Surachat Klaiklueng 6280679

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Surachat Klaiklueng 6280679

Q1.a. As you can see in the figure 1.1, from the Facebook data, there are around 166,000-
195,300 who interest international school, international education, technology, and parenting in
the group of parent age between 35-44 who has
children age between 1-17 years. Also, in terms of
their living place, this group of people has lived close
to the school and not farer than 40km. Moreover, as
the school's tuition fee is expensive at least
390,000THB per year or 32,5000THB per month, the
monthly salary of parent should be in high class,
which is 85,000 THB or above. In terms of their
interest, they should be interest in technology
Figure 1.1 international
school, parenting. To conclude, I will use this data as the target market because it has most of
potential to be the customer and it has some demand which is around 180,650 people and not too
big or too small to do marketing.

Q2.a. As the school wants to increase awareness and gain the number of the applicant, so I think
the number of people who contact the school from the Line official account and calling would be
the best factor to be the measurement of this part.
Surachat Klaiklueng 6280679

As our plan will focus mainly on

Facebook platform, I will use
Facebook to be standard to measure
about what number of contact we
should get. As you can see from the
figure 2.1, I have chosen the target
from figure 1.1 and try to calculate
Figure 2.1 number of contacts we should get per
day if we pay Facebook about 3,000 THB per day. The number 3,000 THB per day came from
300,000 THB which is the budget that we have and divide by 90 days which is the number of
days that we get. Therefore, Facebook calculates for us that we should get 4 to 15 contacts per
day, so I will keep it as a minimum which is 4 contacts per day. So, if we consider that we got 4
contacts per day and we have 90 days to do digital marketing. We should get at least 360
contacts who are interested in the school and contact us by any platform.
Q2.b. In total: 300,000 THB
1. Redesign website: 15,000 THB
2. Google ads: 100,000 THB / Facebook ads: 150,000 THB
- Google ads: 1st month = 50,000THB, 2nd month = 25,000THB, 3rd month = 25,000 THB
- Facebook ads: 1st month = 0THB, 2nd month = 75,000THB, 3rd month = 75,000 THB
3. Service cost: 35,000 THB
The reason why we mainly focus on Google ads in the first month and focus on Facebook
ads after that month is that we must get data into Facebook pixels as much as we can before
running Facebook ads, therefore we could target our audience more accurate which is creating a
lookalike audience from website visitor or retarget to people who have visited the website. Also,
the reason why we do not have cost to create content is that the school have their own
photographer and we will use real photo without editing to show realistic examples to customer.
Q3.a. The key message is “Prepare your child with suitable curriculum before coming of cruel
future”. This message shows that, in the future, technology will be developed faster and
exponentially and will be very competitive so the old curriculum will not be practicable
anymore. Therefore, using new curriculum that is built to teach children to be able to handle this
thing is not just a thing that we should do, but it is a thing that we must do. This message could
Surachat Klaiklueng 6280679

present by using video to show the report about how technology has developed very fast and how
it will replace human career. Then, the school could convey by showing their curriculum that
gets from IDEO and design to prepare their child to confront this kind of situation exclusively.

Figure 3.1
Q3.b First Month (Prepare content)

1. The school should start with redesign website to have Thai language for Thai parents
because there are a lot of Thai parents who search in Thai language as you can see in Figure 3.3.
Also, the apply page now doesn’t convert viewers to click the contact button much, there are too
many contents that are useless on this page. For example, we should have only button for visitors
to add Line official account and call us button because 3.2are in the B2C industry, then email
Figure 3.3
contact would not effective much, so we should delete this button. Moreover, according to
Sutter, 40% of website visitors will leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load.
So, we should improve the page speed to not lose them. Especially, in mobile view, as we can
see in figure 3.1 our website got score of only 32 which is considered a low score.
2. Posting content on Facebook in 3 types which is single images, albums, and videos.
The content could be about the vision of the school, the testimonial, or the curriculum. We will
post content every day for 3 months in the time that Facebook suggests to our page. Moreover,
we could post content to give free e-books about how to parent their child or about the ability
that could make your child survive in the future by asking them to add Line official account of
the school first. Moreover, we should post in two languages which are Thai and English in one
post not only in English language. Also, we could tell teachers to live on Facebook when
teaching students in class to show real example on Facebook page. We will not run Facebook ads
this month yet because we must analyze first which content engages more like and comments.
Surachat Klaiklueng 6280679

3. Google ads and SEO, as you can see in figure 3.3, there are high search volume for
international schools and its paid difficulty is considered as easy. So, I think we should start to
create content on website that focus on keyword about international school and run Google ads
search campaign for that keyword and target area radius around the school about 40km.
Second Month (Running ads to acquire new customers)
1. Facebook ads (No Interest, Interest, LLA)
As we can see in figure 3.2, the school already set up Facebook pixel on website, so now we
can use website conversion campaign type on Facebook ads. The reason that I choose website
conversion type is that I want the customer to click on the button on the website that we have set
up in the Facebook pixel. We will separate the ad set into 3 ad sets with different interests. First
ad set will have no interest because nowadays Facebook algorithm is very smart so we should
not resist it. We should let Facebook try to do this work for us. Second ad set will target the
target from figure 1.1. Third ad set will use lookalike audience that generates from people who
visit the school website 365 days ago. All these ad sets will separate into 5-10 ads that separate
from each content that has the most engagement from last month. We will start with small
budget and then after 2 weeks, we will analyze the ad set that gains more contact of customer
then we will stop other ad set to increase budget to the ad set that gains more customers.
2. Facebook ads (Custom audience)
We will use custom audience from website visitor and people who have engaged with our
page to retarget them with content that offers sales prices for a limited time.
Third Month (Scaling)
After we have run ads for two months, we will have enough data to analyze which campaign
is effective the most. Therefore, we could increase or decrease budget for that campaign. Also,
we could analyze what type of content gets engaged the most, then we will have to start to focus
on creating more of that type of content.
Lastly, Line official account, as this month we would get a lot of people who add our
account, so we should start broadcasting about the strong point of the school, the sales price for
parents who added the school line official account, and why they should support their child to
study in this school in last month to make them not forget us and choose us as their child school.
Sutter, B. (2017, May 17). Vrooom! Why Website Speed Matters. Retrieved from
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