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Hello good morning for everyone. Today I am going to talk about fashion and the woman who
is currently considered the most powerful woman in the fashion industry, Anna Wintour.
Surely you all know Vogue magazine, she is the writer and director of that magazine since
1988. We could say that she is a true fashion icon.

Anna grew up in London in the sixties, when women and with them fashion was in full
revolution, everything was changing, educational systems, pills... Experiencing that revolution
made her love fashion since she was little.

Vogue is the first American fashion magazine that managed to conquer Europe. When its
founder, Baldwin Turnure, died, this brand passed into the hands of a publisher, from
where Anna Wintour was hired. Currently, it offers reports of the most important fashion
brands, as well as the latest trends from young fashion designers.

This is an old photo from an old magazine and the one from now.

At first, the covers created by her were considered to be very risky. Because there were
African-American women, like Naomi Campbell, in them and that could have a big impact.
Eventually these magazines were published and were very successful so Anna Wintour
was commended for her ideas and given a higher position.

 Her parents forced her to take fashion classes because they didn't like their
daughter's style.

 She has the same haircut as when she was 14 years old.

 She always wears sunglasses and loves them. She says that they are like a weapon,
in case she doesn't like what she sees on the catwalks, with dark glasses, no one
will notice her reactions.

 She assures that she would never dress all in black.

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