EDUP3043 - Link Models of Classroom Discipline (Group 6)

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Models of Classroom Discipline Management

1. Canter Assertive Discipline Model
● Assertive discipline is a structured, systematic approach designed to
assist educators in running an organized, teacher-in-charge classroom
● The Cantors believe that you, as the teacher, have the right to determine
what is best for your students, and to expect compliance.

2. Dreikurs Logical Consequences model
● Dreikurs believed that teachers who teach in a mostly democratic fashion
are those who most effectively establish discipline.
● Dreikurs' categorization of teachers is based on the predominant behavior
they display in the classroom.

3. Kounin Group Management Model

PEC: Classroom Behavior/Learning Environment Article.
● Kounin's model focuses on preventive discipline, techniques and
strategies designed to prevent the occurrence of discipline problems in the
first place.
● According to Kounin, good classroom management depends on effective
lesson management.
● Kounin's key ideas include the "ripple effect," "withitness," "overlapping,"
effective transitions, class management, and satiation.

4. Thomas Gordon Classroom Management Model

Article Link:

● Dr. Gordon’s approach to classroom management is the importance of

developing meaning and mutually beneficial relationships. He rejects traditional
models of reward and punishment. Instead, he focuses on how student’s conflicts
can be resolved in a way that will improve their relationships with their teacher
and peers.
● Implementation:
- Elementary settings: Using the Peace Table.
1. Located in a section of each classroom.
2. If a conflict among students occurs in a classroom setting, the
students are required to sit at the “Peace Table” and discuss their
individual feelings.
3. The peace table is equipped with a graphic organizer, which lists
the steps students are required to take in order to resolve the

5. Alfie Kohn Beyond Discipline Model

Article Link:

● Focused mainly on helping teachers develop caring, supportive classrooms in

which students pursue in depth topics of interest to them and participate fully in
solving class problems, including problems of behaviour.
● This model suggests involving students seriously in discussing curriculum,
procedures and class problems as well as to organize the curriculum to attend to
students interests and promote in-depth thinking.
● Emphasises on how teachers should take into account how a student can decide
on a matter.
● Encourages teachers to always use participative classroom management to
resolve problems that occur in the class.

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