B1 Critical Speed of Shaft

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Title: Study critical speed of single rotor system.

Aim: To determine critical speed of single rotor system.

Rotating shafts are broadly used in many mechanical applications like pumps, engines and
turbines. Material irregularities, uncertain usage patterns (e.g. random overloads and sudden
jerks) and environmental conditions (e.g. fluctuations in temperature and humidity) may
adversely affect the service life of mechanical systems to cause performance degradation and
unanticipated failures. It is observed that high speed and heavy duty shafts develop transverse
cross-sectional due to blow or whirl at some time during their life period. In order to reduce the
possibility of failure in operation, the investigation and prediction of the dynamic behavior of
such rotating machines have become increasingly important in the early stage.

A ) Concept of whirling:

Machine components at a standstill may behave very differently when they are moving, even at
relatively low speeds. A solid shaft able to support a hundred times its own weight plus the
weight of the components mounted on it may, when rotating at certain speeds, bend and vibrate.
The speeds are called ‘critical speeds and the bending and the vibration is known as ‘whirling’. If
this ‘critical speed of whirling’ is maintained then the resulting amplitude becomes sufficient to
cause buckling and failure. However if the speed is rapidly increased before such deleterious
effects occur then the shaft is seen to restabilize and run true again until at another specific speed
a double bow is produced.

Whirling is usually associated with fast-rotating shafts. When a shaft rotates it is subjected to
radial or centrifugal forces, which cause the shaft to deflect from its rest position. These
centrifugal forces are unavoidable, since material in homogeneities and assembly difficulties
ensure that the center of gravity of the shaft or its attached masses cannot coincide with the axis
of rotation. Dunkerley first investigated the centrifugal forces involved and determined that the
only restabilizing or restoring force was that due to the elastic properties or stiffness of the shaft.
Hence, he was able to deduce the speed at which the shaft would suffer an infinite deflection due
to whirling.

When the speed of rotation is increased the centrifugal force also increases and so does the
restoring force. Below the critical speeds, the restoring forces increase with increasing shaft
deflection faster than the centrifugal forces, so the deflection is held in check. At the critical
speeds, the restoring forces increase at the same rate as the unbalance forces, so they cancel each
other out. Shaft deflection is unchecked and the shaft behaves as though it is very flexible.
Above the critical speeds the unbalance forces hold sway, and the shaft rotates about the center
of mass of the assembly (which is very close to the center of the shaft).
All rotating shaft, even in the absence of external load, deflect during rotation. The combined
weight of a shaft and wheel can cause deflection that will create resonant vibration at certain
speeds, known as Critical Speed.

The magnitude of deflection depends upon the followings:-

(a) Stiffness of the shaft and its support

(b) Total mass of shaft and attached parts
(c) Unbalance of the mass with respect to the axis of rotation
(d) The amount of damping in the system
Introduction To Critical Speed Of Shaft
 When a rotor is mounted on a shaft, its centre of gravity usually does not coincide with
the axis of rotation of the shaft. This centre of gravity is normally displaced from the axis
of rotation although the amount of displacement may be very small.
 This displacement of centre of gravity may be due to one or more of the following
1.Eccentric mounting of the rotor on the shaft.
2. Lack of straightness of the shaft.
3. Bending of shaft under the action of gravity in case of horizontal shaft.
4. Non-homogeneous rotor material.
5. Unbalanced magnetic pull in case of electrical machinery[5].
 As a result of this initial eccentricity of the centre of gravity from the axis of rotation,
shat subjected to a centrifugal force when it begins to rotate.
 This centrifugal force acts radially outwards, which makes the shaft to bend in the direc-
tion of eccentricity of the C.G[4]
 This further increases the eccentricity, and hence the magnitude of centrifugal force. In
this way the effect is cumulative and ultimately the shaft may fail
 Because of this unbalanced centrifugal force, a shaft starts vibrating violently in the di-
rection perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. This phenomenon is known as whirling of
 The speed at which the shaft starts to vibrate violently in the direction perpendicular to
the axis of the shaft is known as critical speed or whirling speed.

Critical Speed Of Shaft Carrying Single Rotor (without Damping)

 A vertical shaft having negligible inertia and carrying a single rotor, the shaft in station-
ary condition,
 When shaft is in rotating condition as shown in ,then there are two forces acting on the
1. Centrifugal Force = mw2 (y +e)
It acts in radially outward direction through point G
2. Restoring Force = Ky
It acts in radially inward direction through point G.
3. In equilibrium condition, the centrifugal force is equal to restoring force. Therefore,
Centrifugal force = Restoring force

e∗( )
y = 2
1−( )
From Equation, it is clear that, as the angular speed of the shaft w' increases, the
deflection of the shaft 'y' increases. When 'u' becomes equal to ‘w n’, the deflection of
the shaft y becomes infinity

(a).shaft in stationary condition (b) shaft in rotating condition

Fig 1.2 Whirling Of Shaft

Thus, speed at which the defection of tends to be infinity is known as critical speed or whirling
Therefore, the critical speed or whirling speed of shaft is given by

Ranges Of Shaft Speed-

There are three ranges of shaft speed ‘ω’
1. Shaft speed (ω) < Critical speed (ωc)
2. Shaft speed (ω) = Critical speed (ωc)
3. Shaft speed (ω)>Critical speed (ωc)
1. Shaft speed (ω)< Critical speed (ωc)
When the speed of shaft is less than the critical speed (i.e. ω<ωc), the deflection of shaft
‘y’ is positive.
This means, the rotor rotates with heavy side outwards.
In this speed range, the deflection of shaft 'y' increases with shaft speed ‘ω’
2. Shaft speed (ω) = Critical speed (ωc)
when the speed of shaft is equal to the critical speed (ie, ω=ω c), the deflection of shaft ‘y’
tends to be infinity and the shaft vibrates with large amplitude. This may lead to the
failure of the shaft.
3. Shaft speed (ω)>Critical speed (ωc)
When the speed of shaft is greater than the critical speed (i.e. ω>ω c), the deflection
of shaft ‘y' is negative.

In this speed range, the deflection of shaft 'y' and eccentricity 'e' are on the same side of the
geometric centre of the rotor’s’.
This means, the rotor rotates with light side outwards. When ω >>ω c, y= - e which means that the
centre of gravity of rotor 'G' approaches the axis of rotation 'O' and the rotor rotates about its
C.G. This principle is used in running high speed turbines by speeding up the rotor rapidly
beyond the critical speed. When 'y' approaches the value of -e', the rotor runs steadily.
Fig 3.2.1 Ranges of shaft speed
Critical Speed Of Shaft Carrying Single Rotor (with Damping)
 All shaft supported in bearings will have some amount of damping due to friction or in
the form of air resistance .
 If the effect of damping is considered then the analysis becomes slightly different.
 In the displaced position, three forces are acting on the shaft,
1. Centrifugal Force = mω2a - It is acting at point 'G' along OG.
2. Restoring Force = Ky - It is acting at port 'S, along so.
3. Damping Force = cωy - I is acting at point S in a direction opposite to the linear ve-
locity of point 'S’.
Where, ωy = the linear velocity of point 'S', m/s
 Due to damping force, the points 0, S and G are no longer on a straight line, but they
form a triangle as shown in .
Fig 3.3 Deflected Position Of Shaft

Φ=tan ¿
Above equation gives the phase angle between the eccentricity line and deflection line i.e
Angle by which deflection lag .

e( ω/ ω c )2
√[1−(ω/ω ) ] +(ω/ω ∗2∗ξ )
2 2

Above equation gives the deflection of the geometric centre of the rotor from the initial
undeflected position.
 For whirling of shaft are as same as that for the forced damped vibrations with rotating
and reciprocating unbalance. In case of forced damped vibrations
due to rotating or reciprocating unbalance, the unbalance was in terms of the small mass
mo ,where as in this case the unbalance is defined in terms of the total mass 'm' with ec-
centricity 'e'.
Critical Speed Equation (Nc):

There are two method used to calculate critical speed, Rayleigh-Ritz and Dunkerley Equation.
Both the Rayleigh- Ritz and Dunkerley equation are approximations to the first natural frequency
of vibration, which is assumed to be nearly equal to the critical speed of rotation. In general, the
Rayleigh-Ritz equation overestimates and the Dunkerley equation underestimate the natural
frequency. The equation illustrated below is the Rayleigh-Ritz equation; good practice suggests
that the maximum operation speed should not exceed 75% of the critical speed [8].

Critical Speed, N c=

30 g
π δ st

g = gravity acceleration (9.81 m/s2)

δst = total maximum static deflection

Critical speed depends upon the magnitude or location of the load or load carried by the shaft,
the length of the shaft, its diameter and the kind of bearing support.

Maximum deflection of shaft:

Simply supported:

Maximum deflection δ st =
384 EI
Point load acting on shaft:

Maximum deflection δ st =
48 EI

Construction and Assembly

In this setup we have used different parts including mechanical and electrical components. The
setup has following main parts:
1) Base Plate
2) Bearing Blocks
3) Inductive Sensors
4) Support Plate
5) Electric Motor
6) Coupling
7) Steel Shafts
8) Rotors
9) Shafts Holder sleeves
Fig Actual Assembly
All these parts are assembled together by following manner:
1) Construct a foundation of required specifications.
2) Mount the base plate on the foundation firmly and in perfect horizontal alignment,
fix it to the foundation by nut and bolts.
3) Bearing blocks are fixed on the base plate by using nut and bolts were slits are
grooved on the base plate.
4) 1 HP motor is mounted on extreme end of the base plate by using nut and bolts.
5) The rotor is mounted on the shaft.
6) The shaft is inserted into the sleeves. One of the sleeves is connected to the motor
end by using jaw coupling. Coupling is fixed on the shaft by tightening screw pro-
vided on the jaw coupling.
7) Bearing Blocks are fastened on base plate by using nut and bolts.
8) Alignment of centre of bearing and motor shaft is done and then the motor is fixed in
its proper position.
Experimental Procedure:
1) First check whether the bearing blocks and motor are firmly mounted on the base frame.
2) Confirm that the base frame is tightly bolted to the foundation otherwise it will create ex-
cessive noise .
3) Make sure the bearings are running smoothly , if not lubricate them in order to avoid
jerking effect produced by stick and slip phenomenon
4) Make sure the motor is properly connected to dimmerstat .
5) Make sure the motor is working and the speed is varying according to dimmerstat.
6) Verify whether the sensors are functioning properly and giving accurate readings.
7) Make sure the shaft holding sleeves are firmly gripped by the bearings and there is no rel-
ative motion between the sleeves and the inner race.
8) Make sure the sleeve is connected to the motor via coupling, and the coupling is firmly
fitted with bolt.
9) Select a shaft of known diameter, length and mount one of the standard rotors on the
shaft fix its position on the shaft with the help of grub screw
10) Unbolt the bearing block opposite to the motor so that the rotor mounted shaft can be
fixed in the sleeves.
11) Tighten the grub screws on the sleeves to avoid slippage of the shaft but remember to ap-
ply adequate amount of force so that the shaft does not get inclined.
12) Bolt the bearing block opposite to the motor .
13) Mount the proximity sensor near the coupling and connect it to the display unit.
14) Apply the safety acrylic cover to the whole assembly
15) Distance yourself away from the setup to a safe distance to avoid any unfortunate acci-
16) Connect the dimmerstat to the external AC power supply and turn on the main switch.
17) Slowly increase the speed of the motor with the help of the dimmerstat.
18) Notice the variation in the deflection of shaft as the motor slowly gains speed.
19) As the speed approaches the critical speed start taking the readings of the proximity sen-
20) Run the setup at critical speed for a particular interval of time so that the sensors can take
appropriate readings.
21) Remember not to run the setup at critical speed for a long time to avoid failure of sys-
22) Slowly reduce the motor speed to zero.
23) Remove the safety acrylic covering from the setup and remove the shaft and rotor from
the sleeves.
24) Repeat step 9 to step 23 for next set of shaft and rotor.

Observations Table: Theoretical Critical Speed

Sr. Density modulus E Length Rotor Diameter Frequency Theoretical
No. (kg/m^3) (Gpa) (m) mass (m) critical (Hz) critical
(kg) speed (rpm)

7870 2E+11 0.92 0.15 0.005 11.4543 687.2607

7870 2E+11 0.92 0.3 0.005 9.31122 558.6732

7870 2E+11 0.92 0.35 0.005 8.8256 529.5385

Observations Table: Experimental Critical Speed

Sr. Rotor mass (kg) Diameter Experimental

No. (m) critical speed

1 0.15 0.005 586

2 0.3 0.005 469

3 0.35 0.005 425

Result Table: Comparative Study

Sr. Rotor mass (kg) Diameter Theoretical critical experimental

No. (m) speed (rpm) critical
speed (rpm)

1 0.15 0.005 687.2607822 586

2 0.3 0.005 558.6732538 469

3 0.35 0.005 529.5385101 425


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