Special Homework 09-21-2022

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CE 454/554 Urban Transportation Planning Dr.

Jun Liu – Fall 2022

Special Homework

This homework assignment is intended to be done individually. Please place your estimations
in the yellow cells and save the results. Please upload the Excel file with saved results onto
Blackboard as your homework submission. The homework must be done before the end of
the class time. Late submission will not be accepted.
Due by 11:00 am, September 21, 2022.

I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved with cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or misrepresentation
while enrolled as a student at The University of Alabama. I have read the Academic Honor Code, which explains
disciplinary procedures that will result from the aforementioned. I understand that violation of this code will result in
penalties as severe as indefinite suspension from the University.

. .
Signature Print Name

You are given an Excel file with three sheets:

1. Survey Data: It shows the households with three attributes (Household Size, Household Vehicles,
and Household Income) and number of trips produced by each household from an area whether a
travel survey was conducted.
2. Trip Rates: It shows the groups of households based three household attributes (Household Size,
Household Vehicles, and Household Income).
3. Planning Data: It shows the households with three household attributes (Household Size, Household
Vehicles, and Household Income) from a planning area where only the household attribute
information is available.

Please use cross-classification method to estimate the number of trips produced by each household in the
planning data. Please place your estimations in the yellow cells and save the results. Please upload this Excel
file with saved results onto Blackboard as your homework submission.


1. You need to first use the Trip Rates sheet to calculate the trip rate, i.e., average number of trips
produced by each group of households, based on the Survey Data.
2. For each group, find the total number of households from the Survey Data; then, summarize total
number of trips produced by these households within this group; last, calculate the trip rate for this
household group. If you do not find any households for some groups, just put N/A as the trip rates.
3. Then use the calculated trip rates (based on survey data) to estimate the number of trips produced
by each household (according to three household attributes matching the household group
attributes). If a housed belongs to a group whose trip rate is N/A (from Trip Rates sheet), put “N/A”
as the estimated trips for that household.

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