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WHEN I WAS YOUNG Read and try to match

photos to their description

We __________ (live) in a block of flats on the outskirts of the city. It was a

nice house with yellow walls. There were beautiful apple trees and
different flowers next to the entrance. You could always see some old
ladies on a bench in front of the door. They __________ (knit) socks and
scarves for their grandchildren.

My family __________ (not / have) much money at that time. There wasn’t
much food in supermarkets either. So, we made our own pickled
cucumbers and salted mushrooms. I __________ (eat) my grandma’s
strawberry jam with a big loaf of fresh bread for breakfast. You can’t find
jam like this today!

I __________ (not / play) computer games. The only toys I had were old
sticks and pieces of broken glass I could find in the yard. We still had a lot of
fun. My dad had a guitar without a string, so we __________ (sit) together
and sing our favorite camp songs loudly until one of the neighbors started
to complain.

All my classmates __________ (be) pioneers. We proudly wore red scarves

and small hats in summer and collected paper waste in winter to recycle it
and earn points for our school. We brought old newspapers and books from
home and put them in a huge pile. Our teacher __________ (help) us,
because the packages were very big and heavy.

I started working when I was 14. I __________ (wake up) at 6:00 and go to
my factory through blizzard and snowstorm. I __________ (not / earn)
much money though. I sometimes bought a glass of soda or ice cream for
myself, but I gave most of the salary to my parents, so that they could get
us some meat and vegetables for dinner.

By Artem Morozov Fin d more worksheets here:

WHEN I WAS YOUNG Read and try to match
photos to their description

a b

c d

e f

By Artem Morozov Fin d more worksheets here:


(1) The students read the texts and fill in the gaps with
correct grammar forms (using “used to”).

(2) When they are done, check the answers.

(3) Hand out the pictures from the second page and get
them to match pictures to the texts.

(4) When the time is up, give your students some time to
exchange ideas in pairs, then check their answers in a
teacher fronted way.



By Artem Morozov Fin d more worksheets here:

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