2nd Prof FM 21

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2nd professional MBBS Examination May 2021

Subject- Forensic Medicine

Short Answer Questions (SAQ)
Total Marks: 70 Time:2 hours 30 minutes
Use Separate answer script for each group, Draw diagram or figure where applicable and necessary

1. Define Malpraxis? Write about some conditions those usually considered as defense in favor of a doctor against the
litigation of negligence. (2+3.8)
2. What is informed consent? When and why is it taken? Mention when consent becomes invalid.
3. Court issued an order to exhume a dead body to find out the cause of death. Write down briefly the procedure of
exhumation and mention the pre-requisites needed to do autopsy of this case? (3.8+2)
4. What is Identification? What are the differences between Fingerprint system, DNA Fingerprint and brain finger
printing? (2+3.8)

5. Some miscreants killed a CNG taxi driver after encircling, pressurizing and pulling the neck from two sides by a
‘gamcha’. Then they took the taxi leaving the dead body beside the road and fled away. What is your most likely
diagnosis? What might be the cause of death and what post mortem findings you may get during the autopsy in this
case? (1+1.8+3)
6. A 27 years male farmer bitten on right lower limb by King cobra snake. Write the composition of venom belongs
to this snake and management of this case. ` (2+3.8)
7. Define and classify Starvation. Write the post-mortem findings of a case of chronic starvation. (2+3.8)
8. A dead body recovered from water shows abundant fine soap leathery froth in the mouth wed nostrils, ‘What is
your diagnosis? Give points in favor of your answer. (1+4.8)

9. Define Abortion and Criminal abortion. Describe the medical and legal duties of a doctor while handling a criminal
abortion case. (2+3.8)
10. What is live birth, still birth and dead born child? Describe the post mortem findings of a dead born child, whose
body has recovered from dustbin by police and sent for autopsy. (3+2.8)
11. What is delivery? Police has brought before you a woman who is alleged to have delivered a child four days ago.
What will be your findings on examining her? (2+3.8)
12. What is Locard’s principle of exchange? Write about the test of which blood stain can be detected. (2+3.8)
13. Define insanity. An accused person in a murder pretends as an insane during trial proceedings and court sent this
person to determine whether he is actually insane or not. How will you proceed to examine and finally certify
regarding his mental status? (2+3.8)
14. Define and classify Abrasion, “Abrasion in different part of the body" write down the medico-legal significance of
it. (2+3.8)
15. What is Psycho-sexual disorder? Classify it with example Differentiate lust murder from murder. (1.8+2+2)
16. Write notes on: (a) Contre coup injury. (b) Incest. (c) Hallucination. (2+1.8+2)

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