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Understanding Underachievement

Chapter · June 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-77004-8_16


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Del Siegle
University of Connecticut


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Understanding Underachievement
Del Siegle

Abstract proposed by Rimm (1997), Heacox (1991), and

Up to 50% of gifted children underachieve at Mandel and Marcus (1995) and suggested that
some point in their school career; therefore, it they fall into 17 different types of underachiev-
is an important issue for parents and educators ers. Therefore, any list of characteristics of
to address. Underachievement affects children underachievers will contain items that fit some,
from high as well as low socioeconomic but not all underachievers. Educators and parents
groups. It affects urban as well as rural stu- often view underachievement synonymously
dents. In this chapter, I review factors associ- with low motivation. Although underachieve-
ated with underachievement and suggest ment often is the product of low motivation, low
strategies to address the underachievement of motivation and underachievement are not the
gifted children. While no single strategy works same. In this chapter, I define underachievement;
with all underachievers, a combination of provide reasons why children identified as gifted
counseling and instructional interventions might underachieve; and share promising theo-
show the greatest promise. ries and solutions to address it.
Over a quarter century ago, Emerick (1992)
The gifted underachiever has been described as
one of the greatest social wastes of our culture.
Understanding Underachievement Beyond social cost, however, there are personal
wastes as well---opportunities for advanced educa-
Underachievement involves a set of complex tional experiences and personal development are
thwarted by academic underachievement. Today,
issues that vary across students. Individuals there is no problem more perplexing or frustrating
underachieve for a number of different reasons, than the situation in which a bright child cannot or
and no single intervention effectively reverses will not perform at an academic level commensu-
underachievement for every individual. As a rate with his or her intellectual ability. (p. 140)
group, underachievers differ more from each Emerick’s statement brings to light two value
other than achievers differ from each other issues related to underachievement. First, do
(McCoach & Siegle, 2003a, 2003b). Siegle individuals have an obligation to society and
(2013) reviewed categories of underachievers themselves to develop their talents? Is it alright to
“get by” without achieving high levels of perfor-
D. Siegle (*) mance? Second, who determines what talents
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA individuals should develop? Is a highly gifted

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 285

S. I. Pfeiffer (ed.), Handbook of Giftedness in Children,
286 D. Siegle

mathematician who chooses a career in music an include any structured area of activity with its own
symbol system (e.g., mathematics, music, lan-
underachiever because she did not develop her guage) and/or set of sensorimotor skills (e.g.,
mathematics ability? In some sense, whether an painting, dance, sports).
individual is underachieving is “in the eye of the The development of ability or talent is a lifelong
beholder” and what the beholder values. Many process. It can be evident in young children as
exceptional performance on tests and/or other
underachievers report that they are doing “just measures of ability or as a rapid rate of learning,
fine” and want those who are pressing them to compared to other students of the same age, or in
perform better to “get off their back.” As Reis and actual achievement in a domain. As individuals
McCoach (2000) noted, “Labeling a student an mature through childhood to adolescence, how-
ever, achievement and high levels of motivation in
underachiever requires making a value judgment the domain become the primary characteristics of
about the worthiness of certain accomplishments. their giftedness. Various factors can either enhance
A teacher may believe that reading Huckleberry or inhibit the development and expression of
Finn is more worthwhile than mastering a new abilities.
video game, but a child may not” (p.  156).
Peterson (2001) cautioned that educators and This thoughtful definition notes that gifted-
parents should not make future judgements about ness can involve aptitude as well as competence
individuals based on problems experienced dur- and that, ultimately, as individuals mature they
ing a specific period of time or during some must achieve. Gifted underachievers would be
developmental stage. She also suggested that stu- those individuals who fail to ultimately develop
dents who are achieving at something should not their potential. McCoach and Siegle (2003a,
be a concern. Peterson noted that underachieve- 2003b) suggested, “The key features that distin-
ment becomes an issue when it limits what an guish gifted achievers from gifted underachievers
individual wants to do. For example, mediocre are the goals they set for themselves and effort
grades become an issue when a student wished to they put forth to achieve these goals” (p.  151).
attend a prestigious university. Therefore, educa- The traditional definition of underachievement is
tors and parents must address under performance a discrepancy between potential and performance
behaviors that limit future options. (Reis & McCoach, 2002). How each is measured
produces a different type of underachiever
(Rimm, 2008a). Within the field of gifted educa-
What Is Underachievement? tion, educators often have measured potential
with an IQ test and achievement with achieve-
Underachievement in gifted children is difficult ment tests or grades. Underachievement would
to define for two reasons. First, the field of gifted be a discrepancy between the IQ and either
education has not agreed upon a common defini- grades or achievement test scores. However,
tion for giftedness. Second, researchers and prac- achievement test scores can also be considered a
titioners define underachievement differently. measure of potential and grades the measure of
Readers will find a discussion of what giftedness performance. Emerick (1988) conducted some of
is and how to identify it in Chapters 1-3 and 12 of the early research on gifted underachievement.
this handbook. For the purpose of discussion, I She proposed six different discrepancy
will use the National Association for Gifted combinations:
Children definition developed by a panel of
respected practitioners and eminent scholars in • High IQ score and low achievement test scores
the field and approved by the NAGC Board of • High IQ score and low grades
Directors in 2010: • High achievement test scores and low grades
Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate out- • High indicators of intellectual, creative poten-
standing levels of aptitude (defined as an excep- tial and low creative productivity
tional ability to reason and learn) or competence • High indicators of potential and limited pres-
(documented performance or achievement in top ence of appropriate opportunity for intellec-
10% or rarer) in one or more domains. Domains
tual and creative development
16  Understanding Underachievement 287

Whatever the combination, a number of fac- are less reliable than standardized measures of
tors need to be considered when making com- academic achievement, they are an indication of
parisons between potential and achievement. a student’s current level of achievement within a
Some gifted students do not want to appear smart, classroom environment. In addition, to some
so they avoid demonstrating their ability. Students extent, grades also reflect students’ motivation.
can be test anxious, and not perform to their full The largest longitudinal study of underachievers
potential (Moore, 2006). Twice-exceptional stu- conducted to date (McCall, Evahn, & Kratzer,
dents may be dyslexic or have a learning disabil- 1992) highlighted the importance of classroom
ity that interferes with demonstrating their ability. grades. McCall et  al. found that 13  years after
Grades do not always reflect what students know high school, the educational and occupational
or have learned. status of high school underachievers paralleled
The discrepancy between high IQ and low their grades in high school, rather than their abili-
achievement scores can exist for a number of rea- ties. They also found that underachievers
sons. Individually administered IQ tests require appeared to have greater difficulty completing
less reading than achievement tests. Therefore, college and remaining in their jobs and marriages
gifted students with a reading disability may per- than other students did. Therefore, gifted students
form lower on the achievement assessment. with low grades are an area of concern.
Moon and Hall (1998) warned that gifted stu- Students can demonstrate their giftedness
dents who are underachieving should be screened with behaviors not captured with test scores.
for a learning disability. Rimm (2008a) also sug- Educators often use rating scales, such as the
gested that a gifted student may be experiencing Gifted Rating Scales (GRS; Pfeiffer &
test anxiety when taking achievement tests that Jarosewich, 2007) and the Scales for Rating the
results in lower than expected achievement Behavior Characteristics of Superior Students
scores. She also suggested that unchallenging (SRBCSS; Renzulli et  al., 2010) to identify
curriculum can lead gifted students to demon- behaviors indicative of giftedness. Educators
strate defensive patterns through which they should be concerned about students who demon-
avoid achievement, thus resulting in poor strate the behaviors associated with giftedness on
achievement test scores. Others (Kanevsky & these scales but who are not achieving.
Keighley, 2003) have also reported unchalleng- Emerick’s (1988) last category is one that is
ing curriculum can lead to underachievement. receiving considerable attention. Schools and
Grades often do not reflect what students society do not afford students of poverty and
know, so that discrepancy between grades and IQ those from underrepresented groups the same
can be misleading. Gifted students may choose educational opportunities as their more affluent
not to complete homework assignments, which and dominant culture peers. For example, the
results in lower grades. “Homework completion, percentage of students eligible for free and
another indicator of academic engagement, reduced lunch in a school is negatively related to
appears to be a struggle for many gifted students the percentage of students identified as gifted
who underachieve and/or choose to leave high (National Center for Research on Gifted
school” (Landis & Reschly, 2013, p. 230). Some Education, 2016). Failing to be identified or
believe that students who manage to learn new attending a school without a gifted program lim-
material each year and perform well on their its these students’ opportunity to achieve their
achievement tests, but do not complete and do full potential. These involuntary underachievers
poorly on classroom work, could be considered underachieve through no fault of their own. In
“selective producers” instead of underachievers Germany, Endepohls-Ulpe and Ruf (2006) found
(Delisle & Galbraith, 2002). gifted underachievers, children with low achieve-
The discrepancy between high achievement ment motivation, and gifted girls were at higher
test scores and low grades is particularly trou- risk to be overlooked as gifted. Therefore, they
bling for educators and parents. Although grades were less likely to develop fully their talents…in
288 D. Siegle

effect…possibly becoming involuntary under- Peers

achievers. The definition of achievement in a par-
ticular subculture may differ from that of the Ryan (2001) found that students select friends
dominant culture. Additionally, researchers and who have similar levels of academic self-efficacy
educators may need to adjust their views of both and achievement. She also found “students’ peer
giftedness and underachievement when attempt- group context in the fall predicted changes in
ing to both identify and address underachieve- their liking and enjoyment of school…and their
ment within a culturally diverse student achievement over the school year” (p. 1135). In
population. other words, students’ attitudes and achievement
Labeling someone as an underachiever is a become more like those of their friends.
value judgement. Should we identify individuals Individuals’ behaviors are not only influenced by
as underachieving because they choose not to their acquaintances, but also by their acquain-
perform in areas that they do not value and that tances’ acquaintances (Fowler & Christakis,
are not of interest to them? It is unrealistic to 2010). Berndt (1999) found that students seemed
expect gifted students to achieve at the highest to more closely resemble their friends at the end
level universally. Some gifted students do not put of the school year than they did at the beginning
forth effort in areas that do not interest or are not of the school year; students’ grades decreased
important to them. However, they do excel in between fall and spring if their friends had lower
other areas that they enjoy and value. “The gifted grades in the fall. Kindermann (1993) found that
students who should be of greatest concern to even at the beginning of the year, fourth and fifth
educators and parents are those failing to achieve grade students tended to affiliate with classmates
in any productive area” (Siegle & McCoach, who shared similar motivation orientations, and
2013, p. 379). they reorganized their peer groups throughout the
year to preserve their motivational composition.
Being popular is an issue for many adoles-
Factors Associated cents. Rimm (2005) found that middle-school
with Underachievement students worried that appearing to work hard in
school would put them into an unpopular “nerd”
Gender category. Several studies suggest peer groups sig-
nificantly influence student achievement
Gifted underachievers tend to be male. Over a (Henfield, Owens, & Moore III, 2008; Schultz,
variety of studies across time, researchers iden- 2002). In fact, underachieving gifted adolescents
tify underachieving gifted boys at two to three have reported the peer group influence was the
times the rate of gifted girls (Gowan, 1955; number one obstacle to their achievement (Clasen
McCall, 1994; McCoach & Siegle, 2001; & Clasen, 1995).
Matthews & McBee, 2007; Peterson & Colangelo,
1996). Females have higher GPAs in school
(Duckworth & Seligman, 2005), enroll in college Possible Causes
at higher rates (Conger & Long, 2010), and have of Underachievement
higher graduation rates (Conger & Long, 2010).
However, the ratio of male to female under- The literature generally suggests a variety of pos-
achievers may be exaggerated. Part of the imbal- sible causes of underachievement: an initiating
ance may be that underachieving gifted boys tend situation, excessive power, inconsistency and
to draw more attention to themselves by acting opposition, inappropriate classroom environ-
out. Some have suggested that many gifted ment, competition issues, perfectionism, and
underachieving females are possibly being over- value conflicts. Events in students’ lives can alter
looked (Siegle & McCoach, 2013). Therefore, their achievement patterns. This might be a
educators and parents must be alert to possible change in the family structure, such as a new sib-
underachievement with females as well as males. ling, parent divorce or marriage, or a move to a
16  Understanding Underachievement 289

new school. Parents and educators who are aware n­ ecessary to reach their potential. Regular class-
of these potential pitfalls can potentially prevent room time is often unproductive for gifted learn-
or lessen their impact (Rimm, 1995). ers. Fredricks, Alfeld, and Eccles (2010) found
Bestowing adult status on a child at too young that regular classes, as compared to gifted educa-
an age may contribute to the development of tion and advanced classes, tend to undermine,
underachievement (Fine & Pitts, 1980; Rimm & rather than support, a passion for learning. Many
Lowe, 1988). Young people who experience gifted elementary school students already know
excessive power at home can have difficulty as much as half of the material to be covered in
adjusting to a school environment in which they their current grade prior to the start of the school
have limited choices. year (Reis et  al., 1993). The majority of gifted
Gifted students who receive conflicting mes- students spend 80% of their time in regular edu-
sages from parents, conflicting messages from cation settings instead of in specialized programs
parents and teachers, or conflicting messages designed to meet their unique needs (Westberg,
from gifted specialists and classroom teachers Archambault Jr., Dobyns, & Salvin, 1993), yet
may justify reasons not to achieve. For example, 61% of classroom teachers have not received
students may hear their parents discuss the par- training in meeting the needs of advanced stu-
ents’ discontent over the way the school is dents (Robinson, Shore, & Enerson, 2007).
addressing the student’s gifted needs. A gifted Matthews and McBee (2007) found that school-­
specialist may share with students his concern year GPA, something that normally would be
about how their classroom teacher is not address- indicative of underachievement, was not a sig-
ing their academic needs. Each of these scenarios nificant predictor of gifted students’ achievement
provides the child with ammunition that can be in a summer program designed to meet their
used as an excuse for not producing his or her intellectual needs. The researchers concluded
best work. that programs that successfully address the aca-
Rimm and Lowe (1988) studied the family demic and social needs of gifted children can
environments of 22 underachieving gifted stu- reverse many underachievement behaviors.
dents. In 95% of the families, one parent emerged Kanevsky and Keighley (2003) reported five C’s
as the disciplinarian, while the other parent acted contributed to gifted students’ satisfaction with
as a protector. Often, opposition between parents their learning environment: control, choice, chal-
increased as the challenger became more authori- lenge, complexity, and caring. They sought con-
tarian and the rescuer became increasingly pro- trol to give them choice over what and how they
tective. Mandel and Marcus (1995) describe the learned. They sought intellectual stimulation
“wheeler-dealer underachiever” who is impulsive through content that was challenging and com-
and demands immediate satisfaction and instant plex. Finally, they sought a caring teacher who
gratification—traits that are not conducive to was interested in them and their learning.
reading a book or working on a project. These Students must learn to function within a com-
students often have parents who strongly differ petitive society (Rimm, 2008b); at the same time,
on their views of their child’s behavior and what overly competitive situations can also be detri-
do to about it. Parents of underachievers also tend mental. Gifted students who view giftedness as a
to be either overly lenient or overly strict fixed mindset may be particularly at risk in com-
(Pendarvis, Howley, & Howley, 1990; Weiner, petitive and academically challenging situations
1992), or may vacillate between lenient and (Dweck, 2000, p. 23). Makel, Snyder, Chandler,
strict. Malone, and Putallz (2015) found that many aca-
Classrooms do not always provide intellectu- demically gifted adolescents view intelligence as
ally stimulating environments for gifted and tal- malleable (incremental view) and giftedness as
ented students to thrive. Many gifted students fixed (entity view), while few viewed giftedness
underachieve by default; they simple do not as malleable and intelligence as fixed. Gifted stu-
receive the academic content or instruction dents with a fixed mindset may be reluctant to
290 D. Siegle

risk their “giftedness,” something they see as set, the role ability plays in gifted students’ perfor-
by performing poorly in competitive and chal- mances, while also emphasizing the importance
lenging situations. For these students, not per- of hard work and perseverance” (p. 92). Perhaps
forming is less risky than performing and failing. gifted achievers are able to appreciate the role
For them, every difficult task is a test of their gift- ability plays in high performance without being
edness, and many become underachievers paralyzed by it, while gifted underachievers view
because they are simply not willing to take that ability as a possible limiting factor in their suc-
risk. For some, this means not completing the cess (Siegle & McCoach, 2013).
assignment. For others, it means procrastinating Perfectionism is an issue for many under-
and then hiding behind statements such as, “I achievers. One study found that gifted under-
could have done better if I had more time.” achievers do not appear to suffer from many of
Rosario, Schrimshaw, and Hunter (2009) found a the maladaptive behaviors associated with per-
strong relationship between procrastination and fectionism such as concern over mistakes; rather,
underachievement. underachievers lack the high standards and orga-
Because of their fixed mindset, many gifted nization associated with positive striving perfec-
students do not see their effort as playing a part in tionists (Mofield, Peters, & Chakraborti-Ghosh,
their achievement. Siegle and Reis (1998) 2016). Although gifted students are no more
reported that while the teachers’ ratings of mid- likely to suffer from perfectionism than other stu-
dle school gifted students’ ability (r  =  .81) and dents (Adelson & Wilson, 2009), when students’
effort (r = .80) were similarly associated with the self-worth is tied to their giftedness and high per-
quality of work these students produce, gifted formance, behaviors associated with perfection-
students’ ratings of themselves were not. Overall, ism such as procrastination, fear of failure, and
gifted students’ responses showed a stronger dichotomous thinking may become issues that
relationship between their perceived ability and lead to underachievement (Siegle, 2013).
the quality of work they reported they did Finally, value conflicts between family, peers,
(r = .72) than between their percieved effort and and the school environment can limit student
the quality of work they reported they did achievement. As stated earlier, negative peer atti-
(r  =  .34). The authors contemplated whether tudes often relate to underachievement (Clasen &
these students believed their success was more Clasen, 1995; Weiner, 1992). The reverse can
contingent on their natural ability than the effort also be true. Positive attitudes about achievement
they put forth or whether they were simply report- and the future are essential for doing well in
ing that they were not being challenged and school. Mindnich (2007) found Latino students’
therefore did not need to work hard to produce background characteristics, including gender,
quality work. Neither of these proposed scenarios generational status, and maternal education level,
is positive, and both could contribute to student did not contribute to differences in Latino student
underachievement. Wu (2005) noted that Chinese achievement, while aspirations for future educa-
culture deemphasizes giftedness as an innate tional attainment significantly contributed to
ability and emphasizes the concept of talent per- achievement. The value peers and family place
formance. In that culture, gifted children need to on education plays a role in students’
take responsibility for developing their gifts. achievement.
Some research (Siegle, Rubenstein, Pollard, &
Romey, 2010) showed that first semester achiev-
ing gifted college students can believe that ability  heoretical Models and Possible
is important in doing well without developing a Solutions
fixed entity view. The researchers noted that
“although some researchers have cautioned Programs to reverse underachievement generally
against recognizing student ability at the peril of fall into two categories, counseling and instruc-
diminishing the importance of effort, educators tional interventions, and often involve a combi-
and parents should not be fearful of discussing nation of both. Therefore, counselors and
16  Understanding Underachievement 291

psychologists are in unique positions to help The fourth step is identifying achieving role
reverse underachievement by working with par- models with whom the student can identify.
ents, teachers, and mentors to build underachiev- Rimm emphasized “All other treatments for
ers’ self-efficacy, teach resilience, help students underachievement dim in importance compared
balance achievement and social needs, help stu- with strong identification with an achieving
dents to develop their strengths and accept weak- model” (Rimm, Siegle, & Davis, 2018,
nesses, and assist students to set realistic goals pp. 255–256).
for success (Rimm, 2008b). Students with a long pattern of underachieve-
Fong, Snyder, Barr, and Patall (2014) exam- ment will have skill deficiencies that need to be
ined the effectiveness of interventions to reverse addressed, which involves the fifth step in
underachievement. Their meta-analysis of 53 Rimm’s model. Fortunately, because they are
research studies suggested that interventions gifted, gifted students can often quickly over-
moderately improved achievement and psycho- come these deficits with tutoring. The final step is
logical function. Interventions were most effec- making changes that support student achieve-
tive in elementary and middle school settings. ment and discourage behaviors that feed under-
The most successful interventions for improving achievement. These may include adjusting to a
achievement focused on instilling a value for more appropriate curriculum and learning envi-
learning. ronment, as well as addressing parent and teacher
behaviors that may be reinforcing the student’s
nonproductive habits.
Rimm’s Trifocal Model

Rimm’s (2008a, b) Trifocal Model has been suc- Snyder and Linnenbrink-Garcia’s

cessful in about 80% of the cases in which it has Maladaptive Competence Beliefs
been used. The name springs from its three-­way and Declining Value Beliefs Pathways
emphasis on school, home, and student. The
model is based on the premise that underachieve- Snyder and Linnenbrink-Garcia (2013) proposed
ment is learned, and therefore it can be unlearned. a developmental, person-centered theoretical
The model contains six steps. The first step of approach to understanding underachievement. In
the model is conducting a comprehensive assess- their model, underachievement follows two path-
ment of the student to document what the student ways: the Maladaptive Competence Beliefs
is actually capable of achieving, to provide infor- Pathway and the Declining Value Beliefs
mation about the student’s learning styles, Pathway. In this model, students’ early reactions
strengths, and weaknesses, and to determine to being identified as gifted and the challenge, or
what behaviors may be contributing to the under- the lack of challenge, they encounter early in
achievement. The second step is communicating their school career can set them on one of the two
to parents and teachers information from the pathways that ultimately become problematic as
assessment so that they are aware of the students’ academic challenge increases. Some students’
strengths and weaknesses and what factors may sense of identity becomes maladaptively tied to
be reinforcing the underachievement. both their gifted label and their easily attained
The third step is changing the expectations of early achievement. When the curriculum becomes
those involved in the situation. This includes more difficult, these students may self-handicap
helping the student recognize that he or she has and disengage to protect their gifted identity.
the ability to be successful, helping parents set Alternatively, some students are not maladaptive
reasonable expectations at home, and helping to their gifted label; however, due to insufficient
teachers set realistic learning goals for the stu- challenge in school work, they fail to see value in
dent and understand the student is capable of academic work. By failing to develop a connec-
high achievement. tion between effort and positive outcomes, they
292 D. Siegle

set themselves up for disengagement and under- creative methodology, (c) problems without pre-
achievement as academic content becomes more determined correct answers, and (d) development
challenging. Implications from this model sug- of a product with impact on one or more intended
gest that parents and teachers should carefully audiences (Reis & Renzulli, 2009).
consider how they discuss the gifted label, and Type III investigations are a component of the
educators should ensure gifted students encoun- Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM; Renzulli
ter appropriately challenging curriculum early. & Reis, 2014) and the Enrichment Triad Model
(Renzulli, 1977) and are often the result of an
interest sparked through the student’s participa-
Renzulli and Reis’s Schoolwide tion in a general exploratory activity (Type I
Enrichment Model Enrichment) and involve training in cognitive
and affective skills (Type II Enrichment).
In a study of university freshman honors stu- Research on students who engaged in Type III
dents, Siegle et al. (2010) found that in 15 differ- Enrichment suggests a relationship between stu-
ent talent areas (from leadership and music to dents’ early and subsequent interests (Westberg,
mathematics and writing) there was always a sig- 2010), postsecondary school plans (Hébert,
nificant, positive relationship between students’ 1993), career choices (Delcourt, 1994; Starko,
interest in a talent area and their assessment of 1988), goal valuation (Brigandi, Siegle, Weiner,
their skill in that area. Students who reported Gubbins, & Little, 2016), levels of self-efficacy
being interested in an area tended to do well; (Schack, Starko, & Burns, 1991; Starko, 1988),
those with lower interest also had lower self-­ and ability to self-regulate (Hébert, 1993).
reported achievement. Playing off students’
interests is a key to increasing passion for learn-
ing in schools. Fredricks et al. (2010) suggested Siegle and McCoach’s Achievement
that an intellectually stimulating and challenging Orientation Model
environment can be created by the following:
Cognitively complex tasks that are both meaning- The Achievement Orientation Model (see
ful and challenging and allow youth to pose and Fig. 16.1; Siegle & McCoach, 2005b) posits that
solve real-world problems can help accomplish beliefs and values students hold toward them-
this goal. Providing opportunities for students to selves, given tasks, and achievement itself influ-
incorporate their outside interests and future plans
in their schoolwork is also likely to be beneficial. ences what tasks students seek, and whether they
Finally, teachers should give youth some choice are able to obtain them. In the model, students’
over the types of activities they work on and some self-perceptions in three areas (self-efficacy, goal
control over how they complete these activities. valuation, and environmental perceptions) inter-
(p. 27)
act to motivate them to self-regulate their behav-
Fredricks et al.’s suggestion mirrors the Type iors and subsequently engage and achieve.
III activities found in the Schoolwide Enrichment The model is based on motivation principles
Model (Reis & Renzulli, 2009). Baum, Renzulli, and has been used to reverse underachievement
and Hébert (1995) used Type III activities with (Rubenstein, Siegle, Reis, McCoach, & Burton,
17 gifted underachievers ages 8–13. Eighty-two 2012). Self-efficacy beliefs answer the question,
percent of them made positive gains during the “Am I smart enough?” Students must believe
course of the school year and in the following they have the skills to perform a task before they
year. Hébert and Olenchak (2000) also found a will attempt it. For example, students must
plan of strength and interest-based strategies believe they are capable in mathematics before
reversed the underachievement. they will attempt a difficult math problem. If they
Type III Enrichment activities are academic believe that mathematics is too difficult, they are
investigations that focus on (a) personalization of unlikely to put forth appropriate effort. Therefore
interest, (b) the use of authentic investigative and they must believe they can learn the material if
16  Understanding Underachievement 293

they try. Goal valuation beliefs answer the ques- Intense positivity in one of the three areas does
tion, “Why try?” There are two basic reasons that not compensate for negativity in one of the other
students engage in a task; either they enjoy the areas (Siegle, McCoach, & Roberts, 2017).
activity or they value the outcome or byproduct However, beliefs and values are not sufficient. It
of the activity. Many students are not motivated is the addition of the self-regulation metacogni-
to achieve in school because they do not value the tive process that ultimately results in achievement
outcomes of school, nor do they enjoy complet- (Brigandi, 2015).
ing schoolwork; therefore, they see little value. Although there is no silver bullet to address
To reverse underachievement that stems from not underachievement, educators who implemented
seeing purpose in the work, educators must build combinations of the following strategies have
into students’ school experiences activities and successfully addressed underachievement for
content that students value. Environmental per- many students:
ception beliefs address the question, “Can I be
successful here?” Students must view their envi- • Explain the purpose for lessons and
ronment as friendly and likely to provide positive assignments.
outcomes for them. Students who possess posi- • Help students set short and long-term aca-
tive environmental perceptions believe their demic goals.
home and school environments support their • Help students see beyond the present activity
efforts. Their perception of the friendliness of to the long-term benefits it produces.
their surroundings has an impact on their aca- • Tie assignments to “real-world” situations.
demic attitude and behavior (Siegle & McCoach, • Learn about student interests, and integrate
2005a). these interests into schoolwork.
Students must possess positive affect in the • Offer students authentic choices about the
areas of self-efficacy, goal valuation, and envi- ways in which they learn and show mastery of
ronmental perceptions. The intensity of their pos- the material.
itivity in the three areas need not be equally • Offer instruction at levels that are optimally
strong, but it must be positive. If any of the three challenging.
do not meet a “threshold” value, students may fail • Build opportunities for immediate feedback
to be motivated and subsequently underachieve. into classroom activities.
294 D. Siegle

• Work with students to help them articulate Schultz (2002) noted that gifted students are
their reasons for choosing or failing to put often seen as defective merchandise in need of
forth effort in a class. repair” (p.  204). He suggested that educators
• Develop portfolios of student work and peri- move away from this perspective of working on
odically share it with students to help them students and move to a perspective based on
recognize their growth. working with students. Working together, parents
• Encourage students to compete with them- and educators can help students build an
selves by charting their own progress. achievement-­ oriented attitude. However, as
• Recognize student growth by complimenting Whitmore (1986) noted over a quarter a century
specific skills and drawing attention to the stu- ago, “The final choice, obviously, is the child’s;
dent’s role in developing the skills. he or she must want to change and believe effort
• Discuss with students the obstacles they will be rewarded by sufficient success and per-
believe are keeping them from doing well and sonal satisfaction” (p. 69).
what options exist for them.
• Listen actively to resolve students’ concerns.
• Provide opportunities for students to interact References
with more challenging and interesting
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valuation. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 39,
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ment during later high school years; others do not. Talented International, 10(2), 67–75.
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encounter a caring teacher or mentor. Still others sistence. Annals of the American Academy of Political
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