IB Essay

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Ticket Id: 277649

Friday, November 18, 2022

The internet is a great course of information and has opened up opportunities for people to learn all over the world.
Is all information reliable on the internet?
What could be done to control information online?

The advancement in technology made people capable of learning various topics from the internet which has a Commented [P1]: has
significant amount of information. However, most of the information that is being shared online is not reliable. There are
various remedies that we can adopt in order to control the reliability of shared information sharing.

The internet provides liberty in posting whatever the author wants and for that reason not all information found on the
internet is reliable. In other words, anybody can post news or data in websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. This
makes the media shared in these sites not always true, and in order for people to get attention and be popular they Commented [P2]: content
would share fake news and fake information . As a result, the authentic news and facts will get ignored and forgotten. Commented [P3]: could be shared
For example, millions of users on Facebook in Algeria post wrong exciting information about medical remedies. This has
resulted in the increase of ignorance in society.

On the other hand, many solutions can be done to control sharing information on the internet. Governments should Commented [P4]: there are
severely punish and establish strict laws for the ones who share falsified information. This can be done by applying fines
and community service for the ones who break these laws. Security companies should also verify the information shared
online and the authenticity of websites that offer news and other information. This can be easily done by building
programmes that auto-check any publication or post in matters of their reliability. Commented [P5]: the reliability of

In conclusion, the data available on the internet is not mostly reliable, which effects the authentic information shared. Commented [P6]: affects
This issue can be addressed by applying laws and verifying the information posted. Commented [P7]: authenticity of

Evaluation Report

Word Count 279

Comments The candidate addresses all parts of the task and presents a
clear position throughout the response. There is a notable
logical organization of information and ideas and a clear
progression throughout. The candidate produces frequent
error-free sentences and has good control of grammar and
punctuation but makes a few errors.
Estimated Band Score 7.0
Task achievement Coherence/Cohesion Lexical resource Grammar & Accuracy
7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
Suggestions 1. Revise grammar.
2. Be careful of spelling mistakes.
3. Learn more vocabulary and improve choice of words.
4. Use synonyms to avoid repetition.
5. Read sample essays from our website.
6. Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
7. Keep practicing to improve your performance.
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