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Are people more creative when they work as a team or

Some people are more productive and creative when they work as a team. Others prefer to
work individually. From my point of view, working in a group has more advantages.

Firstly, people around you can inspire and motivate you. Based on the research from 2017,
nearly seventy percent of respondents feel more motivated, when they are surrounded by
colleagues. That also has positive impact on their creativity. That means these people can
bring new ideas into the company.

Secondly, teammates usually help each other or give advice and experiences to others in a
group. This could save a lot of time, because people spend so much time searching on the
internet how to do something. Also, workers can exploit this saved time more productively
and creatively.

To sum up, everyone can choose whether they prefer teamwork or working individually in
privacy. However, because of the reasons mentioned above, I believe that work as a team is
more creative.

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