Englisch Soft Power Brexit

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Brexit Soft & Hard Power

Austritt Großbritanniens aus der EU
Ziel: Global Britain, möchten ihren eigenen Weg gehen

How effected the Brexit the UK while the decision of brexit

- The UK’s biggest soft power weakness is the continued uncertainty around Brexit

- This year, the UK posted poorer performances across the Enterprise and Government sub-indices, and the
international polling

-The divisive domestic politics of Brexit and the government’s inability to find a workable solution are also
impacting the way the world views the UK

-The sheer amount of bandwidth consumed by Brexit has left the UK with little capacity to make headway
on other issues

Der Ausgleich

The UK continues to cultivate British soft power through major institutions like the British Council and
BBC World Service, and retains the ability to drive global action through its memberships of international
organisations like the UN Security Council, the Commonwealth, and NATO
-> maintaining a considerable reserve of soft power will become be an important driver of the
UK’s reputation around the world.

Could happened
the UK’s laws and our relationships around the world could look significantly different. There
will be a new immigration system that may limit or encourage visitors to the UK, new customs
arrangements that will affect the price of British products in other markets, maybe even
restrictions on the data from abroad that our technology companies are able to access.

 - Das Königreich soll in eine »technologische Supermacht« und eine »Soft
Power Superpower« verwandelt werden, die mit ihren Forschungs- und
Kulturinstitutionen, der BBCund der Monarchie globalen Einfluss ausübt.

- Project Global Britain

Statistiken:, about soft power index over the years

The UK slips to 2nd place this year, after another year of turbulent domestic politics. Brexit continues to
dominate the headlines, even more so with a new Prime Minister at helm looking to force a constitutional
3th Place in soft Power Ranking
Whilst the long-term impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU is still to be seen, the immediate
result has been that of finally introducing some clarity and stability to the political and economic
situation following years of conflict and uncertainty.” 
-> has improved it

Brexit, allgemeine Infos

Wie es während dem Brexit, UKs Softpower beeinflusst hat
Statistiken im Vergleich(vor, während, nach), wie es dazu kam
Wie sich UK gerade noch ausgleicht
Zukunft, wie kann es nach dem Brexit aussehen, positiv und negativ
Projekt Global Britain

The only answer Johnson has for them is that the loss of soft power will be
compensated for by the rebuilding of hard power through huge investment
in the armed forces. Even if that happens, the recent history of Britain’s
military adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan does not suggest that more
aircraft carriers will make up for the loss of trust and admiration.

The UK’s global relevance in the 21st century goes way beyond culture, however. In 2021,
the UK had the fifth-largest economy in the world. It has been in the top ten for literally
centuries. It is also a global leader when it comes to foreign direct investment (FDI). A study
from the British Council and the University of Edinburgh states that soft power boosts foreign
investment (as well as tourism and overseas student recruitment) and that can be seen in the
UK’s FDI attractiveness. It has rarely been out of the top five of UNCTAD’s World
Investment Report when it comes to inward FDI, and it is also a key source country when it
comes to investment. It is still a world leader when it comes to highly prized sectors such as
ICT, R&D and finance. Countries reliant on British (or US, or German, or French, or
Japanese) investment are less likely to, say, vote against these countries when it comes
to UNresolutions condemning Russia’s action.

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