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Unpacking Themes Through Metaphors

Date: Fall 2022 Teacher’s Name: Gemma Meade

Subject: ELA Grade level: 9

Learning Segment Title: Identifying and understanding metaphors and how metaphors promote
Length of each lesson: 45 mins

Essential Question(s): How can we use metaphors to find the themes of a text?

Learning Standards: 9-10R2: Determine one or more themes or central ideas in a text and analyze its
development, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; objectively and
accurately summarize a text.
Day 1 Lesson Topic: Metaphors and Metaphoric Language

Outcomes Assessments
Students will: Day 1: Students will create their own metaphor
Day 1: Identify metaphoric language. about love.

Lesson Introduction
Time Teacher Action Student Learning Form of Assessment

5 minutes 1. Teacher will post the 1. Unpack the quote 1. Answering the question
quote, “Love is a rose” with the person next to in their notebooks.
on the board. them.

5 minutes 2. Ask the question: 2. Answer the question

The word rose is a in their notebooks.
vehicle for what in this Volunteers will be
sentence? chosen to share their
answers aloud.

Initial Phase-Direct Instruction

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

5 minutes 1. A powerpoint 1. Students will be 1. Students’ participation in

presentation will be taking notes on the the discussion will give
used. The first slide will powerpoint. evidence of understanding.
define and explain
what a metaphor is. It
will also explain how
metaphors can
promote theme.

5 minutes 2. Students will be

shown 10-15 examples
of metaphors about

5 minutes 3. Teacher will lead a 2. Students will

class discussion on why participate in the class
these are metaphors discussion.
and how they promote
the theme of love.

Middle Phase-Guided Practice

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

5 minutes 1. Figurative language 1. Students must first 1. Students' answers in the

(similes and identify whether or not group discussion will
metaphors) will be the figurative language determine their level of
posted on the board. is a metaphor and why understanding.
it is a metaphor (what
language differentiates
the two) Students will
turn to their partners
and discuss the
2. Teacher will engage metaphor. Volunteers
in a think aloud in order will be chosen to
to convey what a explain what their
metaphor is. group has said.

Independent Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

1. If students seem to 1. Students will be 1. Homework assignment:

have a full asked to write their Write your own metaphor
understanding, assign own metaphor about about love.
homework. love.

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

1. Revisit the question: 1. Two volunteers will

The word rose is a be chosen to state and
vehicle for what in this explain their answer.
sentence? (based on
metaphor love in a
Day 2

Outcomes Assessments
Students will:
Day 2: Identify metaphors in music. Day 2: For homework, students will be asked to
find a metaphor in a song that they like and
unpack that metaphor.

Time Teacher Action Student Learning Form of Assessment

5 minutes 1. Use homework to 1. Students will be 1. Answers from the

see what students asked to share their homework.
remember about metaphor and state
metaphors and how how their metaphor
metaphors will promotes the theme of
promote themes. love.

Direct Instruction.
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

3 minutes 1. Play “Take Me to 1. Students will be called

Church” by Hozier. upon to voice any questions
they may have.

1. After the song is

played, the lyrics, “My
lover’s got humor/She’s
the giggle at a
disapproval/I should’ve
worshiped her sooner”
will be posted on a
5 minutes
3. The metaphor, 1. Students will be
“She’s a giggle at a taking notes during this
funeral” will be time.
explained. Students will
understand that
instead of Hozier using
language, he opts for a
metaphor to explain
that his “lover” is
funny. The metaphor
conveys that even in
really sad moments,
she finds a way to
lighten the moment.

4. Powerpoint link

Guided Practice:

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment


5 minutes 1. Students will be split 1. Each group will be 1. Students’ answers in the
up into four groups. asked to identify the group work.
metaphor in three
different songs: “ Girl
on Fire” by Alicia Keys”,
“Firework” by Katy
Perry, “Titanium” by
David Guetta, and
15 minutes 2. Teacher will walk “Believer” by Imagine
around to ensure that Dragons.
all students are
participating and have
an understanding of

Independent Practice
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

1. Based on group 1. For homework, 1. Song of choice homework

discussion, decide if students will be asked assignment.
students are prepared to choose a song that
for homework. they like and that
contains a metaphor.
They must identify the
metaphor and unpack
the meaning of the

Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

2 mins 1. Open the floor for 1. Students will have

students to ask the opportunity to ask
questions about questions about
metaphor and theme. themes or metaphors.

Day 3

Outcomes Assessments
Students will:
Day 3: Identify metaphors and how metaphors Day 3: Students will respond to a short response
support themes. prompt, “How is the theme of love and sacrifice
developed through metaphors throughout the

Time Teacher Action Student Learning Form of Assessment

5 minutes 1. Use homework to 1. Volunteer’s will be 1. Answers from the

ensure students’ asked to share their homework.
understanding of song and metaphor.

Direct Instruction:
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

5 mins 1. Present the short 1. Answer the question 1. Answers to the question.
story, The Gift of Magi aloud/in their
2. Ask students what
they think the story is
about based on the
Guided Practice:
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

15-20 mins 1. Read “Gift of the 1. Actively listening and

Magi” aloud to reading along.

2. Model active reading 2. Highlighting and

by highlighting and annotating any
annotating any metaphors.
metaphors whilst
reading aloud.

Independent Practice:
Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment

1. Ask students to write 1. Answer short 1. Answer to the short

a short response to the response. response based off of
question, “How is the evaluative criteria rubric.
theme of love and
sacrifice developed
through metaphors
throughout the story.”

2. Worksheet for short



Time Teacher Actions Student Learning Form of Assessment


2 mins 1. Consolidate key 1. Ask any questions

information students about the prompt.
need to answer the

Students will need: notebook, pen/pencil

Teacher will need: computer, projector,

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