Arabic 12 12 2022

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‫ص ِدي ْق أصْ ِدقَاء‬

َ – the friend
ْ‫ – َز َّور‬to show a visitor around

ْ ‫ ِز ِورْ ِي ْز َورْ زَ َو َر‬- to choke


‫ – أ ِميرْ ُأ َم َراء‬the prince

‫ – رَوْ نَ ْق‬glamur, glitter

ْ‫ – ِجسْرْ ُجسُور‬the bridge

‫ – َح ِّد ْد‬to specify, assign

ْ‫ – ُج ْملَة ُج َمل‬the sentence

ْ‫ – بُرْ جْ أ ْب َراج‬the tower

ْ‫ – َمرْ ِكبْ َم َرا ِكب‬the ship, cruise

‫( – َح ِديقَة َح َديِ ْق‬UAE, not very common in Egypt) garden

‫ َوفِي يِوْ فِي‬- to keep a promise

‫ – َوفِي‬consistent, faithful

‫ – حاليا‬presently, nowaday

ْ‫ – فُوجْ أ ْف َواج‬the group

‫ َو َع ْد يِوْ ِع ْد َو ْع ْد‬- to promise

‫ – َم َعالِ ْم‬the sights (of a place); the features (e.g of the face)

ْ‫ – تَخَ يِّل‬to imagine, envisage

ْ‫ – تَخَ يُّل‬the imigination

ْ‫ – فَرَّج‬to show someone something (3ala!)

‫ – ُم ْت َعة‬pleasure, fun, joy

‫ – قَ ْل َعة قَاَل ْع‬the citadel

‫ع ِش ْق‬-
ِ to admire, be passionate about
ْ ‫ – ت‬implementation, applicrtion
‫َطبِي ْق‬

ْ‫ – َمحْ ُمول‬mobile

َ ‫ – َم ِس‬march, parade
ْ‫ – ن ََجاح‬success

‫ – ت ََو َّس ْع‬the expansion, growth

َ َ‫ – ق‬to mean (ik bedoel)

‫ص ْد‬

ِ ‫ – خ‬outside of
‫ – فَ ْ ّر ْع فُرُّ و ْع‬the branch, stem
‫ َز َّو ْد‬- to make increase

ْ‫ – ُم ْث ِمر‬productive

َ ‫ – عُضْ وْ أ ْع‬the organ, member

ْ ‫ – إس‬to use
‫ْتخ ِد ْم‬
ً‫ – ُش ْكراً َج ِزيال‬thanks a lot

ْ ‫ – َم ْعلُو َم‬the information, data


َ ‫ – غَارْ يِ ِغيرْ ِغ‬to get jealous


‫ض ْ ّي‬
َ – light (not very common)
ْ‫ – َحسِّس‬to make someone feel, sensitise

ْ‫ – َمال‬the mood

ِ َ‫ – ف‬knight
‫ارسْ فِ َراس‬

‫ – َسنَ ْد يِ ْسنِ ْد‬to lean on; support

ْ‫اسيس‬ َ ْ‫ – إحْ َساس‬the feeling, emotion

ِ ‫أح‬

َ ْ‫ضي يِر‬
‫ضى‬ ِ ‫ – ِر‬to satisfy
ْ ‫ضع‬
‫ْف‬ َ - weakness
ْ ‫ضع‬-
‫َّف‬ َ to weaken
ْ‫ – َدرْ ِدش‬to chat

ْ‫ – فَرْ فِش‬to have fun

ْ‫ – َح ْمل‬pregnancy

ْ ِ‫ خَ ف‬-‫( َد ُّم‬possessive pronoun on damm-) – funny (of people)


‫ َد ّْم‬- blood
ْ ِ‫ – ُكلْ ِسنَّة ِوا ْنتُوا طَيِّب‬happy ne wyear!

‫ – َم ْع ِمي ْم‬the generalisation

‫ – َع َّم ْم‬to generalise

‫ – إب ْْن نُ ْكتَة‬fond of telling jokes (son of jokes literally)

ْ ‫ – نُ ْكتَة نُك‬joke

ِ ‫ – اُ ْسطُو َرة أ َس‬legend


‫ضا َرة‬
َ ‫ – َح‬the civilsatio
‫ – َواقِ ْع‬reality
ّْ ‫ – ا ْستَ َح‬to deserve

‫ – ُس ْم َعة‬the reputation
‫ – َسخَ رْ يِ ْس ِخرْ س ُْخ ِريَّة‬to mock, sneer at

ْ‫ – ُمفَ ِّكر‬the intellectual, philosopher

‫ – تَ ْقلِي ْد تَقَالِي ْد‬the tradition

ْ‫ – إ ْنتَشَر‬to get spread

‫ – بَشَاشَة‬the cordiality

‫ – فُكَاهَة‬the humor

‫ – َراِئ ْد َروَّا ْد‬the pioneer, guide

ْ‫ – ُمَؤ سِّس‬the founder

‫ – فِ ِر ْغ يِ ْف َر ْغ‬to become empty; tob e all done with

ْ‫ – هَ َّزر‬to joke

ْ‫( عَاقِبَة ع ََواقِب‬/q/) – the outcome, result , consequence

ْ‫ – َم ْشهُور‬famous

‫ – َر ِّك ْز‬to focus on; (noun) focus

‫ ِش ِدي ْد‬- heavy, strict

‫ – َحرْ فِي‬literal

‫ – ِح َرفِيَّة‬professionalism

ْ‫ – عَالِج‬to treat, deal with

ْ‫ – َما بَقَاش‬no longer, not anymore

‫ َش َج ْن‬-anxiety, sorrow

ْ‫ – َمالْ يِ ِميل‬to bend, incline; be inclined towards

ْ – to disapear

‫ – َجنَازَة‬the funeral

‫ – ثَقافَة‬the culture

‫ – َح ِزين‬sad, sorrowful

‫ – ُمجْ تَ ْم َعة‬society

ْ‫ – ِز ِعلْ يِ ْز َعل‬to get upset

‫ – نِ ْع َمة‬the blessing, gift from Allah

‫ – بِ ْال َر ْغ ِم ِم ْن‬despite (x)

‫ – َخ ْلطَة‬mixture, mix
ْ ‫ض‬
‫ات‬ َ ِ‫( ُمتَنَاقِضْ ُمتَنَاق‬/q/) – the paradox, contrast
ْ‫ – ا ْست ََو َعب‬to comprehend

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