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INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT (IPO) – is a pattern or approach that is widely used in systems

analysis for describing the structure of the information processing program
INPUT – any data entered into the computer system
PROCESS – is a procedure carried out by the system to provide an output
OUTPUT – outcome of the process

COMPUTER PROGRAM – a series of instructions written to perform a specified task on a

PROGRAMMER – the person who writes, develops, and debugs a computer program
PROGRAMMING – the art and science of creating a program
- Is a problem solving process
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE – is a tool that is used by the programmer to communicate with
the computer
BINARY NUMERAL SYSTEM – represents and processes numbers using binary digits 1 and 0
which represents “on” and “off”
DECIMAL NUMERAL SYSTEM – most commonly used numeral system in science and
commerce which uses 10 different numerals; 0 to 9
ASSEMBLER – it translates mnemonics to machine into machine code
INTERPRETER – translates high-level instructions line by line into machine code
COMPILER – translates the entire program into macine code
OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE – is a high-level programming language
that uses GUI-based interfaces
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE (SDLC) – is the process used in creating computer
DEBUGGING – the process of fixing errors
BUGS – errors
INSTALLER – was developed to ensure quick and easy distribution of the product
SOURCE CODE – intructions for a computer
CODING – the process where instructions or source codes are entered through a programming
LIBRARY – is a collection of resources or routines used by computer programs.
LINKER – combines one ore more libraries or object files to produce an executable file
ALGORITHM – is a step by step procedure to solve problems
PSEUDOCODE – is a description of an algorithm using a natural language
- Uses short English-like statements to wirte codes for programs before you actually create it in
a specific language
FLOWCHART – is a diagram representing the logical sequence in which a combination of steps or
operations is to be performed

TERMINATOR – used in declaring the beginning and the end of the flowchart, is
labeled with “start” and “end”

INPUT/OUTPUT – used if the flowchard needs input from the user or an output
from a process
PROCESS – used to process data, normally composd of mathematical symbols

DECISION – if the procedure leads to a comparison, which involves logical or

relational operators and questions that are answerable by “Yes” or “No”

ON-PAGE CONNECTOR –connecting flowchart within the same page

OFF-PAGE CONNECTOR – connecting flowchart on another page

ARROWS – declares the flow of the process


a. MACHINE LANGUAGE – also known as the binary language
- it only consists of two numbers, 0 and 1.
b. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE - is more advances than the machine language as it uses
c. THE HIGH-LEVEL LANGUAGE – allow programmers to use english commands to carry
out instructions.
 BASIC – Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code  JAVASCRIPT
 COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language  PHYTON
 FORTRAN – Formula translation  C+


1. PLANNING – this is the first stage where the cope of the system is outlined
2. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS – all information is collected from the customer to develop
a product that will catrer to a particular need
3. DESIGN – platforms, trechnologies, and the initial architecture of the program is described
4. IMPLEMENTATION – the source code is written according to the design
5. TESTING AND DEBUGGING – one of the very important parts of software development
is product testing
PRODUCT TESTING – this will make sure that all the requirements needed for the
software are being strictly followed and created. It is done by the user of the software
6. DEPLOYMENT – is the process which puts a given software product into use, be it a
personal use or business operation.
7. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE – to keep the program running smoothly, provide
updates and improvementsin consideration of trends, developments, and the changes in the
field where it is used.







VISUAL STUDIO – is an integrated development environment (IDE) created by Microsoft that

specializes in creating various applications such as console applications
MENU AND TITLE BAR – houses the major menu items like File, Edit, View, and others
TOOLBAR – has the most common aciton shortcuts and navigation utility used for ineracting with
Visual Studio
TOOLBOX – has a set of tools or controls such as buttons, labels, texts, and the like
DESIGN/FORM WINDOW – where the design of the program’s interface is done
SOLUTION EXPLORER – panel that shows the files of your project
PROPERTIES WINDOW – used to display the properties of a selected item in either solution
explorer such as a file or a control in the design window
OUTPUT WINDOW – mainly used to observe build progression during project compilation
TEXT EDITOR – where programmers write the code

NUMBER SEQUENCE – list of numbers having a first number, second number, and so on
FINITE SEQUENCE – sequence that has a finite number of terms
INFINITE SEQUENCE – sequence that has an infinite number of terms
ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE – sequence with consecutive terms have a common difference
D – is the common difference
GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE – sequence which term is obtained by multiplying the preceeding term
by a fixed number
R – common ratio
GEOMETRIC SERIES – sum of a geometric sequence
HARMONIC SEQUENCE – sequence of reciprocals

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