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Fazer frases (pode ser perguntas,resposta,qualquer tipo)

sobre essas 25 palavras abaixo.

-1 aircraft = aeronave. = Aircraft sometimes fuel while in the air.

-2 freak down = enlouquecer = Maria would freak down when she saw the cats.
-3 polygraphs = poligrafos. = The suspect was given a polygraph test (O suspeito
foi submetido a um teste de polígrafo)
-4 skeptics = céticos
-5 recognize = reconhecer = Do you really not recognize her?
-6 highway = avenida = The new highway will reduce the time to drive to the beach
-7 naked = nu= Bacteria are too small for the naked eye.
-8 abductee - abduzido = The precise number of alleged abductees is uncertain.(O
número preciso de supostos abduzidos é incerto.)
-9 scrutiny = exame minucioso
10- starvation = inanição = The whole country is threatened with starvation. (O
país inteiro está ameaçado de fome.)
11- dehydration = desidratação = More than 11 000 children die every day around the
world because of dehydration caused by diarrhoea.
12- brain waves skin = ecografia cerebral
13- report = relatório = They asked for a progress report on the project (Eles
pediram um relatório sobre o andamento do projeto)
14- avoid = evitar = We intentionally avoid that street." (Nós intencionalmente
evitamos aquela rua.")
15- getting out = vazar a noticia. = You were not invited and I'm telling you to
get out.
16- misleading = enganasse = The article was misleading, and the newspaper has
apologized. (O artigo era enganoso, e o jornal se desculpou.)
17- struck = chocado = The words struck her hard. (As palavras a atingiram com
18- pale = pálido. She was pale with fear. (Ela estava pálida de medo.)
19- human being = ser humano = all knowledge is good for human beings.
20- rescue me = me resgatar. = Rescue teams will continue the search tomorrow. (As
equipes de resgate continuarão a busca amanhã.)
21- extraterrestrial = extraterreste
22- creatures = criaturas = Your dog's a ferocious creature! (Seu cão é uma
criatura feroz!)
23- hysterical = histérico.
24- calm down = acalmar
25- knocked out = nocautearam
26- overcame = superar

Which day and year happened the ufo encountered?

R: it was in a wednesday in 15 9 november.

-1 aircraft = aeronave. = Aircraft sometimes fuel while in the air.

-2 freak down = enlouquecer = Maria would freak down when she saw the cats.
-3 polygraphs = poligrafos. = The suspect was given a polygraph test (O suspeito
foi submetido a um teste de polígrafo)
4- More than 11 000 children die every day around the world because of dehydration
caused by diarrhoea.
-5 highway = avenida = The new highway will reduce the time to drive to the beach
-6 naked = nu= Bacteria are too small for the naked eye.
7- starvation = inanição = The whole country is threatened with starvation. (O país
inteiro está ameaçado de fome.)
8- report = relatório = They asked for a progress report on the project (Eles
pediram um relatório sobre o andamento do projeto)
9- avoid = evitar = We intentionally avoid that street." (Nós intencionalmente
evitamos aquela rua.")
10- getting out = vazar a noticia. = You were not invited and I'm telling you to
get out.
11- misleading = enganasse = The article was misleading, and the newspaper has
apologized. (O artigo era enganoso, e o jornal se desculpou.)
12- struck = chocado = The words struck her hard. (As palavras a atingiram com
13- pale = pálido. She was pale with fear. (Ela estava pálida de medo.)
14- human being = ser humano = all knowledge is good for human beings.
15- creatures = criaturas = Your dog's a ferocious creature! (Seu cão é uma
criatura feroz!)


1- When do they act and How often do they act?

R: They act every saturday, four times a month

2- Why do they argue so much?

R: Because they don't agree with each other.

3- Can she bake?

R: Yes, she can bake, because she is a good cook.

4- who are you going to call next week and why?

R: I'm going to call by my cell phone because I think it's easier.

5- Do they prefer to chat online?

R: Yes, they prefer to chat online, becouse they are shy person.

6- When do you clean your house?

R: every friday and tuesday a week.

7- Why you didn't complain?

R: Because I didn't see a necessity to complain.

8- Who's the composer here?

R: his name is Jonas.

9 - How often do they go dancing?

R: they go dancing Two times a month.

10 - When did you do yoga?

R: I did yoga yesterday.

11- Are they driving to San Franciso now?

R: No they aren't, they're driving to San Diego.

12- How did you do those exercise?

R: I did them when I was studying with my friend.

13- What's the best way to practice English?

R: Is study at the American English Course.

14- Do you think reading is a good practice in English? Why?

R: i think, but I think when you talk to other people who speak english fluently is
better to learn.
15- Why did she shout at him?
R: Because he broke her cell phone.

16- When are you going to visit me?

R: I'm going to visit you next week.

17- Why they don't watch the news?

R: Because they don't care.

18- What did the instructor tell you about the soccer match?
R: He told me I had to pay more attention.

19- Is your friend Jonny a good player?

R: Yes he is. his coach taught him to be better each day.

20- What do people tell about him?

R: They tell him a nice boy.

21- What can he do to be a good actor?

R: He has to do a course about to become a good actor.

22- What can he do to be a good dancer?

R: He has to do a course to become a good dancer.

23- What can he do to be a good driver?

R: He has to do a course to become a good driver

24- What can he do to be a good Instructor?

R: He has to do a course to become a good instructor,

25- What can he do to be a good player?

R: He has to do a course to become a good player

Fazer o texto usando o texto tipo o texto usado da pag 16 (tentar fazer diferente
do modelo da página):

When I was a child, I had a difficult experiences when I went to church.

I used to pray very well, but in that day, the priest called me to pray in front of
the people
and I praied very badly. While I was praying I forgot some words and I missed some
words too
and I realized that I wasn't praying very well, but I couldn't stop praying. I was
too nervous.
at list I could finished it, but I felt very difficult to pray at that time, thats
a experience that I don't want to pass again.

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