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Name: Jebert H.

Section: BSDC3

Being part of the LGU specially in Disaster Risk Reduction and management council, you must to
be more realistic and providing mechanism that can help the general public to access all necessary
benefits and help during and after disaster.

Typhoon Odette and Paeng it diminishes some property of our fellow Filipino. Where do LGU
and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management council stand? We should always be the frontline in
helping people that is victims of this natural phenomena, by this its their responsibility to provide a
general care which benefits to all.

As a member of the council, I should always ready for the impact of all of this disaster, first is to
plan out who will be the most vulnerable during this kind of event, second is to prepare first hand
support after the event and lastly to have a full blast of help that can help them to start a life again.

Furthermore, the best thing I can help is to provide a livelihood to each and every household in
the place that are very affected of this event. Specially to help the housewife to find something that they
can generate in order for them to have income. Look for public relations that can help them share
another mechanism to be used for business like for example food processing. For the men, we will
implement a job fair specially for the labor work, because we can really say that all infrastructure and
highways will be affected so through we can help to start again in re establishing our community and
lastly we can provide income to all men that can really work in this kind of field.

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