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Bassem Beshay

HUMN 246

March 24, 2022

Wall street

Produced December 11, 1987

Directed by: Oliver Stone

Written by: Oliver Stone- Stanley Weiser

major stars: Michael Douglas – Charlie Sheen, Daryl

Hannah and Martin Sheen

The Wolf of Wall Street is primarily based on the true story of a man who loves money

and power. However, the film offers a great opportunity to learn the sociological and
psychological implications that it provides to the audience regarding substance-induced

conditions and personality disorders. The most common themes highlighted in this movie are

drugs, greed, and sex. The protagonist, named Jordan Belfort, is constantly trying to fulfill his

lifelong dream of becoming rich on Wall Street, a stockbroker. He first appeared to the public as

a sincere and innocent person who is always committed to helping all customers legally fulfill

their wishes. But after lunch with my boss, that all changed. But he realized that the path to

gambling scams wasn't to help clients, but to do anything that could lead to success. In this

regard, he commits to several antisocial behaviors, including selling false hopes to his customers

by indulging in elaborate lies. According to the movie, this strategy has had some positive

impact on his personal life. In fact, Forbes magazine published an article on Wall Street that

introduced his image. This article caught the attention of the FBI, which monitored his actions

and participation. As always, Jordan continued to delve into more drugs through experiments,

making more money for himself and lying to more vulnerable clients. Therefore, from a

sociological point of view, the audience will be driven to hate Jordan, mainly because of his

deceptive nature. On the other hand, the audience will praise him for being wise and will try to

trick them into thinking that way. This represents an individual who may be intelligent despite

using innate gifts to harm himself or others.

Personally, I believe The Wall Street Wolf introduces a person who may have cluster

personality traits. In this regard, he seems to have an insatiable desire for self-sufficiency that

includes power and all the things that can make him feel better about himself. This makes him

less sensitive to other people. This is illustrated by the fact that he is willing to do anything to

abuse or harm other people in the process of gaining personal benefits in terms of improving his
social status or gaining whatever he sees fit. Therefore, the audience leads them to believe that he

really is a deceptive king.

This movie shows One of the great sociological advances in the film The Wolf of Wall Street is

the concept of symbolic collaboration in which Jordan attaches meaning to symbols. In this view,

he acted in harmony with the definition of drugs and money. Jordan's lifestyle focused on drugs,

and he excused his drug addiction to his ability to work in his daily life. In this regard, in his oral

utterances the spoken words serve as key symbols in which he can present evidence of subtly

translation .In this case, the words he used to justify his addiction had a special meaning for him.

Moreover, effective communication often carries meaning to the recipient of information

Therefore, it is important to note that the words in this case require translation and purpose and

are not static objects.

The Wall Street Wolf introduces a person who may have cluster personality traits. In this regard,

he seems to have an insatiable desire for self-sufficiency that includes power and all the things

that can make him feel better about himself. This makes him less sensitive to other people which

gives him no limitations.

The fact he’s willing to whatever it takes harming other people in the process of gaining personal

gain in terms of improving his or her social status or achieving whatever he or she deems fit.

Therefore, the audience leads them to believe that he really is a deceptive king.

In the film, the main character uses body language to emphasize confidence and strength. There

are various scenes in which he portrays a proud, cocky, and extremely aggressive man. The

lighting is bright and focused on the main character throughout the film. Her scenes at the party

are very bright. There’s not much light coming back like shadows that emphasize that business
hides the bad things that happen in the dark. the film is a dark joke, with a lot of light being

shown throughout the film that the film is fun. However, darkness represents corruption and

criminal activity. Another feature of the scene is the costumes. Suits allow the audience to see

the money and the luxurious life. There are also naked female prostitutes. Editing is widely used

as a film narrative. The guides did an excellent job of tracking photos. The director was able to

keep the audience focused on the editing. The scenes gave the audience guidance. The image

was used to show continuity. Images were natural in their transformation.

In my opinion a common theme featured in The Wolf of Wall Street is alcohol abuse and the

fact that such behavior is passed from one person to another. In both films, actors who abuse

alcohol appear to be more comfortable with the behavior and appear to be encouraging others to

participate in the social work. Alcohol abuse occurs in their workplaces, parties and other social

events that are highlighted in production. It is so very common in their lives that films suggest

that these actors need it to work in their daily activities or to think positively when faced with

challenges or confusion in their lives. The Wall Street Wolf reveals another addiction some

characters like Jordan seem to be completely immersed in not being able to control themselves.

Sex is another addiction that has led actors like Jordan and their colleagues to practice in their

workplace, parties or other social events such as alcohol. From a social point of view, sex and

alcoholism seem to be compatible and both are accepted by abusers. I think the main goal of

being rich in real life is having the power to do whatever you can whenever you want. That what

make people feel there’s no limit and having the power to live as a free man.
Communication Between Film and Community There is some connection between the film and

the community. The filling reflects the corruption that took place on Wall Street in the 1980s and

1990s. Although Jordan Belfort was eventually arrested for his fraudulent activities and other

white crimes; there were record numbers of African Americans incarcerated living in low-

income communities at the time for drug-related offenses, as well as crimes involving very little

money. The film portrays inequality and injustice in the criminal justice system between race and

socio-economic status. These stories are still there today. Wealthy and incapable of committing

white crime are punished less than those living in low-income communities. In the film Belfort

makes strong drugs like cocaine and illegal drugs called quaaludes for recreational purposes.

However, in the 1980's, a person who had 5 grams of crack cocaine had a lesser sentence of 5

years in prison / prison. According to Families Against Mandatory 80 percent of crackers are

African Americans, and more than 60 percent of white crimes are committed by middle-class

and white Americans. That’s why there are no Black characters in the film. By the 80s, most of

Wall Street was white American men. Finally, the film allowed the viewer to see the right that

exists in America through different groups of people, as well as the oppression that exists in


In conclusion The Wolf of Wall Street, the main theme is the connection between money and

power. Jordan Belfort let money control his life. He gave her the power to control her

professional life and personal life, and she was eventually arrested. Ironically, Jordan Belfort was

arrested and jailed for money laundering, showing that money was the real cause of his

imprisonment, and he allowed his wealth and prominence to get the best out of him.
At the end I totally I agree with the idea taken from this film. By watching the film and

researching the structure and the structure, I do not believe that the moral crisis has been left

unresolved. The film also faces a major challenge in the end. What is impressive about "Wall

Street" - and which may spark a great deal of debate in the coming weeks - is that the target film

is not Wall Street criminals. Stone Policy is a value proposition that prioritizes profits, money,

and deals above everything else. His film is a fierce critique of the brutal financial system in

which ethics are regarded as null and void and rules are set as a referee in wrestling.


Riordan, James (September 18, 1996). "Stone: A Biography of Oliver Stone". Aurum Press.

Box Office Mojo. Retrieved March 18, 2008.

Kempley, Rita (December 11, 1987)

wallstreetrkempley_a09f97.htm Retrieved March 18, 2008.

Hellerman, J. (2019). Seth Rogen explains the difference between story and plot. No Film

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Trimby, L. (2021). Wolf of Wall Street frame analysis: Mise en scene September 13, 2016.

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