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‫ ِم ْهنَة‬plural ‫ ِمهَ ْن‬- the occupation, profession

ْ ‫ – تَوْ ِظ‬employment

‫ – بَطَالَة‬unemployment, idleness

‫ – ِسي فِي‬CV
ْ ‫ – ُمَؤ هِّلْ ُمَؤ هِّاَل‬the qualification

‫ – ُمقَا ْبلَة‬the interview

ِ ‫ – ُمقَا ْبلَة ش َْخ‬job interview


‫ – ِعاَل َوة‬the raise (in salary)

ْ‫ – َدرَّب‬to train (an employee)

ْ‫ – إ ْستَقَال‬to resign

‫ – تَقَا ُع ْد‬retirement

‫ – ِر ْز ْق أرْ َزا ْق‬the livelihood, god’s sustenance

َ ‫ – إ ْن‬the disimssal
ْ ‫ص َر‬

‫ – فَرَّا َمة‬meat grinder; shredder

ْ ‫ – ُم َزي‬counterfeit

‫( نَ ْق ْد‬pronoounced/ q/) – cash

ْ‫ – تَ َعادُل‬balans

ْ ‫ – قَرْ ْن قُر‬the horn, century

ْ ِ‫ – َعشَرْ ِسن‬a decade

‫ – لَحْ ظَة‬the moment, instance

ْ‫ – ُشرُو ْق اِل َّش ْمس‬the sunrise

‫ – اِ ْلنَهَارْ دَه‬today

ِ ْ‫إحْ تَفَل‬- – to celebrate


‫ – تَ ْق ِوي ْم‬calendar

‫ – ِه َوايَة‬the hobby
ْ ‫ – ِحرْ فَة ِح َر‬the trade (occupation)
ْ ‫ – َما ْتشْ َما ْتش‬the match
ْ ‫ – جُولْ ُجواَل‬the goal

‫( قَاِئ ْد قُ َوا ْد‬pronounced /q/) – the captain (of a team, il-fareeq); commander

‫ َمرْ َمى‬- the goal (the location)

ْ‫ – َح َرسْ يُحْ رُس‬to guard, protect

ِ ‫ – َح‬the guard, guardian
‫ – َح َك ْم ُح َّكا ْم‬the referee

ْ‫ – ِغ ِطسْ يِ ْغطَس‬to dive

ْ‫ – ِك ٍسبْ يِ ْك َسب‬to win, earn

ْ ُ‫ – ف‬victory, winning

ْ‫ – ِخ ِسرْ ِي ْخ َسر‬to lose (in a game, business)

ْ‫ – فِ ِرحْ يِ ْف َرحْ فَ َرح‬to be(come) happy, rejoice

ْ ‫ – إ ْن َس‬the human

‫ – نِهَايَة‬the end

‫ – إ ْنتَهَى يِ ْنتِ ِهي‬to end

‫ص َحافَة‬
َ – the journalism; press
ْ ‫يظ غ‬
‫َيظ‬ ْ ‫َاظ يِ ِغ‬
ْ ‫ – غ‬to annoy, irritate, tease

ْ‫ – أ َملْ آ َمال‬the hope

ْ‫ – أ َملْ يِأ َمل‬to hope

ْ‫ – َراسْ رُوس‬the head

ْ‫صا ِدر‬
َ ‫ – َمصْ َدرْ َم‬the masdar; source
ْ‫ – أصْ لْ ٌأصُول‬the origin, source

‫ – أصْ لِي‬original

‫ – ِك ْذبَة‬the lie

ْ‫ – ِك ِذبْ يِ ْك ِذبْ ِك ْذب‬to lie (too = 3alaa)

‫ – َه ّْم هُ ُمو ْم‬the worry, anxiety

ْ ‫ات يِ ُم‬
‫وت‬ ْ ‫ – َم‬to die

‫ – َوفَاة‬death

ْ‫ – َعلَى اِأْل قَل‬at least

‫ب‬ ّْ ‫ َح‬- - to feel

ِ ‫س‬
ْ‫ – إ ْفت ََرض‬to assume, suppose

ْ‫ – إ ْفتَ َراض‬the assumption

‫ – ِغبِي أ ْغبِيَّة‬dumb; stupid

‫ – قَلَ ْق يِ ْلقَ ْق‬to owrry ,be concerned

‫ – إ ْت َمشَى‬to wander

‫ تَرْ ِزي تَرْ ِزيَّة‬- the tailor, klerenmaker

ْ ‫ان إ ْمتَ َحان‬
‫َات‬ ْ ‫ – إ ْمت ََح‬the exam, test

‫ – طَبِي ِعي‬naturally, of course

ْ ‫ – إِل‬because

‫ – فَ ْت َرة‬the shift (E.g of work)

ْ‫ – طُ ُموح‬ambition

ّ ْ ُ‫ك يِف‬
‫ك‬ ّ ْ َ‫ – ف‬to untie, dismantel, release

ّ ْ َ‫ف‬- - to relax
ْ‫ك ع َْن نَ ْفس‬

(‫ض ْم ْن ) ِم ْن‬
ِ – alongside, included with
ْ ‫ض ُغ‬
‫وط‬ ْ ‫ض ْغ‬
ُ ‫ط‬ َ - stress, pressure, force
‫ – أ َسا ِسي‬basic, fundamental, essential
ْ ِ‫ – رُوت‬routine

ِّ َ‫ – قَضّى يِق‬to spend (time)


َ َ‫ – ِعب‬the phrase, expression
‫ – ُم َحاضْ َرة‬the course

ْ‫ – أكَل ِعيش‬to make a living

ْ‫َري َع َسا ِكر‬

ِ ‫ – َع ْسك‬the soldier
‫ – ِغ ْن َوة أغَانِي‬the song

ْ‫ طَ َّور‬- to develop (skill, progress)

ْ َ‫ – تَرْ فِي ْه تَرْ فِيه‬the entertainment

‫ضيَّ ْع‬
َ – to lose something; waste
َ – tough, hard
‫ – بَايِ ْن‬visible, evident, cler
ْ ‫ ت‬- development
ْ‫َط ِوير‬

ْ‫ – فَضَّل‬to prefer

‫ فِ ْه ْم‬- understanding

‫ فِ ِه ْم يِ ْفهَ ْم‬-to understand

ْ‫ – إ ْستَفَتَح‬to open one’s day

ْ‫ – َع َجب‬the wonder; amazement

ْ‫ – أ ْع َجبْ يِ ْع ِجب‬to appeal to someone ; to satisfy; to plesae

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