Construction Materials to Achieve Sustainable Buildings.

Demery, I. (2010). Sustainable Architectural Design: Reviving Traditional Design and Adapting
Modern Solutions.

Kamath, S. K. (2019). Green buildings: Sustainable construction principles.

Lazaroiu, G. C. (2012). Definition methodology for the smart cities model. Energy.

TOQEER AHMED, S. A. (2019). Green buildings: Minimising environmental impact. pakistan

green building council.

üksek, I. a. (2017). Energy-Efficient Building Design in the Context of Building Life Cycle.

Yigitcanlar, T. &. (2014). towards ubiquitous city: concept, planning and experiences.

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