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You and only you are responsible for your life choices and


A major decision in my life Finding a career

might be one of the most important decisions I will have to make in life.
I mean, this decision will affect the rest of my life as well as the lives of my
future family, so it is really something I should analyze before taking the
decision of what I am going to do. At this point in my life, I think I should
already have all this figured out, I mean, I am only one semester from getting
into college, so I should already pick my career but always I do not know what I
want until I make the decision of my career and then after picking my career I
noticed that is not what I want. It is real hard to make a major decision as picking
your career because this will change my life and the other around me. I have to
remember that every decision is like a fork in the road you chose one and go
down that road. There may be a cutoff that goes back to another you might have
passed up before, but there may not. Every decision takes you to another
crossroads or fork later that takes you to another, etc. I know that I cannot go
back to one in the past but I can try to fix it in the present, but I’ll never know
where any decision will take me. That's why life is an adventure; I’ll never know
how it will turn out, or what will happen next for that reason taking a major
decision it is real hard. As I walk on the journey of life I will make a number of
decisions. Daily I will make decisions pertaining to things I want to do every
day. However, along the way, there are critical decisions that I will have to make
that will impact my life forever. My life’s outcomes are influenced directly by
the quality of decisions I will make. I should never blame anything or anyone for
these outcomes as I would have exercised my own right to make decisions for
my life. I cannot delegate or relegate the decision to other people. I am the head
master or captain on my own life.

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