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Introductory Materials
Rationale ………………………………………………………………….………………….. pg 3
Student Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. pg 4

Scope & Sequence

Content Chart ………………………………………………………………………..……… pg 5
Statement of Technology …………………………………………………………..……. pg 6
Statement of Efforts to include the Arts ..………………………….……………… pg 6

Audience & Environment

Audience Identification & Analysis ………………………………………………… 6
Classroom Environment ………………………………………………………………… pg 7

Thematic Unit Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment Opportunities ……………………………………………. pg 7

Individual Lessons
Lesson One (Character Traits) ………………………………………………………. pg 8-15
Lesson Two (Shark Tracker) …………………………………………………………. pg 16-22
Lesson Three (Finding Goldfish) …………………………………………………… pg 23- 28
Lesson Four (Comparing Ecosystems) …………………………………………… pg 29-34
Lesson Five(Crush’s Compound Words) ………………………………………… pg 35-41
Culminating Activity ……………………………………………………………………. pg 42-47


The purpose of this thematic unit is for students to learn Michigan Common

Core, Next Generation Science, Michigan Technology, Michigan Social Studies and

Social Emotional Learning Standards through all subject areas by incorporating an

engaging topic. Students will strengthen their skills and knowledge in the different

subject areas by connecting content to a popular Disney movie, Finding Nemo. All

content and lessons will be related back to the movie in hopes that students will remain

engaged and excited to learn. Each lesson contains multiple subject areas making them

cross-curricular. Mathematics, Science, Language ArtS, Social Studies, Art and Physical

Education will be incorporated throughout the week's lessons while building on

knowledge from the previous learned material. Students will gain the knowledge they

need to complete a culminating project through the material learned during the week.

Throughout the week, students will be watching parts of the movie while using critical

and creative thinking to complete the related lessons. At the end of the week, students

will use all of their material used during the week to help complete a project displaying

their new knowledge of the different subject areas.


Student Introduction

Climb Aboard 2nd Grade Explorers!

I have some exciting news about our next unit! We are doing a Finding

Nemo thematic unit! You are going to be exploring different habitats

of fish and learning about where Nemo lives on the Great Barrier Reef.

You’ll use your writing skills to describe the different characters’ traits

and emotions. As a class we will adopt an underwater classroom pet

for the week and track where they travel on our very own maps. You

will all get to create your very own new character at the end of the

week after learning new skills. Throughout the week we will even get

to watch one of my favorite movies! Can you guess what it is?

You so totally rock, Squirts!

Ms. Steph

Content Areas

The chart displays the lessons and the content area that each lesson includes.

Lesson ELA Science Math Social Techno- Art & PE &

Studies logy Music Health

Traits Analysis

Shark Tracker


Nemo Math


Create Your

Statement of Technology

Technology is incorporated throughout this unit plan to engage and aid in

students' learning. The use of technology will be used to increase student engagement
through videos, interactive maps and incorporating movement into the classroom. It
also gives students the option to complete assignments on chromebooks and learn new
technological tools while doing so.
As our society continues to advance in technology and incorporate it more in
everyday life, it is important that our students learn tools that will help them succeed in
this technological world. However, it is just as important that our students not be tied to
a screen for every lesson. There are plenty of opportunities for students to learn from
and use technology but it is not incorporated into every lesson in this unit. With this
idea kept in mind that we use technology as a learning tool and to assist in students
learning but not require it is what how I planned this unit.

Statement of Efforts to Include the Arts

Art, music, physical education and health are all incorporated throughout the
unit. Art is included in multiple lessons and music will be played appropriately
throughout the day while students are working to complete their work. I have multiple
different brain breaks that are related to the unit theme that incorporate movement and
get students up out of their seats. Incorporating the arts was something important for
me and helps reach multiple learners. This also gives students a chance to explore their
creativity while completing assignments. They are able to present their ideas artistically
and be exposed to new ways of expressing their thoughts. Students will have many
opportunities to get their bodies moving in the classroom every day by incorporating
physical education. In the unit plan there are chances for the students to get out of their
seats and participate in different kinesthetic movements.

Audience and Environment

This is a second grade classroom with twenty-two students in an urban school

district. Within this classroom, there are twelve boys and ten girls. About 80% of the
students are Latinx, 15 %Black, and 5% Caucasian. The students come from middle to
low income families and two of my students are English language learners. The parental
and guardian support varies throughout the home environments. So the importance of
consistency in the classroom is something I strive for. There are many things that my
students struggle with outside of the classroom such as food insecurity, homelessness

and support. This unit was meant to bring some excitement and lower stress levels for
the students all while learning.

Classroom Environment

My classroom is welcoming and accepting to all students so in order to show

respect to each other, there are specific procedures put in place. Students have assigned
seats that are changed once a month. There are flexible seating options available instead
of standard chairs that all students have access to. Tables are arranged in groups of four
or five students to increase collaboration. Each student has a caboodle with supplies that
they use throughout the day. In the front of the classroom is a carpet space close to the
board that has marked spots where students sit to decrease clumping and provide
personal space. This area is utilized often for introduction to lessons while writing on an
anchor chart. In one corner of the room is the teacher desk/computer that has a kidney
table next to it for small group activities. Students are required to sanitize their hands
upon entering the classroom. Before snack and at lunch students will wash their hands
at the classroom sink. We have a “cool down” corner for students to take a break if they
need a moment to regulate their emotions. This corner has soft seating, cool down
buddies, sensory bottles, fidget toys and headphones.

Thematic Unit Summative Assessment

The culminating activity is a product of all previous assignments. Each previous

assignment has a finished product that students will turn in. The culminating activity
will include parts of every other assignment from the week. Students will be able to
learn from those assignments to create this final product. They will create their own new
character, describe its habitat, graph their food, create a map of its home and describe
its character traits. Students will have the freedom to create this presentation on a
poster board, prezi, powerpoint, cereal box or any other method they like as long as it
includes all aspects. When the students have finished this assignment, they will present
it in the classroom to share with each other. We will do a presentation walk to admire
the work of our classmates and see the different ways each student was able to use their

Individual Lessons

Lesson 1: Character Traits

Name: Date:
Steph Godlewski April 18, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s):

ELA 2nd

Time/ Period: 3 days Materials:

45 minutes for day one Finding Nemo movie, projector, Character Traits
36 minutes of video day one worksheet, Character Emotion worksheet, journal,
writing utensils
45 minutes for day two
36 minutes of video day two

60 minutes to finish the movie day three

Community and Classroom profile:

This is a second grade classroom with twenty-two students in an urban school district; the students are all 7
and 8. Within this classroom, there are twelve boys and ten girls. About 80% of the students are Latinx, 15
%Black, and 5% Caucasian. The students come from middle to low income families and two of my students
are English language learners.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
teacher language and “I Can” (formative and/or
with student language) summative)

Content Standards: 1. Students will be able to Formative: Students will turn

1.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.1 describe how characters in in their completed Character
Write opinion pieces in which they a story respond to major Traits worksheet to check for
introduce the topic or book they are events and challenges in a 80% accuracy.
writing about, state an opinion, story with 80% accuracy. -I
supply reasons that support the can describe how Summative: The culminating
opinion, use linking words (e.g., characters in a story activity will be at the end of the
because, and, also) to connect respond to major events week to assess.
opinion and reasons, and provide a and challenges.
concluding statement or section. 2. Students will be able to
recount an experience with
facts and details using
complete sentences with
Describe how characters in a story
80% accuracy. - I can
respond to major events and
recount an experience with
challenges. facts and details using
complete sentences.

Technology Standards

SEL Competencies 1.Students will be able to use 1.This will be formatively

1. 1.D Students demonstrate a positive communication and social assessed throughout the entire
sense of personal responsibility. skills when interacting with their lesson by watching and keeping
2. 3.B Students demonstrate peers or adults by paying attention students’ behavior in check
consideration for others and a desire when others are speaking with throughout the lesson for 100%
to positively contribute to the school zero guidance and 100% accuracy. accuracy.
and community. – I can be respectful and fully pay
attention to my peers or to adults
when they are speaking.

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous

day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

Students will know that the theme this week is based on Finding Nemo. To start off the week, we will begin
by watching the first 30 minutes of the movie. Before starting the movie, students will be instructed to pick a
character to follow during the movie for this lesson. Even though we are watching a movie, students will need
to be taking notes on their chosen character.

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing and
what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies utilized)

1. Show students the slide of the characters that they can choose from. Give them a small introduction of
those characters. (attached)
Dory: Dory is a Blue Tang fish who has memory loss.
Nemo: Nemo is a small Clownfish and is the son of Marlin.
Marlin: Marlin is Nemo’s dad who is also a Clownfish.

2. Have your paper passers hand out the Character Traits worksheet and review it. Go over the words in
the word bank asking students to define the different traits. Explain that character traits are a way to
describe different characters in a book or movie. Ask students to raise their hand and give an example
of 3 traits that you (the teacher) has. Tell students that they will be watching their character and
choosing traits that they think fit their character. Students will then provide evidence of what they
saw in the movie of their character displaying the traits they chose. Explain to students that traits can
be repeated however students must use different evidence to support each one.

3. Play the movie until 36 minutes (stop after the Anglerfish scene).

4. Allow students about 5 more minutes to finish writing up their thoughts.

5. This will complete day one of the lesson.

6. On day 2, students will be following their same character but use their Character Emotions worksheet.
Tell students that emotions are the different feelings that someone feels. Go over the words on the
word bank asking students to define the different emotions. Ask students to raise their hands and give
an example of 3 emotions that they felt already this morning. Tell students that they will be watching
their same character and choose emotions that they think they see their character display. Students
will then write evidence that they saw in the movie of their character displaying each emotion.
*emotions can be repeated however students must use different evidence to support each*

7. We will have another day of finishing the movie. Once the movie is complete, students will journal to
the prompt what they think of their character. Encourage them to use the terms from their
worksheets and write evidence on what they liked/ didn't like about the character.

Extension Activities:

If students finish early, the following are options for extensions:

Students that finish their journal entry can write their opinion on another character. What did they like about
them? What did they not like about them?

For the worksheets: students can create their own traits and emotions. They do not need to use the ones from
the bank if they can think on their own.

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.

With table partners, students will share their final thoughts on their characters. They will share what they
wrote in their journals about their characters and what they thought of the movie.

“Turn to your table partner and share what you liked about your character, what you didn't like and if you
liked the movie. Take turns sharing your thoughts.”


Whole group Individual

Differentiation Accommodation Modifications(if

s needed)

Instruction StudentReadiness/Interest/Learni Provide definitions ELL students can

Content/Activity/Produc ng Profile/Affect for the terms in the choose to work with
t/Environment; word bank so a partner that chose
students can see the same character
Product: As a whole Readiness: Students can work them during the as them. For the
class, we can do the same with a table partner on the movie. word bank, the
character so when doing worksheet and complete one to turn teacher can look up
the worksheet students in together. the words and show
can work together. the students what
they are in their
native language to
help make the
Students can move
connection between
around the room to
the terms.
complete the worksheet
where they are most


Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the lesson
to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local and/or global
cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

At the introduction, students were able to list traits and emotions of the teacher. To give students extra
practice with this, students can also list emotions that they have felt and why.


Integration of Select the appropriate For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for ISTE Educator role(s) you description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing and/or used to design digital
delivering the experiences: 2.5.a Use technology to create, adapt and personalize
lesson 1. Learner learning experiences that foster independent learning and
2. Leader accommodate learner differences and needs.
3. Citizen
4. Collaborator I created the worksheets with word banks that students can
5. Designer use if needed. The students also have the option to not use
6. Facilitator the word bank and create their own words. Both worksheets
7. Analyst and the character slide were made by me on Canva.

Student Select the appropriate For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology ISTE Student role(s) description explaining when/how the students will be in
experiences students will use: this role(s).
during the lesson 1. Empowered Learner
2. Digital Citizen N/A
3. Knowledge
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational
6. Creative
7. Global Collaborator

Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

What went well in the lesson?

What didn’t?
This is a place to reflect on what you would or would not change.

Review this slide with students to introduce the characters they

are able to choose from BEFORE watching the movie.

Lesson 2: Shark Tracker

Name: Date:
Steph Godlewski April 18, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s):

Social Studies/ Art 2nd

Time/ Period: 4 days Materials:

Day 1: 3o minutes Computer, projetor, anchor chart, map outline for each
Day 2: 15 minutes student, shark tracking worksheet for each student,
Day 3: 15 minutes coloring utensils, pencils for each student, chromebooks
Day 4: 15 minutes

Community and Classroom profile:

This is a second grade classroom with twenty-two students in an urban school district; the students are all 7
and 8. Within this classroom, there are twelve boys and ten girls. About 80% of the students are Latinx, 15
%Black, and 5% Caucasian. The students come from middle to low income families and two of my students
are English language learners.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
teacher language and “I Can” (formative and/or
with student language) summative)

Content Standards: 1. Students will be able to use 1.

cardinal directions (north, south, Formative: Students will turn
2 – G1.0.1: Construct maps of the east and west) to describe the in their maps at the end of day 4
local community that contain location of a shark/other objects to check for 70% accuracy.
symbols, labels, and legends with 70% accuracy.- I will be able
denoting human and natural to use cardinal directions to Students will turn in their
characteristics of the place. describe the location of a shark. worksheets each day to check
for 70% accuracy.
2 – G1.0.2:Use maps to describe the 2. Students will be able to draw Summative: The culminating
spatial organization of the local and label a map with 90% activity will be at the end of the
community by applying concepts accuracy. - I will be able to draw week to assess.
and label a map.

including relative location and using

distance, direction, and scale.

Technology Standards Students will be able to transfer Formative: Students will be

MiTecs/ISTE knowledge to explore emerging assessed daily as they are
1.1D Students understand the technologies with 70% accuracy. -I locating the shark.
fundamental concepts of technology will be able to transfer knowledge
operations, demonstrate the ability to explore technology.
to choose, use and troubleshoot
current technologies and are able to
transfer their knowledge to explore
emerging technologies.

SEL Competencies 1.Students will be able to use 1. This will be formatively

1. positive communication and social assessed throughout the entire
1.D Students demonstrate a sense of skills when interacting with their lesson by watching and keeping
personal responsibility. peers or adults by paying attention students’ behavior with 100%
3.B Students demonstrate when others are speaking with accuracy throughout the lesson.
consideration for others and a desire zero guidance and 100% accuracy.
to positively contribute to the school – I can be respectful and fully pay
and community. attention to my peers or to adults
when they are speaking.

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous

day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

Ask students if they have ever used or seen a map before. Explain to students that a map is a picture of a
specific area. Pull up the map of Florida from OCEARCH on the projector and show students, point out some
areas on the map. (different oceans, land, Disneyland!) Point out to students that an important part of a map
is the compass rose and that it shows the different directions. Explain that it should have 4 parts; North,
South, East and West.

Point out the different icons on the map and tell students that those are different sharks, dolphins and sea
turtles living around Florida. Let students know that we will be watching a shark for the next couple days to
see where it moves and we will be able to describe the shark's movements using directions. (This shark is
pre-picked to make sure it is still active. The website allows you to filter sharks by location, age and
activeness) Show students the shark that we will be watching (for this lesson I chose Sable) and list some of
its details.
“This is Sable, she is a female white shark and weighs about 807 lbs!” Showing the short video of sable, point
out the tracking device that allows us to see where Sable travels.

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing and
what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies utilized)

● Give students the blank map of Florida and have a blank one on an anchor chart to fill out with them.
Keep the OCEARCH website open and projected.
● Have students now open their chromebooks to OCEARCH and zoom to Florida.
● Ask students what are some things that they can label on the map
Look for answers like: water/oceans, land, directions
● Point out that the map has a compass rose that needs to be labeled. Ask for volunteers to tell you what
the different directions were. *To help students remember, tell them the mnemonic device “Never Eat
Soggy Waffles. Explain that the letters in the beginning of these words correspond with the letters of
the directions in clockwise order.
● To get deeper into cardinal directions, ask students to point to South on their map, then show them
on your map. Repeat this and use the other directions to get students used to them.
● As a class, label the compass rose, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean and any other ideas
they come up with.
● Now zoom in on where Sable’s last “zing” was on OCEARCH. Point this out to students and zoom out
to see the location around Florida’s coast. Instruct students to do the same.
● Ask a student to come up to your anchor chart and point where they think Sable is.
● Have the student draw a dot on your anchor chart and label it with the date. Instruct students to do
the same on their worksheets. Ask the class cardinal direction questions…
○ If Sable wanted to swim to shore, what direction would she swim from her last zing?
○ If Sable wanted to swim North, what way would she swim?
○ If Sable was hungry and wanted food that was over here (point to a spot), what direction
would she swim?
● Students will then fill out the Shark Tracking Worksheet where they will answer questions about the
direction Sable has traveled using “North, South, East and West”. They will also be asked to draw
different things according to directions. Students will only complete the questions for the day they are
● You will repeat this for the next 3 days. Pulling up the map on your screen and have
students follow along.

Extension Activities:

Students that finish the Shark Tracking Worksheet early can access OCEARCH to look and track other
animals such as sharks, dolphins and sea turtles.

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.

At the end of day 4, after we have tracked Sable 4 times, we will review her swim path. Instruct students to
follow along as we zoom out and show all of Sables swim history. Have a discussion on where she started and
the direction that she went encouraging the use of cardinal directions. Talk to students about why they think
Sable traveled the way she did.


Whole group Individual

Differentiation Accommodation Modifications(if

s needed)

Instruction StudentReadiness/Interest/Learni Students that need

Content/Activity/Produc ng Profile/Affect extra time to
t/Environment; complete can turn
in the final
Product: We can Readiness: Students can work worksheet the next
complete just the anchor with a table partner on the day after working
chart instead of worksheet and complete on to turn one on one with the
individual maps and in together. teacher during free
answer the direction time.
questions together as a Interest: If the teacher knows that
whole group. students like dolphins or sea turtles
For ELL students, I
more, we can track one of those
will have key terms
Environment: instead of a shark. translated in native
Students can move language. (North,
around the room to South, East, West)
complete the worksheet
where they are most


Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the lesson
to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local and/or global
cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

Before the lesson, I will ask students what they know about sharks. Have they ever seen a shark before?
Where do sharks live? What do they eat? Could they have a shark as a pet?


Integration of Select the appropriate For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for ISTE Educator role(s) you description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing and/or used to design digital
delivering the experiences: Using the OCEARCh website, I modeled for students what
Lesson 1. Learner to do in order to locate and follow the shark. This was
2. Leader supporting students' learning and growth with using
3. Citizen technology.
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student Select the appropriate For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology ISTE Student role(s) description explaining when/how the students will be in
experiences students will use: this role(s).
during the lesson 1. Empowered Learner
2. Digital Citizen Students followed along on the website all while choosing
3. Knowledge operations and recording their knowledge on to a
Constructor map/worksheet.
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational
6. Creative
7. Global Collaborator

Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

What went well in the lesson?

What didn’t?
This is a place to reflect on what you would or would not change.

Lesson 3: Finding Goldfish

Name: Date:
Steph Godlewski April 17, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s):

Math 2nd

Time/ Period: Materials: Goldfish worksheet, coloring supplies, big

30 minutes box of color goldfish, white board, dry erase markers

Community and Classroom profile:

This is a second grade classroom with twenty-two students in an urban school district; the students are all 7
and 8. Within this classroom, there are twelve boys and ten girls. About 80% of the students are Latinx, 15
%Black, and 5% Caucasian. The students come from middle to low income families and two of my students
are English language learners.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
teacher language and “I Can” (formative and/or
with student language) summative)

Content Standards: 1. 1.
1.. CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.D.10 Students will be able to analyze Formative: The “Finding
Draw a picture graph and a bar graph data with a graph to answer simple Goldfish” worksheet will be
(with single-unit scale) to represent a put together, take apart, and turned in at the end of class
data set with up to four categories. compare questions with 90%
Solve simple put-together, accuracy. -I can analyze data with Summative: The culminating
take-apart, and compare problems a graph to answer simple put activity will be at the end of the
using information presented in a bar together, take apart and compare week to assess.
graph. questions.

Technology Standards 1. 1.

SEL Competencies Students will be able to use This will be formatively

1. 1.D Students demonstrate a sense positive communication and social assessed throughout the entire
of personal responsibility. skills when interacting with their lesson with 100% accuracy by
peers or adults by paying attention watching and keeping students’
when others are speaking with behavior in check throughout
zero guidance and 100% accuracy. the lesson.
-I can use positive communication
and social skills when interacting
with peers by paying attention.

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous

day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

Students will have previous knowledge on creating vertical bar graphs. To begin, students will sit on the
carpet by the white board, the teacher will draw a bar graph on the white board and grab a handful of goldfish
about 12-15. Tell the students that today we are going to be graphing the different colors of the goldfish
Ask students what the different colors of the fish are (orange, green and red). Tell/show students that you are
going to sort the different fish by colors.
Ask students to raise their hand and tell you what is missing from your bar graph.
Answers to be looking for: How many/numbers, title and what we are measuring.
When a student gives you the correct answer, ask another student where that would go on the graph and
write it in the correct spot.
For how many/numbers make dashes 1-15 and label it “how many”. For the title, label Colors of Goldfish. For
what’s being measured write green, red, orange and label “what’s being measured”.
Create a bar graph to represent the data that you have using different color markers to represent the different
color fish.
Ask students the following questions about your graph.
· What color do I have the most of? Right, how do you know?
· How many ___ fish do I have? Where do you see that?
· How many more ___ fish do I have than ___ fish?
· If I trade in my ___ fish for ___ fish, how many ___ fish would I have total?
· If I don’t like ___ fish and I want to throw them away, how many would I need to throw away?

Once students are comfortable answering questions like these, have them return to their seats. Have your
paper passers pass out the worksheet and give each a cup of 15 goldfish (have these already counted out).

Brain Break:baby-shark

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing and
what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies utilized)

Let students know that they are going to be creating their own bar graph now. Let them know that they will
have different data than you did and different than their table members. Remind students to label their graph
and leave your example on the board for students to refer back to.

Students can use colored pencils, markers or crayons to color in their bar graphs the same color as their fish.
*Once students show you their completed graph they can eat their goldfish and work on the rest of the
When students have completed their graph they will answer the 5 questions about their data.

Extension Activities:

For students that complete the worksheet early, have 3 tricky questions written on the board.
1. If you added 8 purple goldfish, how many goldfish would I have all together?
2. If you dropped 2 green goldfish on the floor and then got 4 more red goldfish how many red would
you have?

If you added 6 orange goldfish, which color would have the most?

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.

As students are wrapping up, they can color in the picture of Nemo and Dory. I will ask students to volunteer
to share their graphs and answers that they have. I will thank those students for sharing and have everyone
that completed theirs to turn in their work to the worksheet bin.


Whole group Individual

Differentiation Accommodation Modifications(if

s needed)

Instruction StudentReadiness/Interest/Learni Students can

Content/Activity/Produc ng Profile/Affect verbally answer the
t/Environment; questions rather
Readiness: Students can work than writing them
Product: As a whole with a table partner on the down.
class, we can do the worksheet and complete on to turn Students that need
worksheet together with in together. extra time to
one data set. complete can turn
in the assignment
Activity: I can count out the next day.
the same color fish for
the activity beforehand
so that all students will
Students with a
have the same answers
learning disability
on the worksheet.
can answer 2 of the
5 questions instead
of the full 5.
Students can move
around the room to
complete the worksheet
where they are most


Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the lesson
to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local and/or global
cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

I will ask students questions to see what they know about goldfish. Have you ever seen a goldfish before?
Has anyone had a pet goldfish? What do they know about goldfish?


Integration of Select the appropriate For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for ISTE Educator role(s) you description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing and/or used to design digital
delivering the experiences: I designed the Finding Goldfish worksheet on Canva with
Lesson 1. Learner students' needs in mind. Students have previous graph
2. Leader knowledge but have struggled with creating the bars, this
3. Citizen worksheet is intended to work on that skill more.
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student Select the appropriate For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology ISTE Student role(s) description explaining when/how the students will be in
experiences students will use: this role(s).
during the lesson 1. Empowered Learner
2. Digital Citizen N/A
3. Knowledge
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational
6. Creative
7. Global Collaborator

Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

What went well in the lesson?

What didn’t?
This is a place to reflect on what you would or would not change.

Lesson 4 : Comparing Ecosystems

Name: Date:
Steph Godlewski April 18, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s):

Science/ELA 2nd Grade

Time/ Period: Materials:

45 minutes Projector, teacher laptop, ecosystems worksheets for
each student, journals

Community and Classroom profile:

This is a second grade classroom with twenty-two students in an urban school district; the students are all 7
and 8. Within this classroom, there are twelve boys and ten girls. About 80% of the students are Latinx, 15 %
Black, and 5% Caucasian. The students come from middle to low income families and two of my students are
English language learners.

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
teacher language and “I Can” (formative and/or
with student language) summative)

Content Standards: 1. 1.
1. Students can make observations Formative: Students will turn
2-LS4 of plants and animals to compare in their journals to check for
Make observations of plants and different ecosystems with 70% completeness with 80%
animals to compare the diversity of life accuracy. -I can make accuracy.
in different habitats. observations of plants and animals
to compare different ecosystems. Summative: The culminating
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.8 activity will be at the end of the
Recall information from experiences or week to assess.
gather information from provided
Students can recall information
sources to answer a question.
from sources to answer a
compare/contrast question with
85% accuracy. - I can recall
information from sources to
answer compare/contrast

Technology Standards 1.Students will be able to use 1. Students who choose to

MiTecs/ISTE appropriate platforms and tools on complete this viz
1.6.a: Students choose the their Chromebook to complete chromebook due to
appropriate platforms and their journal with 80% accuracy.- I accommodation the
tools for meeting the desired can use appropriate platforms and assignment will be
objectives of their creation or tools on my chromebook to checked for
communication. complete my journal. understanding as a
formative assessment.

SEL Competencies 1.Students can demonstrate 1.This will be formatively

1. responsibility for themselves as assessed throughout the entire
1D: Demonstrate a sense of personal well as honesty and integrity with lesson by watching interactions
responsibility. 100% accuracy.- I can show with others at 100% accuracy
2B: Demonstrate honesty and responsibility, honest and integrity throughout the lesson.
integrity. in the classroom.

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous

day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

(After watching the full movie) “Class, can anyone remember what type of home Nemo lives in?” An
anemone! “A sea anemone is a real living animal that can be found in the Great Barrier Reef. Today we are
going to be seeing what it looks like in real life by taking a field trip there. It's going to be a virtual field trip
because the Great Barrier Reef is on the other side of the world. After our field trip, we are going to compare
or contrast the ecosystem of the GBR to another ecosystem.”

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing and
what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies utilized)

Play virtual field trip video.

Instruct students to write in their journals three different organisms that they see during the video.

Tell students that they are going to be comparing or contrasting (their choice) the Great Barrier Reef to one
of the other ecosystems. Pull up the google doc to show them the different habitats. They will choose one of
the options shown in the doc, not all three.

As a class, walk through each habitat.

Desert: “In a desert, it doesn't rain often, sometimes only 10 inches per year. (show students a ruler of 10 in)
Some animals that live here are camels, antelope, scorpions and armadillos (showing pictures). Because of
how little it rains, there are only certain kinds of plants that can live here too. Has anyone ever seen a cactus

Forrest: “This is something that living in Michigan we are more likely to see. Some animals that live here are
deer, squirrels, bears and raccoons. Some plants that I'm sure all of you have seen before that are in a forest
are pines, oak, and poison ivy.”

River: “This is a picture of a river, does anyone know the big river that we have in our city? This is like the
Grand River that we have here. There are fish, beavers, frogs and ducks that all live here. Some plants that we
might see are lily pads, cattails and there are probably rocks in it too.”

Tell students to pick one of the ecosystems and then compare or contrast it to the Great Barrier Reef. They
can include the different animals or plants that live in each. Or they can talk about the visual appearance of
the two. Instruct students to write a paragraph about the things that they noticed in each. Give students
about 15 minutes to write in their journals. Keep the image up of the different habitats for students to
reference back to.

Extension Activities:

If students finish early and others are still working, instruct them to do the opposite of what they chose to
write about. If they chose to compare ecosystems, they should now contrast them.

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.

When students start finishing up, ask students to give examples from each ecosystem that they noticed had
similarities to the BGR. Have students raise their hands to point out what they saw. Do the same with things
they noticed were different between them.


Whole group Individual

Differentiation Accommodation Modifications(if

s needed)

Instruction StudentReadiness/Interest/Learni Students that need

Content/Activity/Produc ng Profile/Affect extra time to
t/Environment; complete can turn
in the final
Activity: Students can Readiness: Students can work worksheet the next
complete their journal with a table partner on their journal day after working
entry on google and talk about what they noticed one on one with the
classroom instead of but complete their own journals. teacher during free
their journals. time.
Learning Profile: Students can
Environment: complete their journal entry via ELL students that
Students can move chromebooks or recording their are struggling with
around the room to voices. writing can use talk
complete their journal to text on their
where they are most chromebooks to
comfortable. complete the


Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the lesson
to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local and/or global
cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

During the lesson, I gave students examples of ecosystems that they most likely have seen before in Michigan
(river or forest). They were also introduced to different ecosystems through videos and pictures to connect
those to what they have been watching in the unit movie.


Integration of Select the appropriate For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for ISTE Educator role(s) you description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing and/or used to design digital
delivering the experiences: I created the slides that the students will be using to
Lesson 1. Learner compare the different ecosystems using Canva website.
2. Leader
3. Citizen
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student Select the appropriate For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology ISTE Student role(s) description explaining when/how the students will be in
experiences students will use: this role(s).
during the lesson 1. Empowered Learner
2. Digital Citizen
3. Knowledge Students that have the option to complete this assignment
Constructor using chromebooks on google classroom. A specific
4. Innovative Designer accommodation is talk to text which students can use to
5. Computational complete their journal entry.
6. Creative
7. Global Collaborator

Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

What went well in the lesson?

What didn’t?
This is a place to reflect on what you would or would not change.

Lesson 5: Crush’s Compound Words

Name: Date:
Steph Godlewski April 17, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s):

ELA, Art 2nd

Time/ Period: Materials:

Day 1: 45 minutes Sea turtle puzzle packet for every pair, compound word
Day 2: 30 minutes worksheet, anchor chart, paper plates, green paper,
crayons, scissors, glue sticks, googly eyes, word cards

Community and Classroom profile:

This is a second grade classroom with twenty-two students in an urban school district; the students are all 7
and 8. Within this classroom, there are twelve boys and ten girls. About 80% of the students are Latinx, 15
%Black, and 5% Caucasian. The students come from middle to low income families and two of my students
are English language learners.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
teacher language and “I Can” (formative and/or
with student language) summative)

Content Standards: 1. 1.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.4.d Students can use parts of a Formative: Students will turn
Use knowledge of the meaning of compound word to determine the in their completed worksheet to
individual words to predict the meaning of the word with 90% check for understanding. They
meaning of compound words (e.g., accuracy. will also turn in their completed
birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; I can use parts of a compound turtle compound on day 2.
bookshelf, notebook, bookmark). word to determine the meaning of
the word. Summative: Students will
complete the culminating
S1.5.2)Performs a teacher and/or Students can perform a rhythmic project at the end of the week.
student-designed activity with 100% accuracy.

rhythmic activity with correct Students can use a variety of

response to simple rhythms. materials and techniques to create.

ART VA I 2 1:Identify and use

various materials and techniques
using a sequential process.

Technology Standards 1. 1.

SEL Competencies 1.Student will be able to 1. This will formatively be

1. 3A:Demonstrate awareness of demonstrate that they are aware of assessed throughout the
other people emotions. others emotions with 100% entire lesson.
accuracy. -I can show that I
understand other people have
emotions different than my own.

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous

day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

(Students will have previous knowledge on compound words and this activity)
Invite students to sit on the carpet area to have a clear view of the anchor sheet. In the center of the anchor
chart draw a large raindrop. Tell students we are going to be working on breaking apart and putting together
compound words. Remind students that compound words are words that are made up of 2 different words to
create a new word and meaning.

Ask students to raise their hands to volunteer a word that we could add to “rain” to create a new word. As
students give examples, write them inside of the raindrop. Write them as separate words and then again as a
whole word: rain + drop = raindrop
Examples could be: raindrop, rainbow, rainstorm, raincoat, rainforest

Brain break: Play the jellyfish dance on GoNoodle. Before going back to their desk, ask them to show you
how a jellyfish moves their tentacles. Instruct students to swim back to their desks the way a jellyfish would
and not sting anyone on the way there.

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing and
what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies utilized)

Day 1:
Tell students that they are going to be practicing making these compound words on their own. Students will
work with their table partners to match turtle shells together to create words.
**One turtle shell will have a piece of a compound word and another shell will have another piece.
EX: turtle one: snow turtle two:man; when the students put them together they get snowman
As students match the words together they will write them down on their Crush Worksheet (attached) in the
blank spaces.

Day 2:
After completing the compound matching the previous day students will now work on their own as I model
the art portion. Each student will grab one paper plate, one or two pieces of green paper, 2 googly eyes and
they will already have a glue stick/scissors/crayons in their seat caboodle.
● I will show students to cut a half circle, 4 longer rectangles, one short rectangle and multiple circles or
squares. Show each step by step.
● I will show students then where they should be gluing these to their paper plates to create their turtle.
As well as their eyes.

I will then give each student a word card. EX: rain, sun, hair, jelly, hot
Each student will then write that word on the left half of their turtle shell. They will then need to write
another word on the right side of the turtle shell to complete a compound word.

Extension Activities:

As students start finishing up their words, they can use crayons or more pieces of paper to decorate their
turtle more.

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.

When students are finished, we will hang our turtles in the classroom and do an art walk to admire
everyone's turtles. As we are doing this, I will point out a few of the compound words that students have


Whole group Individual

Differentiation Accommodation Modifications(if

s needed)

Instruction StudentReadiness/Interest/Learni For students that

Content/Activity/Produc ng Profile/Affect are struggling with
t/Environment; using scissors, I will
Readiness: I can have all of the have their shapes.
Content: Students can pieces of paper with dotted lines for
choose to not have a students to follow while cutting. For ELL students, I
word card and choose will have a sheet of
their own compound translated words
words on their own. that they will see in
the matching game.
Activity: Students can
be given two word cards
instead of one to create
compound words.

Product: Students can

turn in one worksheet
with their compound
words with both
students' names on it.


Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the lesson
to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local and/or global
cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

We have already seen sea turtles in the movie during the week but as we are working on the art portion. I can
ask students where other turtles live. Have students ever seen them in Michigan? Does anyone have one as a


Integration of Select the appropriate For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for ISTE Educator role(s) you description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing and/or used to design digital
delivering the experiences: I played this role as designer because I created the
Lesson 1. Learner worksheet on Canva, created the matching turtle cards on
2. Leader canva as well.
3. Citizen
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student Select the appropriate For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology ISTE Student role(s) description explaining when/how the students will be in
experiences students will use: this role(s).
during the lesson 1. Empowered Learner
2. Digital Citizen N/A
3. Knowledge
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational
6. Creative
7. Global Collaborator

Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

What went well in the lesson?

What didn’t?
This is a place to reflect on what you would or would not change.

The matching cards will look like this, two separate cards that when put together create
a compound word.

Culminating Lesson

Name: Date:
Steph Godlewski April 17, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s):

Culminating 2nd

Time/ Period: Materials:

45 minutes one day crayons/markers, paper plates, craft paper, googly eyes,
60 minutes day two scissors, glue, stapler, Finding Goldfish worksheet,
projector, Shark Tracker worksheet + map, Character
Traits worksheet, Character Emotion worksheet,
Journal, poster board

Community and Classroom profile:

This is a second grade classroom with twenty-two students in an urban school district; the students are all 7
and 8. Within this classroom, there are twelve boys and ten girls. About 80% of the students are Latinx, 15
%Black, and 5% Caucasian. The students come from middle to low income families and two of my students
are English language learners.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both ABCD with Appropriate Assessment(s)
teacher language and “I Can” (formative and/or
with student language) summative)

Content Standards: 1. 1.
ART VA I 2 2: Demonstrate the safe Student can show a safe use to This will be assessed
use of a variety of materials, tools, materials and environmental throughout the two days as the
and processes with environmental awareness with 100% accuracy.- I teacher walks around the
awareness. can show a safe use of materials in classroom.
my surrounding environment.
information from experiences or Students can gather information This will be assessed when the
gather information from provided from provided sources to answer a students complete their projects
sources to answer a question question with 90% accuracy. - I and are presenting to their
can answer a question from classmates.
information in a source.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3: Students can describe how This will be assessed when the
Describe how characters in a story characters in a story respond to students complete their projects
respond to major events and events with 90% accuracy.- I can and are presenting to their
challenges. describe how characters respond classmates.
to events.
Draw a picture graph and a bar graph Students can draw a bar graph to This will be assessed when the
(with single-unit scale) to represent a represent a data set with up to students complete their projects
data set with up to four categories. four categories with 95% and turn them in.
Solve simple put-together, accuracy.- I can draw a bar graph
take-apart, and compare problems to represent a data set with 4
using information presented in a bar categories.

G1.0.1: Construct maps of the local Students can make maps that
community that contain symbols, contain symbols, labels and
labels, and legends denoting human legends with 90% accuracy.-I can
and natural characteristics of the make a map with symbols, labels
place. and legends.
2-LS4: Make observations of plants
Students can make observations of
and animals to compare the diversity
plants and animals to compare life
of life in different habitats.
of different habitats with 90%
accuracy.-I can make observations
of plants and animals to compare
life of different habitats.

Technology Standards 1. 1.

SEL Competencies 1.Students can play a 1.This will be assessed as the

5C. Play a developmentally developmental role in the teacher is walking through the
appropriate role in classroom classroom management and classroom while the teachers are
management and positive school positive school climate with 100% working on their projects.
climate accuracy. - I can play a role in
keeping a positive school climate.
4A. Use positive communication and
social skills to interact effectively Students can positively
with others communicate and use social skills
to interact with 100% accuracy.-I
can positively communicate and
interact with others.

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous

day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

Let students know that they are going to be creating their own new character that could fit into the movie
Finding Nemo. They can present this character however they would like, some options I would give them are
poster board, cereal box or prezzi. Their presentation should include…
● The image of the character
● A description of the characters traits and emotions
● A description of its habitat using at least one compound word
● A bar graph of what food it eats
● A labeled map showing where it lives

As a class we will walk through each section of the presentation before moving on to another.
Instruct students to grab their folders with their work from this week and keep at their desk because we will
be using items that they have previously completed.

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing and
what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies utilized)

Day one:
Students will begin by creating a new character, they can choose to draw it out or use paper plates like we did
with the turtle to create their character. (15 minutes)

I will have a poster board available for students to use but if they choose to use a different way to present (like
a shoe or cereal box) they would be instructed to bring one from home the previous day.

Instruct students to attach their new character to their presenting option with glue or stapler. Then using
their Finding Goldfish worksheet, students will create a bar graph using the same data but changing the
colors of fish to different food their character eats. Instruct them that the food can be whatever they choose.
Have the question “What food do they eat MOST of and What food do they eat least of?” written on the board
for students to include next to their graph. Write out what should be included in their graph on the board. (15
● Name of graph
● Number labels
● Food labels

Pull up the map of Australia on the projector. Instruct students to draw a map of where their character lives,
students have previous knowledge of where the Great Barrier Reef is and that is where Nemo lives. Write on
the board what should be included on their map.

● Compass rose including cardinal directions

● Point out where their character lives
● Name of map
Students can refer back to their Shark Tracker worksheet and map to help them with labels. Write the
question “What direction would your character need to go if they wanted to go to land?” on the board for
students to answer on their presentation. (15 minutes)

Day two:
Students will describe their character using 3 emotions and 3 traits. The description should be a few short
sentences. Students can use their Character Emotion and Character Traits worksheet to help them find words
to describe their character. Write on the board what is required for this section so students can refer back. “3
emotions” and “3 traits” (15 minutes)

Students will then describe the habitat that their character lives in. They need to include one compound word
in these sections. For this, students can refer back to their journal entries on ecosystems and their Crush’s
Compound word worksheet if needed. Write one the board what is required for this section. “One compound
word”Instruct students to include different animals or plants that they might see in this habitat. Remind
students of the virtual field trip that we took to the Great Barrier Reef. (15 minutes)

Allow students 15 extra minutes to work on other sections that they want to add anything to. During this
time, students should be looking over every section to see if they missed anything. This time can be used for
decorating their character more as well. Ask questions to have students check their presentation.
● Does your character have a name?
● Is everything labeled? The graph and map?
● Is your name on your presentation?

Extension Activities:

As students are finishing up their presentations, they have worked hard on everything this past week so they
can have free time to color. I have printed out a few different Nemo coloring pages that they can choose from.
Students are expected to be mindful of their classmates and not distract them while the are finishing up their

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.

Students will present their character to the class during a short presentation. They will be asked to share 2
things about their character to the class, this can be anything they choose to share.


Whole group Individual

Differentiation Accommodation Modifications(if

s needed)

Instruction StudentReadiness/Interest/Learni
Content/Activity/Produc ng Profile/Affect ELL students have
t/Environment; the option to work
with a partner.
Product: Students have Learning profile: Students that
the option to present this like to collaborate with others can They can also be
in any way they choose be given this option. This is also a provided with
such as poster board, time where I can request a parapro words translated for
cereal box, or google to come into the classroom for more them to help with
slides. assistance. the writing portion.

Environment: ANother option for

Students who like to Students can use the talk to text ELL students is the
work in a quieter area feature to complete their writing talk to text feature
have the option to wear portion of the presentation. on their
headphones to help chromebooks. If
drown out the sound of they choose to do a
others. hands on
presentation they
Content: Students that can also mix it with
would like to take this a virtual so they can
home to work on can be have the talk to text
given a sheet that feature.
includes everything that
is needed in the
presentation. Students
can also just be given this
sheet if they like to have
it close by.


Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the lesson
to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local and/or global
cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

There are many different options that students were given for this final activity to let them be creative in
their own ways. The materials available for them are a variety of tools in hope that not one presentation looks
like another.


Integration of Select the appropriate For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for ISTE Educator role(s) you description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing and/or used to design digital
delivering the experiences: There were multiple things that needed to be presented to
Lesson 1. Learner students during this assignment via google slides in order to
2. Leader complete this project.
3. Citizen
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student Select the appropriate For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology ISTE Student role(s) description explaining when/how the students will be in
experiences students will use: this role(s).
during the lesson 1. Empowered Learner
2. Digital Citizen N/A
3. Knowledge
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational
6. Creative
7. Global Collaborator

Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

What went well in the lesson?

What didn’t?
This is a place to reflect on what you would or would not change.

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