CoolTan Arts E-Bulletin August 2011

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Events take place at CoolTan Arts Unit B 237 Walworth Rd SE171RL unless otherwise stated. Tel: 020 7701 2696. Open Mon-Thu 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-5pm. Twitter: @cooltan4 Facebook:

Important Notice
CoolTan Arts is taking a short break for 2 weeks at the end of August, from 22/08/11 to 02/09/11. Please phone for details.


Sat 14 Aug, 12noon at Camberwell Green: Elephant & Nun Festival Largactyl Shuffle Walk Tue 16 Aug, 6pm: Private View Batik & Textiles RETRO-spective Sat 20 Aug, 12noon at Maudsley Hospital: CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle - Family Treasure Hunt Mon 22 Aug, 9.30am: Trip to Kew Gardens Sat 3 Sept, 1pm: Liberty Festival at South Bank with Largactyl Shuffle Walks and CoolTan stall Mon 19 Sept, 6pm: CoolTan Arts Annual General Meeting Sat 15 Oct, 11.30am at Maudsley Hospital: World Mental Health Day Sponsored Walk *Sign up now*

Elephant & Nun Festival Largactyl Shuffle Walk Sat 14 Aug 2011, 12noon at Camberwell Green
Join CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle, a fun guided cultural walk for mental and physical wellbeing using art, humour and history, destigmatising mental distress wherever we go. Learn more about the local area of Camberwell Green, Peckham Square, Brunswick Park and Lucas Gardens.

Private View Batik & Textiles RETRO-spective Tue 16 August 2011, 6pm, at CoolTan Arts
An exciting exhibition with fashion show at CoolTan Arts celebrating the achievements of the Batik and Textiles class since it started in 2006 with their first major RETRO-spective, coinciding with the 60th Anniversary of the Festival of Britain. CoolTan Arts celebrate the recovery of the mind through the arts and will be displaying the bespoke hand-dyed and crafted garments by CoolTan Arts participants. We invite you to view the positive effects textiles arts can have on the modern Britons of Southwark and how we 'make do and mend' the stigma of mental distress in our community. Come along to our private view, meet the artists and get inspired. Please RSVP to or call 020 7701 2696. The exhibition will be on display until mid-September, feel free to pop in CoolTan Arts Independent Gallery Monday-Friday 10.30am-5pm.

CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle: Family Treasure Hunt Saturday 20 August 2011, 12noon Meet at Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, SE5 8AZ
Did you know...? Giraffes were first seen in public just off The Walworth Road/ Camberwell! Come to CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle Walk to find out more. A fun guided cultural walk for mental and physical wellbeing, using art, humour and history, destigmatising mental distress. This walk is specifically designed for families and children. Discover the history of Burgess Park, local 18th century horticultural businesses, 19th century zoo and pleasure gardens in Camberwell. Youll also have the opportunity to visit allotments in the Heygate Estate. We have fun activities for young and old along the route. You are welcome to join us for any part of the walk - however short or long! The walk is accessible to wheelchair users and people with disabilities. Everyone is welcome! The walk starts at 12noon at the Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, SE5 8AZ, and ends at Tate Modern; the walk leaders wear orange high-viz vests and rucksacks. Call CoolTan Arts on 07985658443 if you cannot find the group of walkers on the day. The walk is free but voluntary donations will be appreciated. Please bring a packed lunch and drinks, wear suitable clothes and sensible footwear.

Kew Gardens Visit for CoolTan participants, volunteers, staff, trustees Monday 22 August 2011
Join us for a fun day out! CoolTan Arts has 52 tickets to visit Kew Gardens for free. Please bring your own packed lunch. We will be travelling by bus and tube. The trip is free but we do not cover transport costs. We meet at 9.30am at CoolTan Arts or 11.30am outside Kew Gardens, Victoria Gate. RSVP essential by Wednesday 10 August. Please book your place with Clara, call 02077012696 or email CoolTan Arts will be closed on this day so that all staff can come along.

Liberty Festival - CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle and stall Saturday 3 September 2011, 1pm-5pm Meet at Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, SE5 8AZ
Liberty is London's Disability Arts Festival, a platform for amazing new work from deaf and disabled artists. CoolTan Arts will have a stall and run three guided Largactyl Shuffle walks (45 minutes each) across the Southbank site, looking at the psycho-geography of the Southbank and access for disabled people within built architectural spaces of the 1950s. In conjunction with the celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of the Festival of Britain, we will look back at the treatment of people experiencing mental distress in the 1950s, when the anti-psychotic drug Largactil (Chlorpromazine) was invented, contrasting the 1950s to the present day. Join this exciting walk, explore the inside and outside of the Southbank site, including the Royal Festival Hall, Hayward Gallery and National Theatre, and discover the history of disability and mental health through the Largactyl Shuffle. Come and enjoy an afternoon of music and cabaret, outdoor arts and dance, and fun for children. For more information, please contact Kathrin or Susan on, call 020 77012696 or 0798565844.

CoolTan Arts Annual General Meeting Monday 19 September, 6pm

You are invited to join our AGM on 19 September 2011 starting at 6pm and finishing at 9pm. All are welcome. CoolTan Arts will present their annual report and discuss current and future activities. Your chance to get involved, join us for a social and informative evening! We hope many volunteers and participants will be there. Refreshments will be available. Please RSVP along with any dietary requirements, tell Clara at CoolTan, call 02077012696 or email

Celebrate World Mental Health Day with CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle Sponsored Walk Saturday 15 October 2011, 11.30am at Maudsley Hospital No Health Without Mental Health! An exciting sponsored walk with a difference Sign up now!
Join CoolTan Arts BIG Largactyl Shuffle Sponsored Walk from Maudsley Hospital to Tate Modern, a fun guided cultural walk for mental and physical well-being. Discover the history of mental health within the NHS - from cradle to grave - since 1948. Celebrate creativity, challenge stigma and help CoolTan Arts raise money so we can continue supporting people with disabilities. Get involved, challenge stigma and help make mental health a global concern. We meet outside the main entrance of the Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, SE5 8AZ at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, 15 October 2011 and we will take you on the Largactyl Shuffle Trail from Camberwell to the River. All we ask is that you commit to doing the walk with us on the 15 October 2011, and that you raise some money to help us! The walk is supported by Community Learning at Tate Modern, Maudsley Hospital, Institute of Psychiatry and the Department of Health. To register, you need to complete and return a registration form along with a registration fee of 5 unwaged and 10 waged (non-refundable). Visit for more information or to download a registration form. Contact CoolTan Arts today on 020 7701 2696 or email Sponsor our walkers on

Funding updates
Brilliant news! We have some sponsorship for the Largactyl Shuffle walks and some successful funding bids for new projects and want to share this and celebrate with you. Thanks for this support! Marks & Spencer Walworth Road has confirmed sponsorship of the Largactyl Shuffle Walks by supplying bottled water for each monthly walk. Awards for All: Women-only Poetry and IT workshops; keep an eye out for more details and times in Sept. Alan & Babette Sainsbury Charitable Trust and Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales: continuation of our innovative advocacy projects.

CoolTan Arts at the South London Gallery: the making of a soundscape and the launch of Innovation in Mad Culture
Wednesday 20 July at the South London Gallery. The Clore Studio at South London Gallery was buzzing with excitement. A diverse group of around 50 people, sharing a common interest in CoolTan gather in the Gallerys studio to listen to a sound scape and to witness the premiere of the documentary on the Largactyl Shuffle Walks Innovation in Mad Culture, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Mayors Story of London. This film is based on the Largactyl Shuffle Walk in October 2010, which celebrated World Mental Health Day and mad culture, explored the past, present and future of Madness and Contemporary Psychiatric Innovation. CoolTan participants designed 5 bio-degradable sculptures that were placed along the route of the walk and highlighted the work of innovators such as Michael Faraday, Charles Babbage, Sir Peter Mansfield, Octavia Hill and David Morris The sound scape presented consisted of sounds recorded at Julys Largactyl Shuffle Literary Walk created in collaboration with sound artist Isa Suarez. Kaya, a participant in the Largactyl Group said: The film Innovation in Mad Culture was a wonderful introduction to CoolTans work and especially the Largactyl Shuffle Walk. As I have recently joined the group the Literary Walk was my first walk - the movie was especially informative. Amongst other things, it showed what CoolTan means for so many people.[...] The movie showed the diversity of the walks and the enthusiasm, collaboration and creativity of all the volunteers. Read the full review on CoolTan Arts website. The film will be available for hire and we are also looking for more venues to screen the film. If youd like to host a film screening, please email us on or call us on 020 77012696.

Filmmaking/Podcasting project about Personalisation new section on our website

Over the next few months CoolTan participants will be producing both film and audio podcasts related to personalisation, exploring the process any individual will need to go through to access a personal budget. The first podcasts are now available on CoolTan Arts website, have a look: You can still join this unique and exciting project! Get involved and join the workshop on Thursdays 4pm-6pm (podcasting) and Fridays 11am-1pm (film) at CoolTan Arts. Interested? Please e-mail Asia on or call 020 701 2696.


Join a regular workshop at CoolTan
Do you have a personal budget, access to direct payments or other funding? Do you want to get out of the house, be creative, learn new skills? Come along to one of CoolTans workshops, meet people, learn new skills, have fun, break out of isolation with like-minded people, take part in exhibitions and events. Check out our services on Please contact Clara on 020 77012696 or email for more details.

Self-Advocacy Training Skills Programme - August 2011

Our thanks to Comic Relief, Lloyds TSB Foundation and the Alan and Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund, and to everyone who has been involved in the development and participated in the programmes in their many and diverse ways. Its the final repeats of workshops for now, but look out for news of additional workshops where and when possible.

As there are limited places available, please do contact CoolTan, if possible, if youre likely to attend, but youll be welcomed anyway; workshops aim to start on time: > Wednesday 10th August, 11am: The State Benefits System ways of finding your way through > Thursday 11th August, 2pm: Priority setting and 4 steps to Self-advocacy (Phil) > Thursday 18th August 2pm: Specific State Benefit changes e.g. DLA/IB/HB & Work Capability Test Both Benefits workshops are with Paul Edwards, Welfare Benefits Advisor via LB Southwark/SLaM. In addition to these workshops, the programmes include additional skills training sessions and support opportunities please get in touch for more details, booking forms, and fuller schedules: Drop into CoolTan Arts, phone, email or write & ask for Phil Ruthen, Advocacy Training Coordinator: 020 7701 2696 Mobile 0798 565 8443

Trips and Exhibitions group! *All welcome* Every Wed 4pm 5.30pm
Do you enjoy going to plays and art exhibitions? Would you like to help others to do the same? Are you interested in how exhibitions are organised and run at CoolTan Arts? Then this exciting new group is for you. We will be researching free tickets, building links to other galleries and theatres, and going on trips. Also we will be planning, advertising, organising and evaluating trips out to see exhibitions and plays. Eventually we hope the group will be helping to plan, fundraise, set up and run exhibitions at CoolTan Arts, and other venues. A chance to learn the whole process of putting on an exhibition and what happens afterwards. Everybody welcome, there are lots of varied tasks, something for everyone! Contact, or, ring our number, or come into the office to let Clara know youd like to join the group. See you there!

Why volunteer? Need help getting back into work, want to give back to the community
Volunteers do a wonderful job and CoolTan couldnt exist without the work they do. Volunteering at CoolTan Arts can help you gain confidence and new skills, get work experience, make new friends. Volunteer opportunities are available every day. If you would like to help us, please speak to Asia at CoolTan, contact her on 020 7701 2696, email or check the website for more details.

Services for Health and Social Care Organisations, mental health practitioners, GPs, social workers, key workers
CoolTan Arts can work with GPs and other health professionals to meet the social care needs of their clients. We are very keen to meet you and your teams and tell you more about the services CoolTan Arts offers. If you are a community mental health practitioner and you would like to refer clients, please contact us on 020 77012696 or email If you are interested in finding out more about us and how we can work with your organisation, or want a CoolTan representative at your team meetings to give an introduction to CoolTan, please contact us on 020 77012696 or email Due to the funding cuts, CoolTan Arts has lost a third of its annual income. We do all we can to mitigiate this but we need your support so CoolTan Arts can continue to provide our much-needed services. Can you help? Raise money for CoolTan Arts as you search the web With Everyclick you can fundraise for CoolTan Arts every day. Support us and make your homepage. Thank you. Last, but not least, a big thanks to our donors, funders, supports, and to all the people who give their time and energy to CoolTan Arts and make what we do possible.
CoolTan Arts believes mental wellbeing is enhanced by the power of creativity. We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling, Sokari Douglas Camp, Ali Smith, Clare Allan and Rosemary Shrager Unit B 237 Walworth Rd London SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 0798 565 8443 W: E: Twitter: @cooltan4 Facebook: CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552

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