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James Dan Javier


1. For me yes, we all known due to the covid-19 many companies are gain losses, we should find a
way to survive the company, and the 3 suggestions are good for me to maintain the company
and sustain the profit.
2. Transparency, because Mr. Abedo disagree because for him employees will be suffer that’s why
they start to vote what they going to do for employees.
3. No, because Mr. Dimaano suggestions, they plan about the company goods to how to sustain
the company, but they must think too the employees, because they are the one who will suffer
due to unemployment and no income.
4. Yes, even though Mr. Abedo disagrees, they practice when deciding on important matters; they
cast votes and tallying the result.
5. Well, it is okay for me because I’m not the one who handle the company, and that rejected
suggestions it make improved because we talk it and improve the solutions.
6. Yes I agree, because we think about our company goods and maintain the company and sustain
the profit, also talk about the employee’s conditions.

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