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Université Hassan I

Faculté d’économie et gestion Settat DANDOUM ABDELLAH

Master logistique et commerce international
(Temps aménagé)

Read the text and Present in one sentence the main idea
of each paragraph (One sentence/paragraph).

 Paragraph 1
The employers complain of a skills shortage in the engineering industry

 Paragraph 2
Marcus body says the employers have to stop put the blame onto jobseekers’ skills, as long
they graduated from universities, they have skills.

 Paragraph 3
If the skills underestimated by the employers, they will have problems with recruiting a new
generation of engineers and technicians.

 Paragraph 4
How specific are companies willing to get with jobseekers' requirements?

 Paragraph 5
Over a third of respondents in the 2014 Skills Survey said that they would focus more on
apprentices and graduates when recruiting the people, they need in the next four to five years

 Paragraph 6
Marcus Body reckons that if the UK industry offered a higher salary, there wouldn't be any
shortages at all.

 Paragraph 7
If there any shortage of skills, the main reason is education. On the other hand, if businesses
want to replace staff due to retire; they’re going to need to give a little slack on the application

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