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Critical Studio Practice Assessment

When it comes to creating my work, I try to be as innovative as I can; exploring different

areas of art and trying out different mediums and concepts. I try to expand on the aesthetic and
human experience of my life. Focusing on feminism, beauty of creation, and incorparating a
sense of naturalism to engulf conceptualism within all my work. Although, I do want to break
away from these typical concepts and explore new ones. I utilize my art to relieve stress but also
to express my emotions, feelings, creativity, and beliefs. My strongest medium I've used in most
of my artwork is acrylic paint. I want to expand and go beyond that medium to express my

At the moment I’ve been pushing myself towards more digital and 2d/three-dimensional
art pieces; trying to work with materials I haven’t used as often for a better visual interpretation.
All of my current courses have evaluated creativity, expression, and challenging the mind when
it comes to visual representation. My digital photography and digital studio classes focus on not
only capturing the art with a DSLR camera but understanding the rules on concepts of art, and
critical documentation. Utilizing programs such as Premiere pro, Lightroom, and Photoshop, in
these courses allow minor editing to make the images better and get a basic understanding of
editing as a whole.

In former classes I've got a chance to explore new mediums and materials I wasn’t
familiar with such as screenprinting, negatives/cyanotypes, wood, and wire.
These materials and techniques allow a branch/outlet into different art genres and break
me out of my comfort zone. I know for a fact I’m strongest in photography, drawing, and 3d
design. I’m a hands-on person so interacting with the mediums in these classes is my specialty.
I feel as if drawing is the main aspect of most art concepts and genres, and I’ve tried to master it
as much as I can to incorporate it in my art work; whether it’s just for a sketch or project outline.
My weakness is surely the programming side of editing videography and sometimes photos, I
want to learn how to do this on a professional level. Taking these courses has allowed my
imagination and creativity to roam freely and visualize art styles differentially. In the future, I plan
to utilize all of these materials and course knowledge to strengthen my work and express myself
conceptually with an expansion of newly learned mediums.

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