Guess What These Stars Used To Do

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LIFE BEFORE FAME What did these people use to

do before they got famous?

Barak Obama Albert Einstein Steve Jobs Chris Pratt

Beyonce Kanye West Vladimir Putin Hugh Jackman

Used to…

• Design computers in a garage

• Play chess at school
• Read books about flamingos
• Scoop ice cream at Baskin Robins
• Live in a van
• Do judo
• Work as a clown
• Have problems with speaking
• Sleep in a cupboard under the stairs
• Sweep people’s hair in a salon
• Be a shop assistant in Gap
• Swim in the river in winter

By Artem Morozov Fin d more worksheets here:

Barak Obama

Former President of the United States Barack Obama has a pretty impressive resume. But his first
job as a teen in Honolulu had him wearing a cap and apron and earning minimum wage at Baskin-

Albert Einstein

Einstein, a certified genius, was also a late talker. He didn’t speak full sentences until he was 5
years old. His parents even feared that he was mentally retarded. Einstein’s speech delay clearly
wasn’t an impediment to his intellectual skills and awe-inspiring accomplishments.

Steve Jobs

Jobs left College in Portland after a single semester, but continued to take classes, including a
calligraphy class he cited as the reason Macintosh computers were designed with multiple
typefaces. He was just 21 and Wozniak 26 when they founded Apple Computer in the garage of
Jobs's family home in 1976.

Chris Pratt

When he was 19, Pratt moved to Hawaii after a friend offered to buy him a one-way ticket. There,
Pratt basically became homeless, living in a van by the beach while he worked a variety of
minimum-wage jobs.


Before she began her singing career, "Queen Bey" as Beyoncé is popularly referred to by her
numerous fans, worked in a salon. Between the ages of six and nine, the singer was working in
her mother, Tina Knowles' hairdressing shop and used to sweep hair from the salon's floors.

Kanye West

Mr. West, who worked at a Gap shop in his teens, has expressed deep interest in the brand for
years, declaring in his interview that he would “like to be the Steve Jobs of the Gap.” He even
once dreamed of being its head creative director.

Vladimir Putin

Americans tend to think of Russians as skilled chess players. Yet Mr. Putin’s sport is not chess, but
judo. The Russian president has admitted that he was a “hooligan” as a child but that martial arts
got him off the streets.

Hugh Jackman

As a young adult, Jackman was a clown for hire for kids' birthday parties. He went by the name of
Coco the Clown, but unlike most clowns, he didn't know any magic tricks. “I am really bad at
magic,” he once said in his interview.

By Artem Morozov Fin d more worksheets here:


(1) Students work in pairs or small groups trying to guess

what these famous people used to do when they were
younger. Make it clear that there are extra sentences.

(2) Listen to their ideas in a teacher fronted way and get

them to explain their point of view.

(3) Listen to the recording to check answers.


• Barak Obama used to scoop ice cream at Baskin Robins

• Albert Einstein used to have problems with speaking
• Steve Jobs used to design computers in a garage
• Chris Pratt used to live in a van
• Beyonce used to sweep people’s hair in a salon
• Kanye West used to be a shop assistant in Gap
• Hugh Jackman used to work as a clown

By Artem Morozov Fin d more worksheets here:

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