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the simple interest on a sum of 0,700 if the

()6 Per annum for two years is 5420.

st for the first 3 years is 8% per annum
last 2 years is 7.5% per annum? (
c ) ( b ) 5 2 2 0 0 The(4) 51100keeyela'rs' i nterest ona

certain sum ofmoney for

( at 8% per annum is half the compound
(c)5273 d) 0280
A as invested at simple interest at a certain
ii",:estfor 2 years. It would have fetched 060
had been invested at(b)
2% higher rate. What was
(8)5269.5 (b) 0283

(a) 51500
(c) 52500 (d) 21000
findthe diffefonrceobneetwyeer
between the compound interests

on compounded yearly and half-yearly?

(a) i50 (b) 030
ns (d) None of these
Ranj.t makes a deposit of 050,000 in the Punjab
National Bank for a period of 2% year s. If the
rate of interest is 12% per annum compounded
half,arly, find the maturity value of the money
deposited by him.
3) 66,911.27 (b) 66,123.34
(c) 67,925,5 (d) 65,550.8
A A sum of money is borrowed and paid back in two
equal annual instalments of 0882, allowing 5%
compound interest. The sum borrowed was
9) 51640 (b) 01680
(c) 51620 (d) 01700
• Miat will be the simple interest on 0700 at 9% per

annum for the period from February 5, 2022 to April

91 712.60 (b) 011.30
(c)515 (d) 013
,aY borrows 51500 from two moneylenders. He
Z sia:tderaetstht at the rate oof 12% per annum for one The
total interest herpfayl 4s ifaorthr eanenn'tlimre ferarthies
Htw much do. he borrow at the rate Of 12%7
(a) 51200 (b) 21300
(c) two
(d) 0300
ate of simple interest for the first 4
sum of 5360 becomes 1540 in 9 years
orate of interest for the last 5 years is 6%,

A. (b) 5%

4 dt he Principai if the compounded at the

inter est on 04000 for two year s at 10% per
annum. T he sum placed on simple inter est is
(a) 01550 (b) 01650
(e) 01750 (d) 02000
29. The compound interest on a sum of money for
two year s is 0328 and the simple inter est on
the same sum for the same per iod is 03200.
T he differ ence of the compound inter est and
the simple interest for three years will be
(a) 0394.24 (b) 0392.24
(2) 0398.56 (d) None of these
30. Raj u lent 0400 to Ajay for 2 years, and 0100
to Manoj for 4 years and received together
fr om both 060 as interest. Find the rate of
inter est, simple interest being calculated.
(a) 5% (b)
(c) 8% (d) 9%
31. T he difference between the simple inter est on
a certain amount at the rate of 20% per annum,
for 1.5 years and compound interest w hich is
compounded every six months is 0155. What is
the principal sum?
(a) 54000 (b) 55000
(c) 06000 (d) None of these
32. If the difference between the simple interest and
compound interest on some principal amount at
20% per annum for 3 year s is 048, then the
pr inciple amount must be

(a) 0550 (b) 0500

(c) 5375 (d) 0400
33. S hashikant der ives an annual income of
0688.25 from 010,000 invested par tly at 8%
p.a. and par tly at 5% p.a. simple interest. How
much of his money is invested at 5./0 ?
(a) 05000 (b) 04225
(c) 04800 (d) 03725
34. In what time will the simple interest on 01750
at 9% per annum be the same as that on 02500
at 10.5% per annum in 4 years?
(a) 6 year s and 8 months
(b) 7 year s and 3 months
(c) 6 y e a r s
(d) 7 year s and 6 months
35. In w hat time w ill 55000 amount to 521,000
at 4% per annum? (simple interest being
(a) 80 years (b) 50 Years
(c) 110 years (d) 160 years
36. A difference between the interest received from
two different banks on 5400 for 2 year s is 54.
What is the difference between their rates?
(a) 0.5% (b) 0.2%
(c) 0.23% (d) 0.52%

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