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2What is Health and Illness?

Health is the most valuable gift that one could ask for in life. Without
sound health, nothing can be achieved. It has therefore been rightly said
that 'Health is Wealth'. The concept of health can be considered to be central
to the medical paradigm. Since health is of the highest priority among people,
especially patients, medical professionals are expected to alleviate suffering
and re-establish good health. Hence, the three components of the medical
paradigm, namely, health, patients and medicine are closely intertwined and
inseparable from each other.

The concept of 'Health' has been defined differently by different

individuals. For example, Florence Nightingale, the celebrated nurse, better
known as the 'Lady with the Lamp', defined 'Health' as "A state of being well
and using every power the individual possesses to the fullest extent."

Health and illness could be considered as two sides of the same coin.
Illness manifests when there is an imbalance in the vital force that governs an
individual's ability to adapt to changes in the environment. During illness, a
person is unable to function optimally and efficiently, while interacting with
other people, as well as the surrounding environment. The cardinal features of
illness are physical deterioration, anatomical damage, and physiological

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