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Renton ihr bana 10w Name of CPI in Palghar lynching got me wondering. | realized many of us don't know what we call as left & various fragments they have which are all working towards the same cause in their own way. What is left and what is Left’s legacy in destroying independent India? A thread. ‘There are about 25+ big and simall communist pasties in India, Pewlmovs that Communists did not want to jin the democratic process and wanted to undertake ‘an armed revolution. As per this declassified CIA file, they joined Indian political ‘mainstream on Soviet insistence, ost te ‘Elna parttaad fe depunte! nt pees scons Came This ack of succes has natural leé to exticism of the leadership. t wrangling over idsology and strategy fas kept the moveme ‘splatere, la has not one Communist party but many. This disunity is ‘ajo deterrent to substantil expansion and the sequisition of real influence Infadian politics. For Chinese attack on Tibet in 1950 and India in 1962, Nehru jieannot claim innocence. He was strongly wamed by Sardar Patel ina letter which he ignored, Communists aetively supported this invasion into Tibet and played it down as a skirmish, 6 Tournt of Pours The Towns of Peper Ding tbe Cus sen fron a Tt In he ie kerr ep pend TES TAIT homme bry semen ot in pe Seciue adoge Te bo eed eead Mine he nln Tan vetoes” nee Onda tects ol Wet ia Woe Fay ae Tietvone whe cnued oe neal nes ela vey miinprad ty oes Cogs sana eae Filey we neon 6 Toa od Choe ae A herd W560, Pascua span ot Cate eel he Pym Pee emcee br ore io i ey se es Going on a tangent here and sing Sardar Patel’ warming to Chacha Nehru dated ‘November 1950, And despite this, our then Prime Minister was sting with ‘Hindi GE ba eo 2. | have carefuly gone through the coraspondence betwoen the External Afairs We had a friendly Mistry and our Ambassador n Peking and | Tibet which gave us through fim te Chinese Goverment. have no trouble. The fied to peruse this correspondence a8 favourably to our Ambassador and the . , Chinese dabided Chinese Goverment as possibie, but, | divided. They had reoret 0 say that nar of them comes out their own domestic wells cut otis sty. The Chinese] problems and never rnment have ted to dolide Us by professions of peaceful intentions. My own bothered us about {feeling is that at @ crucial period they our frontier. ‘managed to insti into our Ambassador a false sense of confidence in their so-called ‘desire to sate the Tibetan problem by peaceful means. There can be no doubt ‘hat, during the period covered by this correspondence, the Chinese must have bbeen concentrating for an onslaught on Tibet. The final action ofthe Chinese in my Fadgement ite hort of ery. ‘The tragody of its thatthe Tibetans put faith in us; they chose to be guided by us: ‘and we have been unable to get them out ofthe meshes of Chinese diplomacy or Chinese malevolence: From the latest poston it appears that we shall not be able Despite winning Kerala elections in 1957, left could never secure more than 103% of| popular vote, The dream of overnight revolution was shattered, A faction of Left was ‘unhappy due to USSR's alignment with Nels and was now looking towards Chia for divine guidance, ‘The Other faction consisted of people who were enjoying the benefits of democracy. ‘They did not want to undermine their position by supporting China ina war against India, This is where fist spit in Communists happened. Marsist Communist party was bora in October 1964 Finally came the spark in 1967 that pushed India for next § decades of incessant violence inform of revolt in Nasalbayi, West Bengal. Ia May 1969 came one more division witen radials stuck out and formed Communist Party Marsist/Leninist (PM, wwneiy pau Ww power CPi, ‘rupted, this time’ within the violence and tertorism wed (0 overthrow goverment muigtoe True & Sdabsy. By the time 7o's rolled in, Communists actively started allying & infiltrating Congress in various places ta come to power. This was not anew phenomenon. It started slong tne ago, deologically, congress was doing what sovets wanted and {hat was somewhat acceptable to left pert. Communlat and Cosma front personailties have ‘ano recently jolnad the Congroes in order to strengthen, ae they say, the progreneive elements thezetae The ating example here tu Dr. A. V. Baliga, president of the tado-Soviet Gutteral Soclety, we Joined the Congress In order te macage the 1962 elecrwrat Corporgn J Wk, kriidne Newer. But why did communists align with congress? One of the big reasons was the source cof money. They all received money from one source. Atone point of time, about 440% congress (1) MPs were on Soviet payroll. The other reason was ideology, whe ‘very closely matches Left Although the Soviets search broadly for potentially vulnerable and cooperative politicians, they appear to target those more likely to have major political influ- ence—such as sitting members of Parliament and MP candidates! many Congress-I politicians are also businessmen who trade with the USSR; the Soviets reportedly seek out these individ- uals as trading partners because they know money from business transactions will be siphoned off for political purposes. ] ‘They simultaneously started placing people in govt. positions as well. 1dea was {domination of intellectual discourse. To do that they started publishing vations magazines and joumals, It served the two pronged purpose of setting the intellectual tone as well as earning money By earning money I don't mean honest money. Printing was a cash cow for conamunists, People's publishing house alone eamed 1 cr annually by publishing literature consistently espousing atheism, discarding culture and traditions. And there were multiple such publishing houses! books and publications at a 60- to 65-percent dis- count to Peoples Publishing House (PPH), an Indian company wholly owned by CPI. & + Publishing house subsidies. The USSR sells Soviet jimilar arrangements have been made with other CPI publishing houses. JE Soe ebvertsemens Te Sos ace NETS rm Intellectual domination meant infiltration of colleges too, Young and navive students were instigated and called in for revolution. VC of Jdhaxpur, Gopal Sen ‘as billed infront ofthe university library because he did not let Naxals boycott the Tee scl and economic cheater of party nembentip vats 2 ‘cording to area, The bulk of Communist support comes ‘rom te poorer ‘ction ofthe population, but in some pace its drown fom the Riddle lies incading the educsed unemployed in oth rural nd urban ae West Berea for example, Calutas middl-cle lerel wovkes ae tad tional sodemte Communists, bat rcs fations have rected hesnly sone vper midlets stuns, 8 wel som the nkset poten thoas. I densely populated Kea lowstte areal! west ae Come ‘units of long sanding. In more instal state, (ec lon co states the core of Communist suport In Presidency, prineiple ad to shield a student in the class because class was on ‘shen they called fora strike, Every dissenting voice fn unive weeded out. And it was done by student recruits themselves. Ifyou see JNU today, understand their malaise is old ras violently Politics of Annihilation Thus, in early 1970 the Naxalites focused on Calcutta and, since then, terrorism and violence have persisted there almost unabated. Mazumdar tried to justify this deviation in priority as an attack on the bourgeois superstructure whose base was simultaneously being undermined by the Remember the radical factions which did't like the USSR? They were being funded by Beijing, Same Beijing which attacked India. Is comieal how they towed foreign line just for some seraps from our enemies. Anyway, moving on. C74 197 "The CPI and CPI/M are two of several minor opposition parties in India. Both are in near total agreement with Moscow on interna- ‘CPI/M is more independent in part because it also receives funds from Beijing and because it dominates the West Bengal Left Front fovercent, oof only two Commit ued sate govemmens in India, AA plethora of communist groups had popped up by now. This was acelerated after ‘death of Charu Mazumdar who would deserve another thread altogether. It would suffice to say he was one ofthe pillars of Commimist evolution’ in India, Basic agenda was same and modus operandi had violence inculeated in tin various ways. MCC,CPI(ML), RCCI, PWG, CPI(M-L) Unity org axe just afew examples. ‘They all, including the mainstream politcal partes, believed total revolution is the only way forward, So the nest time they tell you they condemn violence, ask them to visit thei own party programmes. The Communist Paty of Inia (Marist strives to achieve the establishment ‘ot people's democracy and socialist transfrmatton through peaceful meas By" developing a powerful mass revolutionary movement, by coming palamentary and extra paramentary forms of struggle, the working clas ndits lies wl ty their utmesttoavercome theresstance a the forces of Feaction and to bring about these tarsformation trough peaceful means. However, feneeds alvays tobe borne in mind that the ruling classes never Felinquish their power voluntary. They seek to defy the wil of the people and seek to reverse it by lawessness and violence. Its, therefore, necessary forthe revelutionary forces tobe vigilant also orient thes werk that they can face up to all contingencies, to any tut and turn the plea ite af the country, (CPO) 2011, 7.8) Similar ease of intimidation wns Sainbari Murders wheve CPI lenders lea the mb, billed a family and made the mother have Bhaat (Cooked vee) with the son's blood. oor woraa lost her mental balance, Political murders were always.a trend in communist Bengal NAXALITE ACTIVITIES IN WEST BENGAL Bowen Oe in Fe 1 ‘ oath Pesos 3% Mont Period | i ‘Agel 187O- Moreh 1971 Art Buty 1871 | om % shen ne a i (On the other sie, high decibel ighfalutin ofthe finest order ahout constitutional democracy tolerance, freedom of expression was being carried out. Bu forall heir efforts to sway people, thei vote share never crossed 10%. ‘Tervorize, make front organisations, Proiferate existing democratic outfits and use allot these to build public consensus in their favor. The recently vital video of Gautam Navlekha ea fine example. Putting ft up ta refresh your memory ‘This is when they mastered propping different organisations, and called themselves “civil Society". I you think making front organisations is new ar merely some conspiracy theorists imagination, havea look at this list of eft front organisations {hat CTA maintained in 2962, Also notice, you will realize none of the names will make you suspicious tha its one of lef frontal organisations. These would be started, funded and supported by lefts intellectuals and invite many others. Soon they would stat establishing Left's ine of destroying Indian culture and tvaditions. Itisstill going on by the way. in ways you cannot fathom. Have a look at ‘how Jignesh Mewani is applauding the depiction of throwing Brahmin in Bhagwa fom the stage of Valgaar Parishad. [Umar Khali here is asking people to come on the streets when Donald ‘rump visits India, In an other video, Sharjel Imam is asking people to block the corridor to Northeast. What did that achieve? Riots? Distepute to your nation ona global scale? Ts that they want? Sadly, ves! Don't be confused by their anti-CAA chants or pro-democracy chants. Their ultimate objective fs to attain power through a revolution. They will pie up any ‘esae possible for that ‘Today itis CAA, yesterday it was casteisms and day before that Brahuninical supremacy and tomorrow it will be LGBTQ rights. God only knows how will they protect thei rights while deviving support from fanatical Islamic Supremacist. | think [should wrap it up here, For more information about Communists in India, ‘yo can see this thread aswell. Ala, thteads axe just a gentle push from my side for xyouto know more, Explore more and share it with me as wel Vande Mataram! Enjoying this thread? ‘Keep Current wth a0 = {© This Thread may be Removed Anytime! Stayin touch and get notified when new Twitter may remove this content at anytime, unrots ae avaliable rom tis author! corer as PDF, save an prin for ater use! EES) ‘Try unrolling a thread yourself! ) Follow Threat Reader App on Twitter so you can 5 easily mention us! 2)Go toa Fitter thee (series of Tweets by the same Ss ‘wine and mention us witha keynora "unit More from @Bihar_ke lala Regen var "Tau vdeoslamorizing da over ava atackeon helt wore, People wiping snot on notes, ‘rinsing. Ming ve history ‘pling These are somes that are on display intuying times. But what {ste reason behind atempts © ‘whitewash these crimes? tren. 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