Английский Интернет

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Today people can’t live a day without sending or checking e-

mails. Online communication allows us to broaden the

horizontals communion.
But like in all spheres some rules are necessary for making it
easier and better. That’s why internet etiquette exists. We
would like to tell you about several rules of witch it consists.
Always think over what are you are sending
Russian people say : “Measure ones ,cut once”. And this
principle we have to keep in mind. Unfortunately, it happens
so that we receive stupid, meaningless videos. It is
annoying,isn’t it? Solution: Take a sheet of paper and make
a plan of your message.
Respect your interlocutor
Many conditions happen with us daily. There can be various
reasons why one doesn’t answer your e-mail. Today we live
in bastle rhythm. On the other hand , ignoring is rather
offensive thing too. Solution: Ask your penpal when it s
comfortable to text him.
Avoid mad insults
It s a general truth we all have different emotions and we
can be in bad mood. Nevertheless, it’s important to respect
the feelings of ohers . Solution: If you out of control, take a
piece of paper draw or write, it s a good way to relax.

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