Written, A Letter 1

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Written 1: E-mail

Kerly Cisneros

Salesian Politechnic University

Career of Psychology

Level: A2-English
Lic. Jorge Cárdenas

Wednesday October, 21th 2022.


To my Dear, Friend.

Hello, my best friend Cristopher, long time no see! How are you? I´m writing you this letter
because, I miss you so much. I have been told that next month you are going to start studying
in Quito, that’s good news, congratulations, I´m happy for you. One of these days I want to
invite you to the movies and to buy a coffee. I live in the south of the city with my brother and
He and I sometimes fight when one of us doesn't clean the house. I started studying Psychology
at the Salesian Politechnic University, now I’m on the third semester, I usually play basketball
with my brother on Saturdays.
It can be annoying, but he takes good care of me.

Greeting to all your family.

I hope your answer.

Take care yourself.

Att: Kerly Cisneros, your best friend forever.

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