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First Class Test(General Pharmacology)

3rd year MBBS Class of Session 2019-20

Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Total Marks: 70 Attempt all Questions. Time Allowed: 02 hrs.
al What is Biotransformation? Which chemical reactlons can occur in Phase-I metabolism?
b) Give the examples of enzyme inducer drugs? 3

Tabulate the differences b/w tolerance & tachyphylaxis? 6

Q.2. a)
b) What are spare receptors? What is their clinical significance?

Q. 3. a) What is drug antagonism? What are its different types? 6

b) What is role of plasma protein binding in drug distribution?

factors affect bioavailability ofa drug? 6
Q.4. a) Which
merits & demerits of intravenous drug administration? A
b) What are
Q.5. a) Write down different types ofreceptors?
b) Explain the mechanism of enzyme linked receptors?
renal clearance of drugs. 3
C) Howdoes changes in urinary PH offices
Q.6. Define the following with examples?
i) Idiosyncrasy ii) Pharmacogenetics iii) Volume of distribution
v) Therapeutic window
iv) Zero order kinetics
Q.7. a) Define half life of a drug? How steady state concentration of a drug is achieved?
b) Explain pharmacodynamic drug interactions with examples?


Pharmacology &Therapeutics (Chemotherapy
Max. Marks: 70
(Short Essay Questions) Time Allowed: 2hours
Attempt All Questions
A young man is admitted in ICU with burns over 30% of his body. He is fibrile and blood cell
count shows leukocytosis. It is decided to treat with empiric combination therapy including an

Q.1. aminoglycoside once daily. Which concepts form the basis for once daily dosing protocol of 03,
aminoglycosides? Briefly explain the mechanísm of action of this group of antibiotics. 04

a) Aminoglycosides have concentration dependent killing and a significant post-antibiotic effect.

Q.2. Define post antibiotic effect, give reasons why certain antibiotics show this effect? 03,
b) Write down clinical uses of penicillin antibiotics? 04

a) A 30years old male is suffering from diarrhea and is not responding to routine anti diarrheal
drugs. He is suspected to be suffering from a pathogenic gram negative bacillus and prescribed
Ciprofloxacin. Enlist the antimicrobial spectrum and adverse effects of the antibiotic? 04,
Q.3. 03
b) Name drugs used for the treatment of salmonellosis (Typhoid Fever) and write down
mechanism of action of any one of them?
a) A 40year old male is admitted in emergency with life threatening Anaerobic Infection; which
4th Generation Flouro-Quinolones may be given to him? What are the other clinical uses of 04,
Q.4. Flouro-Quinolones? 03
b) Enumerate the adverse effects of Tetracyclines?
a) A 16year old girl has been diagnosed as a fresh case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis; select at least
FOUR drugs form the agents of First Line Therapy; explain the rationale for prescribing 04,
Q.5. Pyridoxine along with 1soniazid? 03
b) Enumerate two major adverse effects of first line anti-TB drugs?
a) A 20 year old patient suffering from endocarditis caused by Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococci; which inhibitor of Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis may be the first choice for the
Q.6. treatment? Enumerate its other uses. 03
bWhich is the drug of choice for. the Corynebacterial Diphtherial Infection in a six year old
child? Give important adverse effects of that drug.
What is the mechanism of action and basis of resistance of the followings?
i. Isoniazid 03
Q.7. 02
ii. Ethambutol
iii. Sulphonamide
a) Write down the merits and demerits of combination therapy? 03
Q.8. b) What important factors should be kept in mind before prescribing antibiotics? 02
Write short note on
following along with management?
i. Redman's syndrome 02
Q.9. ii. 02
Gray baby syndrome
iii. Pseudo-membranous colitis 03

Write down the antimicrobial spectrum of the followings?

i. Monobactum 03
Q.10. 02
Vancomycin 02
* * ********* * **** * *****

Pharmacology & Therapeutics Max. Marks: 70
(Short Essay Questions) Time Allowed: 2hours
Attempt All Questions
the management of:
Describe briefly 05
a) Organophosphorus poisoning.
Q.1. b) Myasthenia gravis.

behind the use of: 03

What is the rationale
in Benign prostatic hyperplasia. 03
a) Tamsulosin 02
b) Midodrine in orthostatic hypotension.
Q.2 Darifenacin in urge incontinence. 02
anesthetic medication
d)Atropine in pre- and memory loss. Past medical 06
a history
of senile dementia
iman presents with
a) A 65 years old his Alzheimer disease
frequency and urgency. Enlist the drugs for
history also revealed urinary 04
important adverse effects of
each. KuaSOSAI
Q.3 and benign prostatie hyperplasia with
Enumerate clinical uses of Atropine?
PctlolYho-lein Alerelal
b) cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular 06
Beta blockers are widely prescribing on
& ISA properties, receptor selectivity, duration
beta-blockers on the basis of MSA
Classify ntrinsie symPhemieiC.
Q.4 vasodilating properties?
action. lipid solubility and
non-cardiovascular uses of beta-blockers?
b) Write dowin the
ocular pain,
with blurring of VISIon,
23 years old girl presented Emergency department
in an
2A revealed acute angle

headache, nausea and vomiting. A thorough eye examination

which are useful in acute 06
glaucoma. Discuss the pharmacological basis of various drug groups
Q.5. glaucoma?
Dobutamine on heart and blood
of Dopamine &
the pharmacological actions
with their precise location
and second 06
Enumerate various Adreno
and Cholino receptors along
messenger? disorders? 04
indication of cholinomimetic drugs in various CNS
Q.6. b) Write down the therapeutic
diseases and consider as an important emergency in clinical 06
a manifestation of
a) Shock is cardiogenic, anaphylactic and
Discuss the role of autonomic drugs in hypovolemic
practice. 04
Q.7. neurogenic shock.

Enumerate important ad verse

effect of Beta-blockerS

PATHOLOGY DEPARTMENT, Sheikh Zayed Medical College/Hospital Rahim Yar Khan

PeriodicIestfor3d Year M.B.B.SClass 20192020,General
Pathology.& Marobloloay
Time Allowed: Minutes:1 hrs 20 min
All questions are to be attempted. Total Marks:50
Rewriting or tampering is strictly prohibited. Dated: 23-01-2020

Roll No.
The causes of cell injury range from physical trauma to
a single gene disorder:
a. Enlist the major causes of cell injury (01)
What isthe difference between ischemia and hypoxia?
cell injury? (02)
Howincreased cytosolic Ca2 can lead to

Destruction of cells during embryogenesis is a physiological situation in which apoptosis

OCCurs (01)
How will you define the term apoptosisS?
Enlist the pathological conditions of apoptosis? itnisos DNAdawaR (02)
C.Which pathways are involved in apoptosis?
iselde (02)

Specific pattern of cell death that applied to lower limb and lost its blood supply and
undergoes necrosis. | (01)
a. Dehine gangrenous necrosis and enumerate its types?
b. Write down the other types of necrosis.?
What are the morphological features of tissue undergoing infarction? (02)
transfusions of red blood
Q.4 A 22 year old female is suffering from anemia and required multiple
examination but microscopic
cells for many years .she has no significant findings on physical answer the
basis of these findings
findings of liver reveals some type of granules .On

following questions. e mo9CesE5 (01)

a. Whatis yourdiagnosIS? accumulations that occur typically as (02)
by (5) major types of intracellular
List five
part of a pathojogic process.
C.Write down the diferences between metastatic and dystrophic calcification
Define the term normal fiora of human body? Name the members of normal (1+2)
Q.5 a.
flora of nasophayrnx and colon?
Explain colonization resistance? (02)
Write down the phases of bacterial growth curve? Also explain the cellular (2+2)
Q.6 a.
events that take place in each phase?
What isconditional lethal mutation? (01)
Q.7 aName the four mechanisms of action of antimicrobial drugs? (04)
b. Define Koch's postulate? (01)
Q.8 aUsing your concept of bacterial genetics, explain the process of conjugation (03)

with labeled diagram.

b. Give 4 reasons for non-genetic bacterial drug resistance (02)
Q.9 a. Name any 4 components an organism must have to be capable of causing an (02)
D. What are the physicaland chemicalagents useto kill microorganisms? (03)
Q.10 a.Enumerate endospore forming gram negative rods. (01)
What is the mechanism of action of following toxins?
(0Diphtheria toxin ()Cholera toxin
C.Whatis difference between antiseptic and disinfectant? (01)
..3rd Year MBBS 2019-2020 1st Periodic Test
192 Class Test (First)

Time allowed 2 hrs:10 mins.


equal marks. Total marks -80

Attempt all questions carrying

in rainy season and was brought to

an electric pole
died after contact with
1. a) A 17 yrs old boy
What are the cinical criteria for certification of
death? (05)
Emergency by his parents.
significance? (02+03)
Describe phases of death .Write their medico legal

hours of his kidnap was in bloated, blistered

2. The dead body of a young male found by police after 72
and discolored state.
involved in its development? (01+02)
while discussing the mechanism
Name this condition
a) (02+02)
Enumerate the factors which
affect the rate of this process?
b) significance? (1.5+1.5)
formation and its medico legal
essential factors for adipocere
either lead to
are different sides of the same coin; can

3. a) Criminal responsibility and non-responsibility (02+03)

in this context?
enquiry. Discuss presumptions and exceptions
alternative outcome of the

Define evidence; give its types with examples?(02+03)

Qanoon-e-Shahadat, to give a
summon under Sec. 130 of
officer received
4. A casualty medical
an autopsy he conducted.
as a witness, in the court regarding
various steps of oral
examination he has to go through? (01+ 03)
a) Define witness .Describe

Outline the jurisdiction of courts in Pakistan. (06)

has tattooing on his
electronic media few months ago, he
Death of Salahudin was highlighted in
5. a)
tattoos? (03)
forearm. Give medico legal importance of
identity is required for dead? (04)
Enlist the matters of concern in which positive
anatomical features of male &
female pelvis? (03)

are left behind. What-information can be furnished

only skeletal remains
In any plane crash accident
6. a)
from bones? (05)
Describe different methods of intrauterine age estimation of fetus before 5 month? (03)
c) Name the various patterns of ridges in dactylography? (02)

A child to emergency department

immealate after pOIson intake. Recognize how unabsorbed
7. a) brought
poison can be removed from his body? (2.5)
of toxicity of poisons on their probable oral lethal dose. (03)
b) Chart out the rating
c) Define antidotes? Classify them according to their mechanism of action (01+3.5)

8. a) Enlist legal duties of a doctor in poisoning cascs. (05)

b) Enumerate factors modifying toxicity of a poison ? (05)

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